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Thread: Peptide question

  1. #1

    Peptide question

    When I ordered my peptide (Bremelanotide) it came in a vile filled with write rocks, I suppose this is normal, I then added 1 ML - 100 units using a 30 gage. The vile seems only 30% full at the moment. I suppose the regular admission dose is 5ml for this one.

    If anybody using this one or has knowledge in this, would be nice to hear your comments, before I inject this into my body in the next few hours.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Big Trouble, Little China
    I have not done that peptide. When I have gotten them in the past they were looked like you did before adding bacteriostatic water. I also received another bottle empty that was bigger. I would put some in the bottle to mix it up then transfer it to the bigger bottle and add more Bacteriostatic water to get the correct amount.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Bragging to someone
    its completely fine for the bottle to be 30% full , 20% full, 80% full , it does NOT matter . all that matter is that your math is correct when you broke down how much dosage you want per IU (one click on slin pin)..

    example , if your peptide is a total of 1mg , then mixing it with 1 ml of water will make it so that 10iu on a slin pin is 100mcgs of the actual drug .
    don't flll up the vile with bac water just for the hell of it ,, put the exact amount in dependent on how much mg/mcg dose of the drug you plan on taking

  4. #4
    Well the label says I have 10mg of Bremelanotide , so I filled up the vile with 100units/1ml of water... I just injected 3 units of this stuff and got a headache right away...

  5. #5
    I guess that means I just took 3iu of the actual drug...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Bragging to someone
    so you mixed a 10mg/ML solution. that means for every 10 click mark on an insulin pin you have 1mg of the peptide. 3iu would be 0.33 Mg of the drug (or 330mcg)

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