Although I wouldnt think about not taking hcg and clomid after my cycles, there was I time that I didnt know any better. I didnt know you had to use these items after a cycle.
One thing that stands out in my mind looking back though, is that I never really lost any of my gains. Sure, a couple of pounds lost was water, but other than that, nothing. The cycle was: 500 mg sust/week
300 mg prop/week
200 mg winny/week
30 mg dbol/day
I did notice a crash in libido for about a month but was able to have sex carefree after that. Does anyone have any ideas as to why I didnt lose my gains? I know quite a few big guys that have been juicing for years and it blows my away that NONE of them use any post cycle therapy drugs! They tell me that the body has been already been put through enough "stress" and that adding more drugs like HCG and Clomid just confuse the body even more.
I dont understand that answer but they seem to be fine on our off the juice and I have never heard any of them complain in the 3 years that I have known them.