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Thread: Dialing in adex

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    Dialing in adex

    This is my fifth week of 600mg test E ew. I have been taking 0.25 MG adex eod since the start. I did a blood test for estradiol Wednesday, 14 hours after taking adex and my result was <19 pmol/L, the test obviously doesn't show results below 19. But anyway I guess this is to low, because off cycle my estradiol was at 104 pmol/L. Reference value is <160 pmol/L.

    Where do I go from here? Adex 0.25 e3d? Twice a week? How long on my new dosage before I take bloods again?

    Edit: 19 pmol/L equals roughly 5 pg/mL

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    NC Highlands
    Decreasing dosage and frequency should diminish its effect on your estradiol. I take mine e3d, been doing that for 9 months. It might help to do it like this: day1 test, day 2 Adex, day3 HCG. NIH says half life of Anastrozole (Arimidex) is 50 hours in post-menopausal women. Male hormone related sites say it is 6 days. It is done through the kidneys. It seems to me that males would excrete it faster than females being that it is done through the, I gotta think that it has to be less than 50 hours. Therefore, Taking it on separate days from the test would allow it to counteract the test that you have just taken.
    The goal (as in all things) would be to reduce Adex dosage to it's lowest effective dosage.

  3. #3
    The half life of adex is about 3 days so if you lower your dosage to .25mg every 3rd day, you should be fine. That's a 33% reduction in dose. I would give yourself at least a couple of weeks before you draw blood again. How do you feel? If you've crashed your E2, you'll feel terrible and you'll know it. If you're @ .25mg every 3rd day, I wouldn't worry about it unless you start to feel bad. If you're good at .25mg/eod, I would think you'd be fine at .25mg every 3rd day.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    I have anxiety, paranoid, tired and I feel dry as hell. My libido is good though and good morning wood.

    Do I need to stay of adex for a while to let the e2 levels rise up again before I start the new protocol?

  5. #5
    If you're feeling terrible. I'd stop taking adex and when you feel better start with a .25mg/e3d or .25mg/e4d.

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