11-04-2017, 03:08 PM #1
Roidmass, evolutionary.org, and scammers - advice from newbie to other newbies
Hey guys - wanted to share an experience so that others like me, that are new to this world, can understand a little, what i have come to understand.
So, I lurked and just visited and read around this board for a while before registering and posting. Ive had enough experiences over the years on the internet to understand that there is a ton of bullshit and bogus info out there. Once i read, read, and read some more, I came to the conclusion that alot of the members here were decent people, knowledgeable about this subject, and not out to pull one over on people to make a buck or try to push their opinions and advice as the only ones that matter. So i registered, and glad i did
In the meantime, as im sure most new people to this subject do, I looked around at other forums, sites, and boards, to see what they were about. One I came across was evolutionary.org. I had an acquaintance that is a member and he told me it was a decent place- although he is gullible to say the least. So i checked it out a while. After getting alot of advice from different people here, and gaining alot of knowledge from others posts, I had a pretty good idea of some of the bullshit and scams that are pulled all over the place. So I came across a post at evolutionary.org that was someones best sources. This was one of the long time members or assistant admin or something that began the post. So i checked it out.
Well as it turns out, although it says best sources, it was only about one source- the one that sponsors the site- roidmass. And the entire 44 pages of the thread was all about roidmass and all positive posts about it, and how to get a discount code. Well as it turns out I have a friend who tried them once. Had horrible things to say about them, and said others he knew had horrible things to say, and i could find nothing about them online that was positive, even after multiple searches, other than at evolutionary.
I had already messaged and asked for a discount code a little while previously to finding any of this out.
Once i realized it wasnt anything I wanted a part of, i messaged again on the thread and told them they could cancel my discount code because from everything i could tell, roidmass was bogus and they had horrible reviews from everywhere i went and everyone i talked to.
Low and behold, shortly after, that message was deleted from the thread. Im sure they didnt want people seeing the negative feedback about the source that they were pushing, and probably making money off of. So i posted again, asking why my post was deleted, everything I said was true, and from my experience, roidmass was a horribly reviewed product and I didnt wish to be involved with it. Again, post deleted. This time I recd a message telling me that if I didnt want to purchase their products that was fine, but I didnt need to be bashing the product on the thread. So I responded, and politely said that I didnt believe pushing a product and not allowing people to give any opinion on it that was negative, was an unethical thing to do and I believe it to be negligent on the sites administration. Needless to say my following post was deleted as well, and i was told that of i did not stop with the negetive remarks I would be kicked off the board
Just wanted to share, so that hopefully some of the new guys, just getting into this world, can understand that when the people here on this board explain that alot of these sites, and people pushing certain sources, and advertised products from certain people or sites, are generally bogus - they are telling you the truth and not out to put one over on you. They have experience with this stuff, have seen the scams and bullshit that alot of us newbies have not. And the advice you get here is legit and in your best interest.
I am a believer that if it seems to good or too easy to be true, it probably is. And it became very apparent, very quickly, after checking out a handful of other sites and boards, that there are ALOT of places that will manipulate what they show you, delete negative reviews, and only show you positive reviews, to make you believe that it is a great way to purchase or go about getting what you want.
Dont you believe it
Just my 2 cents
11-04-2017, 04:21 PM #2
Sounds like Eroids forum.
The whole forum is a facade.
Members are ignorant as hell on average and primarily trash talkers in their early twenties. It is a paid source board so Pharmacom is the favorite at triple the market value on their gear.
I was a member there about an hour and I had my account deleted at my request. The poor little kiddos couldn't understand how the hell I could post a picture of my face and not have DEA FBI and "DA FED's" kick in my door and take me to jail. The admins took down my photo so I said fuck you scared little kids and told them I had no further use for my account.
They are like a little brainwashed cult of youths following around the higher ups licking their asses and perpetuate whatever they are told to. Eroids is nothing but a business making money selling bs and propoganda. They
Are like all source boards I know of. This is the last great castle because we don't do that here.
11-04-2017, 05:24 PM #3
That is about right I had a sight sponsor try to rip me off once and I raised hell got my money and was booted off.
11-05-2017, 01:01 PM #4
Yeah, just got message from the admin -I was banned from the site- reason not specified- forever.
Its really easy to fall victim to these type of scams. If you dont know about this stuff. I almost did. When you go to a site, not understanding whats going on behind the scenes, and see all sort of positive comments, it doesnt occur to you immediately that it is set up that way.
I just want some guys that are new to this to understand, and hopefully not have a bad experience from the beginning.
11-05-2017, 01:37 PM #5
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