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Thread: Week 1 of AAS weight gain

  1. #1

    Week 1 of AAS weight gain

    Weight AAS

    Hey all. Any advice, feedback would be wicked!

    Below is my weight in LBS

    Monday 30th Oct - 170.2 (First Fab)
    Wednesday 1st - 171.2
    Friday 3rd Nov- 172.4
    Monday 6th Nov - 175.4 (Third Jab)

    Calories were around Maintenance for the first week as I was on 1800 before cutting. I didnt want to smash it up 1000 in the first week.

    Is this normal to see such a huge influx in weigh in the first week?
    Shall I carry on at Maintenance or up to a 300 surplus ?

    Training and diet have been spot on. Did 5 days weigh training and 4 cardio sessions (only 1 was intense)

  2. #2
    What are you taking currently?

    A week is pretty early to see 5lbs of mass, I'd guess it's just water retention right now but not enough info to tell

    I personally think you should be eating pretty much all you can (clean eating, not Burger King!) and training as hard as you can without injury

    Check out the diet and training sections here for better infi

  3. #3
    Oh god its def not gains lol. Test E 500 mg a week is what I am on. It doesnt / wont kick in till week 4/5.

    Just wanting to know if that much water gain is normal !!

    My diet is realy good. Ive been told to not exceed 500 cal surpluss as you will get fat if you do, no matter the qualuty of the food.


    Sample Diet

    Breakfast - Rolled Oats and Milk

    Snack - Optunium N Protein Shake

    Lunch - Chicken, 2 or 3 veg and a comlex carb such as rice or sweet potatos

    Snack - Apple or Strawberries or low fat organic yogurt

    Dinner - Chicken or Beef / Turkey with 2 or 3 veg and a complex carb.

    Snack - Almonds / Protein Shake

    I use low ammounts of olive oil in my cooking and count any onions, stock, sauces ect I use.

    I count my cals using my fitness app and have been doing for 3 years. Im super tigth now im doing AAS. Hell, I even count my mikk in my cups of tea haha

  4. #4
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    Sep 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Jangles1 View Post
    Oh god its def not gains lol. Test E 500 mg a week is what I am on. It doesnt / wont kick in till week 4/5.

    Just wanting to know if that much water gain is normal !!

    My diet is realy good. Ive been told to not exceed 500 cal surpluss as you will get fat if you do, no matter the qualuty of the food.


    Sample Diet

    Breakfast - Rolled Oats and Milk

    Snack - Optunium N Protein Shake

    Lunch - Chicken, 2 or 3 veg and a comlex carb such as rice or sweet potatos

    Snack - Apple or Strawberries or low fat organic yogurt

    Dinner - Chicken or Beef / Turkey with 2 or 3 veg and a complex carb.

    Snack - Almonds / Protein Shake

    I use low ammounts of olive oil in my cooking and count any onions, stock, sauces ect I use.

    I count my cals using my fitness app and have been doing for 3 years. Im super tigth now im doing AAS. Hell, I even count my mikk in my cups of tea haha
    So how many cals is that? Seems quite low

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    It's only a week. I know you're anxious to see results but it literally could be anything from water to shit in your gut or most likely both. It's only 5 pounds. Stay off the scale til week 5, seriously.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Small View Post
    So how many cals is that? Seems quite low

    You dont know my quantities haha.

    Right now I am consuming 2400 (apparantly my maintiance).

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by DHew View Post
    It's only a week. I know you're anxious to see results but it literally could be anything from water to shit in your gut or most likely both. It's only 5 pounds. Stay off the scale til week 5, seriously.

    5lbs is a LOT to me as I controlled my weight really well and dropped only 1lbs a week for 8 weeks (to minimuse muscle loss). Seeing 5lbs added was crazy, but I am aware its most likely water.

    I did this thrad to see if the weight is

    A) a normal gain in a week at MAINTAIANCE calories

    and B) to see if I should stay at these calories while my body adjusts or go to 300 above maintance.

    By no means am I in any rush or being inpetient, with the upmost respect!

  8. #8
    I can fluctuate by up to 8lbs in one day depending on how much salt I eat and how much carbs I eat. Your body takes time to grow. Most of the difference between two or three days is water weight. Take your body weight as soon as you wake up once a week.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Jangles1 View Post
    Calories were around Maintenance for the first week as I was on 1800 before cutting.

    [B]Is this normal to see such a huge influx in weigh in the first week?
    Just upping your calories from cutting to maintenance will cause you to hold more water.
    Adding AAS into your system will make you hold more water.

    So 5lbs is totally normal with adding in those two factors.

    Are you using an AI?

    P.S. test E or C don't take 4-5 weeks to "kick in". They do take 4-5 weeks to reach peak serum levels but they kick in hours after injection. It's a half-life thing.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    Just upping your calories from cutting to maintenance will cause you to hold more water.
    Adding AAS into your system will make you hold more water.

    So 5lbs is totally normal with adding in those two factors.

    Are you using an AI?

    P.S. test E or C don't take 4-5 weeks to "kick in". They do take 4-5 weeks to reach peak serum levels but they kick in hours after injection. It's a half-life thing.

    Thank you. Thats what I wanted to know.

    I am using 0.25mg of Arimidex every other day (as outlinded in the BEGGINER CYCLE BULK in this forum.

    Would you recommend I go and up my calories to 2700 (300 cal surpluss), 2900 (500 +) ?

    'P.S. test E or C don't take 4-5 weeks to "kick in". They do take 4-5 weeks to reach peak serum levels but they kick in hours after injection. It's a half-life thing.'

    I know its doing something cause I am limping like ive got one leg after todays injection into my virgin left thigh muscle. I warmed up the oil, iced my leg, heated and massaged after and went for a bike ride, and its killing man haha. Ironicly it was the best of my 3 injections so far but caused the 2nd worse PIP. (Delt was fucking unbearable. Couldnt sleep)

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    how tall are you buddy?

  12. #12
    6ft mate.

    Ive decided to shoot for 2900 calories by week 5. Thats +500 calories. We will see how I get on building up the calories.

    First week - 2400/500
    Second week - 2600
    Third week - 2700
    Fourth week - 2800
    Fifth week - 2900 (500 surplus)

    I will check my weight each Monday, first thing, same scales after the toilet, just like I always do!

    Its just tough as you can't really go by the standard - add 1lbs a week and if its anymore cut back your cals lol

    Thats not possible when people gain 20 - 30lbs in 12 weeks on AAS!!

  13. #13
    increased glycogen uptake thus increasing water weight, i bet your muscles have a bloated look?

  14. #14
    Nah, I feel and look the same tbh mate... But I mean, how I look and feel only accounts for so much. Ive had shits and lost 6lbs tbh haha.

    This is why I hate scales. Will stick to every Monday so it's not too much. I guess I need to do it at least once a week!

    Wish I could do a Dexa scan every week instead.
    Last edited by Jangles1; 11-07-2017 at 04:14 AM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    so you are 6ft tall and weigh 170lbs?

    you eat about 2400 cals a day?

    is this correct?

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by DHew View Post
    It's only a week. I know you're anxious to see results but it literally could be anything from water to shit in your gut or most likely both. It's only 5 pounds. Stay off the scale til week 5, seriously.
    Pretty much it. I'd stay off the scales until the end though and let the mirror be the scale per se. Scales do nothing but disappoint at home and I don't own any for that reason.

  17. #17
    Agreed with the scales. Massive detriment usually. However I will weigh once a week to ensure I’m eating enough. I may get to 3000 calls and stall for a week. The mirror is tough and for me to judge tbh.

    But fully agree with why you don’t want to use them.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    so you are 6ft tall and weigh 170lbs?

    you eat about 2400 cals a day?

    is this correct?

    I cut to 170 and with my heigh, weight and activity level my maintenance was 2400. With me cutting on around 1800/1850 I wanted to slowly increase my calls.

    The first week I ate 2400
    This week I’ve gone to 2600
    Next week 2800

    Then depending how I get on, 2900/3000 (500 surplus)

    I didn’t want to go from 1800 to 3000 overnight. Fuck no!!

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jangles1 View Post
    I cut to 170 and with my heigh, weight and activity level my maintenance was 2400. With me cutting on around 1800/1850 I wanted to slowly increase my calls.

    The first week I ate 2400
    This week I’ve gone to 2600
    Next week 2800

    Then depending how I get on, 2900/3000 (500 surplus)

    I didn’t want to go from 1800 to 3000 overnight. Fuck no!!
    a simpler way to do it is to take your goal weight for this cycle, say its 185 pounds , and calculate your above maintenance calories at THAT weight (not your current weight)... so if your TDEE at your goal weight of 185 pounds is 2900 calories per day, then eat that now as maintenance and go up from there..

    starting low and then adding 100 cals from one week to the next is way too small scale and damn hard to calculate (heck 100 cals may be one extra bite and a few extra sips of juice). thats way to overly precise for a bulk . just eat at where you need and want to be

  20. #20

    Monday 30th Oct - 170.2
    Monday 6th Nov - 175.4
    Monday 13th Nov- 179.4

    9lbs in TWO weeks lol.

    Training 5/6 days a week
    Cardio - 2/3 times a week

    Diet = 3000 calories. 100% tight in the week, 80% at the weekend with the odd cheatmeal, but nothing excessive.

    9lbs seems an AWFUL lot. Whats everyone think?

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    a simpler way to do it is to take your goal weight for this cycle, say its 185 pounds , and calculate your above maintenance calories at THAT weight (not your current weight)... so if your TDEE at your goal weight of 185 pounds is 2900 calories per day, then eat that now as maintenance and go up from there..

    starting low and then adding 100 cals from one week to the next is way too small scale and damn hard to calculate (heck 100 cals may be one extra bite and a few extra sips of juice). thats way to overly precise for a bulk . just eat at where you need and want to be
    I dont have a goal weight man. I have no idea how AAS will effect my weight!

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jangles1 View Post
    I dont have a goal weight man. I have no idea how AAS will effect my weight!
    I seen your pics on the other thread you have . I would say you just need to eat everything in sight and train like a mother fucker

  23. #23

    Eating a lot is easy for me lol. Even when its clean!

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jangles1 View Post

    Eating a lot is easy for me lol. Even when its clean!
    just depends on your goals man . if you want to grow you gotta eat ,, Anabolics require calories. When I'm massing and taking up to 2grams of gear I actually got to get in some McDonalds just to try and force in extra calories, especially on Tren, you gotta feed the Tren or you body will just burn right through the calories (which is great if cutting is the goal)

  25. #25
    I was told on multiple forums to aim for 300 - 500 above maintenance. 3000 cals for me is 500/600 above my recommended mean maintenance using 3 TDE calculators. Judging by my 9lbs weight gain and the progress pics in TWO WEEKS, I guess 3000 is good for now

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	End of cut to 2 weeks into bulk.jpg 
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ID:	170961Click image for larger version. 

Name:	End of cut to 2 weeks into bulk.jpg 
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ID:	170961

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jangles1 View Post
    I was told on multiple forums to aim for 300 - 500 above maintenance. 3000 cals for me is 500/600 above my recommended mean maintenance using 3 TDE calculators. Judging by my 9lbs weight gain and the progress pics in TWO WEEKS, I guess 3000 is good for now

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	End of cut to 2 weeks into bulk.jpg 
Views:	312 
Size:	194.7 KB 
ID:	170961Click image for larger version. 

Name:	End of cut to 2 weeks into bulk.jpg 
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ID:	170961
    your exactly right in what your doing in that you need to up your calories as your grow as your 'new maintenance' goes higher as you grow and put on new tissue (that new tissue needs more calories).

    500 above maintenance is a fine base point (especially for natties).. but personally I calculate my maintenance at my goal weight for a bulk not my current weight . If I want to bulk to 220 pounds, then I need to eat like I weigh 220 pounds right now ,, not like I'm 205.

    also keep in mind that while on Anaboics your maintenance goes up just from taking the gear (not so with a natural who is bulking).. Anaboics generally stimulate both the nervous system and the metabolism as well as cause a higher resting heart rate, protein synthesis, and intercellular water retention.. all of these things make your body 'anabolic' and increase the bodies calorie demands .

    so 500 above maintenance is ok for a natural lifter ,, but someone on steroids has different metabolic demands and their calorie requirements go up just from being on cycle , let alone from gaining new weight much faster.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I seen your pics on the other thread you have . I would say you just need to eat everything in sight and train like a mother fucker
    ^^^ yes

  28. #28
    Ok so I re did my TDE at my weight and my goal weight. I used the method in the stickies rather than MY FITNESS PAL and the results are drastically different.m

    Maintenance at my current weight of 179lbs = 2924

    this is 400 more than my fitness pal states is my maintenance lol


    Maintenance at my goal weight of 200 lbs (figuring most people put on 20-30 lbs and I started low, so shooting for 30) lbs and hope to keep at least 15lbs)

    = 3115

    I think I will slowly up my cals to 3500 in the next week and report back on Monday. Im a little worried of adding too much water and fat. Its tough when diff TDEE give you diff results as the difference can totally kill your gains (if its saying your maintenance is lower than it is) or promote too much fat (if its saying your maintenance is higher than it is),

    It seems the maintenance for 200lbs over 179 is only 200 calories a day more. So I can work towards 3700 cals as my weight goes up.
    Last edited by Jangles1; 11-14-2017 at 03:13 AM.

  29. #29
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    Sep 2011
    I would bet that if you ate 3500 cals daily, you would also gain quite a bit of fat at 170 lbs.

  30. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Small View Post
    I would bet that if you ate 3500 cals daily, you would also gain quite a bit of fat at 170 lbs.
    This is what I mean haha. Hard to tell.

    I shot up to 179 now in 2 weeks. Il see how I go on with 3200 this weeek and update next week!

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