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Thread: Cholesterol Management

  1. #1
    KurtMiles's Avatar
    KurtMiles is offline Junior Member
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    Cholesterol Management

    I have seen this thread lightly touched on in several spots, but there doesn't seem to be much interest or a whole lot of dialogue on it. And I understand it: I didn't give a flying flip about cholesterol until I happened to get my checked during a routine exam and it was pretty high, at least it seems like it.

    For some back story, I'm 6'0 about 220, probably around 18-20% BF. That's a little higher than I'd like, but I am in the sixth or seventh week of weekly 500mg Test C and 50mg per day Dianabol , as well as .25mg ADex EOD, which I have read suppresses HDL. I am taking fish oil and NAC, and my diet is fairly clean. I eat a shit load of fiber, because I like how regular it keeps me.

    My HDL was 15, LDL was 239.

    My question to you AAS vets (3rd cycle for me) is how high is this, really, and what are my management options, outside of RX statins? Is there anything else I could be doing to manage this, orate those levels nothing to be too concerned about and just monitor it when I come off cycle to ensure it returns to more normal levels? Is this just a cost of doing business?

    Looking forward to hearing your opinions.

  2. #2
    henryjames is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by KurtMiles View Post
    I have seen this thread lightly touched on in several spots, but there doesn't seem to be much interest or a whole lot of dialogue on it. And I understand it: I didn't give a flying flip about cholesterol until I happened to get my checked during a routine exam and it was pretty high, at least it seems like it.

    For some back story, I'm 6'0 about 220, probably around 18-20% BF. That's a little higher than I'd like, but I am in the sixth or seventh week of weekly 500mg Test C and 50mg per day Dianabol , as well as .25mg ADex EOD, which I have read suppresses HDL. I am taking fish oil and NAC, and my diet is fairly clean. I eat a shit load of fiber, because I like how regular it keeps me.

    My HDL was 15, LDL was 239.

    My question to you AAS vets (3rd cycle for me) is how high is this, really, and what are my management options, outside of RX statins? Is there anything else I could be doing to manage this, orate those levels nothing to be too concerned about and just monitor it when I come off cycle to ensure it returns to more normal levels? Is this just a cost of doing business?

    Looking forward to hearing your opinions.
    Add Niacin into your regimen. Great OTC medication to increase HDL levels.

  3. #3
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    If your HDL is down to 15 now then in reality it was probably low (just not that low) before the cycle as well. Good advice from henry above but be sure to make it Slo-Niacin for best results. You may find this thread of interest as well:

    Using Niacin to Improve Cardiovascular Health | Life Extension
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  4. #4
    KurtMiles's Avatar
    KurtMiles is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    If your HDL is down to 15 now then in reality it was probably low (just not that low) before the cycle as well. Good advice from henry above but be sure to make it Slo-Niacin for best results. You may find this thread of interest as well:

    Using Niacin to Improve Cardiovascular Health | Life Extension
    Thanks brother. I'm thinking once I come off the DBol in the next few days and add in some niacin, it should get a bit better. I'm getting my mid-cycle bloods done next week as far as T levels go, I'll probably recheck lipids in a few weeks too.

  5. #5
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    I'd suggest Fish Oil as well Kurt.
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  6. #6
    petemitchell30 is offline Associate Member
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    I believe that any oral or tren will put your cholesterol in the least it does mine. I can mitigate the damage somewhat with sloNiacin and fish oil, but even then my cholesterol is not good.

    I tried red yeast rice, but it (I can't remember exactly what is in it that makes it act like, or even if it actually contains a statin) made me feel as if I had the flu so I discontinued it.

    I'm to the point now where I just stay away from orals and tren.

  7. #7
    charger69's Avatar
    charger69 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    How much fish oil are you taking?

  8. #8
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    your first concern was that your total cholesterol is too high (yes anabolics will lower your good HDL cholesterol).. if your really worried about high cholesterol impacting your health negatively , then you need to go back for blood work and request a cholesterol particle size test . particle size and type is the real determining factor on wither your high cholesterol will negatively effect you or contribute to heart disease . this will ease your mind or tell you you have a real concern . best to know for sure so go get the test.

    on a side note , a ketogenic diet has been shown to positively effect cholesterol in many people and lower inflammation. If your doc does the new test and thinks you have real problems and wants to put you on statins, then try Keto for 5 weeks first
    gymffiti likes this.

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