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Thread: No Muscle Loss Without Hcg And Clomid

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    B.C. Vancouver

    No Muscle Loss Without Hcg And Clomid

    Although I wouldnt think about not taking hcg and clomid after my cycles, there was I time that I didnt know any better. I didnt know you had to use these items after a cycle.

    One thing that stands out in my mind looking back though, is that I never really lost any of my gains. Sure, a couple of pounds lost was water, but other than that, nothing. The cycle was: 500 mg sust/week
    300 mg prop/week
    200 mg winny/week
    30 mg dbol/day

    I did notice a crash in libido for about a month but was able to have sex carefree after that. Does anyone have any ideas as to why I didnt lose my gains? I know quite a few big guys that have been juicing for years and it blows my away that NONE of them use any post cycle therapy drugs! They tell me that the body has been already been put through enough "stress" and that adding more drugs like HCG and Clomid just confuse the body even more.

    I dont understand that answer but they seem to be fine on our off the juice and I have never heard any of them complain in the 3 years that I have known them.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    The city where dreams are
    if you decide to do another cycle make sure you have clomid after, im not really sure how long it takes to get your natural test levels back to normal but I heard it could take up to six months w/o clomid. also, im not sure what you mean when you say your body gets confused when you take clomid or hcg. it sounds like you might need to do a little more research when it comes to ancilleries.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    B.C. Vancouver
    Quote Originally Posted by poppapump58
    if you decide to do another cycle make sure you have clomid after, im not really sure how long it takes to get your natural test levels back to normal but I heard it could take up to six months w/o clomid. also, im not sure what you mean when you say your body gets confused when you take clomid or hcg. it sounds like you might need to do a little more research when it comes to ancilleries.
    I already mentioned that I DO USE CLOMID and HCG. I was referrring to what the other guys were NOT doing. I didnt understand their reasoning for NOT taking HCG or Clomid. Can someone explain why these guys woudlnt take post cycle therapy drugs?

    Now that you brought it up though...there was a post in which someone mentioned CLOMID was NOT needed but that HCG was much more important in restarting your own test levels, YET hardly anyone here perscribes HCG to newbies. Why is that?

    by the way poppa, before you tell me to research something that I AM TAKING try reading my post a little better...I did research it. That is why it made sense to go with HCG and clomid this time round...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    All I can say is pure luck. A guy at my gym uses high amounts of test, ad when bulking, and high doses of EQ, Deca, Winny when cutting but the stupid son of a bitch is too ignorant to use any post cycle drugs and normally loses all his gains.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    I disagree. I never used clomid and I look the biggest in gym. I lost like 10lbs of what weight and fat but my muscle look way bigger and defined then before the cycle. I think clomid is for massive cycles. for a person who is doing small cycle like 200 mg of deca and 200mg of test do not need clomid. Deca for example at 200 mg will give you good gains and does not require clomid. The gains are still with me after 8 months. Why do people do massive cycle anyways. if you do your workout right and eat like a monster alittle dosage is good enough and that is from experience. what do u expect from a cycle of 10 weeks anyways 20 lbs? I gained 25 lbs. and kept 15 lbs.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    well, i know plenty of guys who have gained 25 and kept it all because of clomid on first cycles. thats why. besides, hcg is NOT needed for post cycle recovery, it is not an anti e, and while it stimulates natrual test production once the drug is stopped you are back to square one.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Keeping muscle is not the only reason to do post cycle therapy. It also has to do with trying to normalize body functions as quickly as possible. Lots of people go big prior to nolvadex and clomid but it is much easier and better for you to recover. Why someone wouldn't want to do this is completely beyond me. People recover from infections without antibiotics but I wouldn't recommend not getting them. By the way recovery is going to continue to get harder without post cycle therapy the older you get. Trust me on this one.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    The Bean
    nice avatar man

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    I don't think anyone can keep all 25 lbs? that is not possible. What about the water weight?

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