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  1. #1
    MMA_Influenced's Avatar
    MMA_Influenced is offline Associate Member
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    Can you properly cause muscle growth during a recomp while on cycle?

    I realized recently that I recomp extrenely nicely on cycle and kind of prefer it. Im wondering if I will get the same muacle size growth from doing the recomp or will I mainly gain density and strength?

    Im concerned not being at a caloric + will make it so my muscle wont grow as well. Anyone with experience recomping I would very much appreciate

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    you can gain some muscle while you lose some fat eating at maintenance will gain more muscle being in a caloric surplus.
    it really is that simple.

  3. #3
    batesy is offline New Member
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    I had a excellent recomp on my first cycle which was Test E only. I started at about 16% bodyfat. I would think that your current bodyfat level determines what's acheivable and what your goal should be. If your 12% or under I'd probably suggest bulking.

  4. #4
    cousinmuscles's Avatar
    cousinmuscles is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    In my experience yes but you will need count calories and BE in a surplus, and use legit GH or peptides as they aid in using fat as energy tremendously. Check out the most improved in the lounge. From my last cycle I saw better gains in strength before I added the anadrol in the end (which wasn't used in the first cycle).

  5. #5
    MMA_Influenced's Avatar
    MMA_Influenced is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    you can gain some muscle while you lose some fat eating at maintenance will gain more muscle being in a caloric surplus.
    it really is that simple.
    So I'm at about 14% body fat right now.. I can still see my abs in the right lighting.. all that. My think is I can probably take 3 weeks to lose 6 pounds and hopefully its all fat and then change to a slow bulk but would it be easier to just stay at maintenance and do both at the same time?

    I guess what I'm really pondering is are there certain situations where recomps are for the best depending on your current fitness level. For me personally I had some bicep tendonitis which really limited me and it happened to of happened to me right at the end of my cycle so you can imagine I didn't keep as much of my gains as I would of liked.

    Right now I have seen that maybe out of muscle memory my body is really getting good gains in. I've been at maintenance for 3 weeks and have gained 3 pounds LBM.

    I guess what I'm trying to figure out is can any real experienced guys says that there is a time and place where a recomp is the best or are the overall gains going to always be best if you just bulk up lean and cut at the end.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    I've already stated my opinion. But here it is again.
    Use steroids to gain muscle.
    cut before a cycle starts...
    bulk/lean bulk during cycle....
    maintenance during PCT and a month after PCT....

  7. #7
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    no point in recomping unless your already at the general size and weight you want to be . if your 200 pounds at 12% bf and your ultimate goal is to be 220 pounds at 9% , then a recomp is just going to slow you down.
    A mini cut on the other hand, on the way to that goal, can actually help cause it will reset your insulin sensitivity and nutrient partitioning and eventually help you grow (not quite so with a re-comp).

    I say bulk or cut until you reach your basic goal size then re-comp to maintain that size and conditioning .

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