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Thread: Planning my new MENT cycle

  1. #1
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    Planning my new MENT cycle

    I'm planning my next cycle for summer shredz.
    my idea is to use more or less the same quantity of oils as my previous cycle, but mixed differently for more efficiency.

    2000mg of ment ace
    2000mg of tren ace
    4000mg of test E (but will only do TRT dose)
    3000mg of masteron prop (but might be enanthate)

    my idea was to start out with 40mg of tren/day to get to a good BF as soon as possible, along to 10mg of ment. I might add some T3 at the beginning to boost fat loss and apetite.
    Then, once BF is under control at 10%, i'd change to 25mg tren and 25mg ment until bf is at under 8%, and finally, 35mg ment and 15mg tren, to get as big as possible. along all this, 400mg week masteron and 200mg week test for the whole 12 weeks cycle.
    this time, I want to avoid Letro (don't want estro crash), would rather stick to aromasin and some SERM but obviously not Nolva.
    which SERM could I use for gyno that's good during cycle and good for 19nor?

    why I use variable doses? Because I respond very good to that.
    Why Ment?? because it changed my body, like tren did in my first cycles.


  2. #2
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    Im assuming you accidentally put an extra 0 at the end of all the doses lol

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by hollowedzeus View Post
    Im assuming you accidentally put an extra 0 at the end of all the doses lol
    no, sorry, its the whole amount of drug I'll use during cycle

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by hollowedzeus View Post
    Im assuming you accidentally put an extra 0 at the end of all the doses lol
    Next comp.... Per week... Oh yeah.
    I am gonna take my first round of injections and step into a nuclear reactor.

    After much research I have decided this is the only way.
    I think I will come out as a cross breed between the hulk and the blue glowy guy on watchmen. Best cycle ever!

  5. #5
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    OP ,, you want to shred down to low single digit body fat and you want to stay away from Letro . being those things are both your stated goal then I would stay away from Ment on this cycle !

    However, Ment and Tren are a very very very good combination , BUT the reason why Ment and Tren work so well together is that they are 19 nor polar opposites , Ment is low androgenic and highly estrogenic and not DHT conversion , whereas Tren is highly androgenic and no estrogen conversion . SO when you take both together what happens is the highly estrogenic effects of Ment help you grow while taking the Tren and taking advantage of Trens nutrient partitioning effects ..

    that makes for a great bulk and putting on new tissue .. but again not the best for cutting .

    Tren and Primobolan would be much better then Tren and Ment for a cut

  6. #6
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Sounds like over-kill to me. If you're going to run ment just stack it with low dose test. You don't need all the other crap. Especially if it's just to be cut for the summer.
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    OP ,, you want to shred down to low single digit body fat and you want to stay away from Letro . being those things are both your stated goal then I would stay away from Ment on this cycle !

    However, Ment and Tren are a very very very good combination , BUT the reason why Ment and Tren work so well together is that they are 19 nor polar opposites , Ment is low androgenic and highly estrogenic and not DHT conversion , whereas Tren is highly androgenic and no estrogen conversion . SO when you take both together what happens is the highly estrogenic effects of Ment help you grow while taking the Tren and taking advantage of Trens nutrient partitioning effects ..

    that makes for a great bulk and putting on new tissue .. but again not the best for cutting .

    Tren and Primobolan would be much better then Tren and Ment for a cut
    Thanks for the answer, yes, normally ment is used as bulking drug, but its everyones genetics, i can take ment, and still cut. My bulking cycles, are at the same time cutting cycles, on tren I can eat whatever I want and still cut. My problem is putting on mass. I wanted to mix ment and tren exactly for that reason you mention. And for whom says its overkill, look at my doses. I wont ever exceed 50mg/day between ment and tren, its half the suggested dose each, but enough for me. And for the estro, I want to take advantage this time, and quit letro. But I need a potent SERM to prevent gyno, because I'm very sensitive to it. Water retention is not an issue, I retain very little, and once I'm at 8% bf, i only retain water in the muscle, so it actually helps to look even bigger

  8. #8
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    dont ask for a source thx
    can we see some pics buddy I want to see the progress you have made...I remember you as being a troll posting how you took aas recreationally to "see what would happen" a few years back with ridiculous dosages to boot...

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd View Post
    can we see some pics buddy I want to see the progress you have made...I remember you as being a troll posting how you took aas recreationally to "see what would happen" a few years back with ridiculous dosages to boot...
    Yes of course. Ridiculous dosage, not even close, my highest dosages were around 50mg max of each steroid. You have always to take in mind, not every lab is equally dosed. I could do 2 weeks tren enth @ 800mg and feel totally normal with kalpa, but with dragon pharma, I cant go above 300mg week. So I assume dragon pharma is right dosed, and i've never taken more than that, even if on paper, it should have been 800mg.
    Second thing, on the attached photo you will see my natty results, I dont like to post pictures on cycle, because my goal is to look good off cycle. In the second picture i'm 3 months completely off. First picture is after 11years of workout, second picture after 6 steroid cycles.
    You can clearly see, that despite my poor genetics, I managed to maintain a decent muscle size and bf off cycle

    Anyways on my instagram there are plenty of photos: Xxandreaxxco
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  10. #10
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    So wat is it you are trying to do? Because after 6 cycles you should have some size to you but if you like looking like that you don't really need all that juice.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    So wat is it you are trying to do? Because after 6 cycles you should have some size to you but if you like looking like that you don't really need all that juice.
    If most people get more size, good for them. In my last 2 cycles, test and tren, I was stuck at 83kg postcycle. That means, i got up maybe to 87 during cycle, but after that, I always fell back to 83kg after PCT. This year, maybe thanks to ment, i'm still at 85kg, if i can keep these 2kg for the next 6 months, I'm really happy. Ment, even at low dosage, brought me to a new level.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    If most people get more size, good for them. In my last 2 cycles, test and tren, I was stuck at 83kg postcycle. That means, i got up maybe to 87 during cycle, but after that, I always fell back to 83kg after PCT. This year, maybe thanks to ment, i'm still at 85kg, if i can keep these 2kg for the next 6 months, I'm really happy. Ment, even at low dosage, brought me to a new level.
    Sounds like you are not getting the results from your cycling. Maybe you are not eating enough

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    If most people get more size, good for them. In my last 2 cycles, test and tren, I was stuck at 83kg postcycle. That means, i got up maybe to 87 during cycle, but after that, I always fell back to 83kg after PCT. This year, maybe thanks to ment, i'm still at 85kg, if i can keep these 2kg for the next 6 months, I'm really happy. Ment, even at low dosage, brought me to a new level.
    Seems either nutrition isn't up to par, or you might be like me, natural test is too low to keep any gains, have you tested for that? No point in repeating the same story with harsher compounds if you don't have the ability to keep any gains.

  14. #14
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    Imop a lot of this is diet because if you don't keep the calories up you will lose your gains and it don't matter how much aas you take.And if you can't add mass forget the word CUT! HOLD on to your gains for a while.
    Last edited by songdog; 11-13-2017 at 11:02 AM.

  15. #15
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    Xxandreas , I'm just curious why you would even want to cut to 8% body fat ,, whats the point? You do know that that low of Bf% is not ideal for putting on muscle nor training optimally .. you still got 15+kg of weight to put on imo

    And btw , sure you can cut with wet compounds like ment , but if your really serious about cutting and tracking your progress its much easier and more ideal to cut with dry compounds (you'll be able to see better in the mirror whats going on with your body)

  16. #16
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    @mr small, yes I eat enough
    @rnsplg, yes I keep gains, I'm 15 kg above my natural limit, for my genetics I think I'm good. But you're right, I should do an hormonal test, to check if I have low T. Probably I have low T. But once I figure out that I have low T what?? There's nothing that magically rises your natural testosterone. So Its the same for me. Until I have kids, I want to keep with my natty Test.
    @songdog yes my diet could be a lot better, but my calories are enough, especially when I cycle.
    @gearheaded I cut to 8%, because regardless how much I eat, tren will do that for me. Its my genetics, I don't have any problems to bulk, and still be below 10%. And for me, wet and dry compounds are the same at such low Bf, because I barely retain water in my muscles, and because I'm forced to use letro for gyno.
    Thats why I'm searching some SERM for gyno

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    Xxandreas , I'm just curious why you would even want to cut to 8% body fat ,, whats the point? You do know that that low of Bf% is not ideal for putting on muscle nor training optimally .. you still got 15+kg of weight to put on imo

    And btw , sure you can cut with wet compounds like ment , but if your really serious about cutting and tracking your progress its much easier and more ideal to cut with dry compounds (you'll be able to see better in the mirror whats going on with your body)
    I respect you and like you glad you joined here and you seem to be very knowledgable but howvis low bodyfat not optimal for adding mass? I have always been taught the lower bf you start a bulk at the more lean mass you can expect...

    And this is an honest question not an argument.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    @mr small, yes I eat enough
    @rnsplg, yes I keep gains, I'm 15 kg above my natural limit, for my genetics I think I'm good. But you're right, I should do an hormonal test, to check if I have low T. Probably I have low T. But once I figure out that I have low T what?? There's nothing that magically rises your natural testosterone. So Its the same for me. Until I have kids, I want to keep with my natty Test.
    @songdog yes my diet could be a lot better, but my calories are enough, especially when I cycle.
    @gearheaded I cut to 8%, because regardless how much I eat, tren will do that for me. Its my genetics, I don't have any problems to bulk, and still be below 10%. And for me, wet and dry compounds are the same at such low Bf, because I barely retain water in my muscles, and because I'm forced to use letro for gyno.
    Thats why I'm searching some SERM for gyno
    You have a lot of misconceptions about things I think. You're afraid of TRT but not several cycles with test and tren? TRT is not bad for your health, quite the opposite if you suffer from low test, and you can still conceive by using HCG and HMG. If you really care about having kids you shouldn't even touch a vial of tren! The harshest compound of them all.

    I think for your best sake you should reconsider every aspect of nutrition, training, PCT, getting bloods, dosages and compounds... If you're repeating the same old story by watching the scale go up, only to go down again, what's the point? 280mg tren per week is equivalent of 1400mg test per week, then the test 200, that's 1.6g plus 400 DHT and MENT on top. That's a huge amount of steroids yet you don't look half the part. I looked as big if not bigger before juicing and was hypogonadal. Maybe there ARE aspects of your diet, training, PCT etc. that you should seriously reconsider.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    @mr small, yes I eat enough
    @rnsplg, yes I keep gains, I'm 15 kg above my natural limit, for my genetics I think I'm good. But you're right, I should do an hormonal test, to check if I have low T. Probably I have low T. But once I figure out that I have low T what?? There's nothing that magically rises your natural testosterone. So Its the same for me. Until I have kids, I want to keep with my natty Test.
    @songdog yes my diet could be a lot better, but my calories are enough, especially when I cycle.
    @gearheaded I cut to 8%, because regardless how much I eat, tren will do that for me. Its my genetics, I don't have any problems to bulk, and still be below 10%. And for me, wet and dry compounds are the same at such low Bf, because I barely retain water in my muscles, and because I'm forced to use letro for gyno.
    Thats why I'm searching some SERM for gyno
    Sorry to bust your bubble but looking at your pic in 2011 sorry but you are no where near your genetic limit.And to be serious you ain't in the 2017 either.To be honest you had no base to work from and now you got some tone to your body but you are way over thinking things but it's your body knock yourself out.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    @mr small, yes I eat enough
    @rnsplg, yes I keep gains, I'm 15 kg above my natural limit, for my genetics I think I'm good. But you're right, I should do an hormonal test, to check if I have low T. Probably I have low T. But once I figure out that I have low T what?? There's nothing that magically rises your natural testosterone. So Its the same for me. Until I have kids, I want to keep with my natty Test.
    @songdog yes my diet could be a lot better, but my calories are enough, especially when I cycle.
    @gearheaded I cut to 8%, because regardless how much I eat, tren will do that for me. Its my genetics, I don't have any problems to bulk, and still be below 10%. And for me, wet and dry compounds are the same at such low Bf, because I barely retain water in my muscles, and because I'm forced to use letro for gyno.
    Thats why I'm searching some SERM for gyno
    Sorry to bust your bubble but looking at your pic in 2011 sorry but you are no where near your genetic limit.And to be serious you ain't in the 2017 either.To be honest you had no base to work from and now you got some tone to your body but you are way over thinking things but it's your body knock yourself out.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    I respect you and like you glad you joined here and you seem to be very knowledgable but howvis low bodyfat not optimal for adding mass? I have always been taught the lower bf you start a bulk at the more lean mass you can expect...

    And this is an honest question not an argument.
    you are correct in that if your coming off of a cut and at low body fat that that is an optimal time to put on mass, this is mainly because your so insulin sensitive at that point.

    my point was that cutting down to low body fat is not optimal IF you still need to grow and get mass.. eg., If your 170 pounds and your goal is to be 220 pounds, taking months out of the year to get shredded and 8% bf is not ideal to reach that goal.

    Also performance goes way down as your bf% get low single digits . This is true of bodybuilders in the gym, as well as athletes (if a running back is 225 pounds and 14% bf , he is going to be performing much better at that BF then a shredded 8%).. so again if you can't train heavy and optimally in the gym cause your super low Bf then this is not ideal for growth .

    you can re-set your insulin sensitivity and illicit new growth (similar to post show) just by mini cuts and diet modification . there is no point to get to 8% bf (unless your goal is to step on stage , Imo)

    One of the other reasons that higher levels (but not too high) of body fat can help with gains is that body fat is nothing but stored calories .. if your massing and trying to get in extra calories to put on size, but your super low body fat, then your body is not going to tap into these stored calories for energy . a calorie is a calorie wither its from food or stored body fat . being 12-16% body fat allows your body to tap into stored calories and will help you maintain a calorie surplus and thus grow AS WEL AS keep from using muscle as a fuel source (going catabolic) .

    your more likely to go catabolic and convert muscle proteins into glucose for fuel when your body fat is low. This is the opposite of growth, we don't want muscle protein break down.

    hope that helps

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    you are correct in that if your coming off of a cut and at low body fat that that is an optimal time to put on mass, this is mainly because your so insulin sensitive at that point.

    my point was that cutting down to low body fat is not optimal IF you still need to grow and get mass.. eg., If your 170 pounds and your goal is to be 220 pounds, taking months out of the year to get shredded and 8% bf is not ideal to reach that goal.

    Also performance goes way down as your bf% get low single digits . This is true of bodybuilders in the gym, as well as athletes (if a running back is 225 pounds and 14% bf , he is going to be performing much better at that BF then a shredded 8%).. so again if you can't train heavy and optimally in the gym cause your super low Bf then this is not ideal for growth .

    you can re-set your insulin sensitivity and illicit new growth (similar to post show) just by mini cuts and diet modification . there is no point to get to 8% bf (unless your goal is to step on stage , Imo)

    One of the other reasons that higher levels (but not too high) of body fat can help with gains is that body fat is nothing but stored calories .. if your massing and trying to get in extra calories to put on size, but your super low body fat, then your body is not going to tap into these stored calories for energy . a calorie is a calorie wither its from food or stored body fat . being 12-16% body fat allows your body to tap into stored calories and will help you maintain a calorie surplus and thus grow AS WEL AS keep from using muscle as a fuel source (going catabolic) .

    your more likely to go catabolic and convert muscle proteins into glucose for fuel when your body fat is low. This is the opposite of growth, we don't want muscle protein break down.

    hope that helps
    Understood, thanks!

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    Understood, thanks!

    Don't lie Ob.
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  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Don't lie Ob.
    There was a lot of big words in there.
    I tried at least...

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    There was a lot of big words in there.
    I tried at least...
    I know you Goggled them words didn't you?

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    I know you Goggled them words didn't you?
    Hell no! I just assumed and rolled with it. Similar fashion to how I got my kids.

  27. #27
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    Yeah, tren and ment are not the best compounds to get a girl pregnant, although my ex girlfriend got pregnant for error 2 years ago because she forgot to take some pills, so I assume, I still work good, and recover well from cycles. Thats also why I maintain all my gains, this year I went from 83kg to 87kg, and now I'm still over 85kg, so I can't complain abut maintaining gains, even my poor genetics.
    @songdog and rnsplg, in 2011 it was my limit, because I had 10years experience in bodybuilding. You were bigger than me natty as I am now, correct, there's a 15 years old guy in my gym, that works out since 6 months and is also bigger than me. And I'm 32. I don't give a shit if he's more blessed than me muscular, I'm taller than him and dont blame him to be that small. In this bodybuilding world, you have to understand, not everyone is blessed with good genetics or same genetigs as you.
    You tell me not to cut to 8% when I bulk, but you have to understand, my genetics are not yours, I can cut to 8% when I bulk, because my genetics in sinergy with tren, do that for me. I'm blessed with bf management, and I have to focus on building mass.
    That's why my next strategy, was combine tren with ment, that work with good sinergy, but trying to maintain low doses, and high estro. I heard raloxifene is much stronger for gyno then nolva. Is that true? Which SERM should I take??

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    Yeah, tren and ment are not the best compounds to get a girl pregnant, although my ex girlfriend got pregnant for error 2 years ago because she forgot to take some pills, so I assume, I still work good, and recover well from cycles. Thats also why I maintain all my gains, this year I went from 83kg to 87kg, and now I'm still over 85kg, so I can't complain abut maintaining gains, even my poor genetics.
    @songdog and rnsplg, in 2011 it was my limit, because I had 10years experience in bodybuilding. You were bigger than me natty as I am now, correct, there's a 15 years old guy in my gym, that works out since 6 months and is also bigger than me. And I'm 32. I don't give a shit if he's more blessed than me muscular, I'm taller than him and dont blame him to be that small. In this bodybuilding world, you have to understand, not everyone is blessed with good genetics or same genetigs as you.
    You tell me not to cut to 8% when I bulk, but you have to understand, my genetics are not yours, I can cut to 8% when I bulk, because my genetics in sinergy with tren, do that for me. I'm blessed with bf management, and I have to focus on building mass.
    That's why my next strategy, was combine tren with ment, that work with good sinergy, but trying to maintain low doses, and high estro. I heard raloxifene is much stronger for gyno then nolva. Is that true? Which SERM should I take??
    You missed both the point where I mentioned I was hypogonadal and the point that you may want to reconsider other aspects like nutrition, training etc. I know very well the importance of genetics. Though you seem to not take in all the knowledge written in stickies in this forum. I am a newbie here. Why let estrogen go high and try to combat gyno with raloxifene? Side effects wise you're taking a big risk.

    Can cut when you bulk? Check the August most improved competition in the off topic subforum, what I did was definitely not genetics but see it for yourself.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    Yeah, tren and ment are not the best compounds to get a girl pregnant, although my ex girlfriend got pregnant for error 2 years ago because she forgot to take some pills, so I assume, I still work good, and recover well from cycles. Thats also why I maintain all my gains, this year I went from 83kg to 87kg, and now I'm still over 85kg, so I can't complain abut maintaining gains, even my poor genetics.
    @songdog and rnsplg, in 2011 it was my limit, because I had 10years experience in bodybuilding. You were bigger than me natty as I am now, correct, there's a 15 years old guy in my gym, that works out since 6 months and is also bigger than me. And I'm 32. I don't give a shit if he's more blessed than me muscular, I'm taller than him and dont blame him to be that small. In this bodybuilding world, you have to understand, not everyone is blessed with good genetics or same genetigs as you.
    You tell me not to cut to 8% when I bulk, but you have to understand, my genetics are not yours, I can cut to 8% when I bulk, because my genetics in sinergy with tren, do that for me. I'm blessed with bf management, and I have to focus on building mass.
    That's why my next strategy, was combine tren with ment, that work with good sinergy, but trying to maintain low doses, and high estro. I heard raloxifene is much stronger for gyno then nolva. Is that true? Which SERM should I take??
    Also assuming your HPTA works well or semen quality is good is wrong. Get bloods and get your semen tested...

    "Bf management" may simply be not eating enough while taking harsh compounds that normally make you look way bigger than what you look like.

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    OP, Ment and Tren go just fine together . You'll stay full while cutting (if your carbs are high enough). Run an AI plus add raloxifene to the mix if your that worried about gyno , also have caber or prami on hand in case prolactin issues arise.
    Masteron along with that is not a bad choice either. Keep your test dose low.

  31. #31
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    Either Ralox or Nolva will work just fine at a low dose. The difference between the two is clinically insignificant.
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  32. #32
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    Sounds like you guys did a great job of making this thread worth something but Ghettoboyd still seems to have the best input.
    Last edited by Quester; 11-15-2017 at 08:14 PM.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quester View Post
    Sounds like you guys did a great job of making this thread worth something but Ghettoboyd still seems to have the best input.
    Yes he does!

  34. #34
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    Seriously by the looks of those pics I would be pissed as fuck if I looked this way after that many cycles. And you’re talking about tren wow, seriously get back to basics of hard training and eating food, forget cycling mate. Gone are the days of just hard work.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lordluke View Post
    Seriously by the looks of those pics I would be pissed as fuck if I looked this way after that many cycles. And you’re talking about tren wow, seriously get back to basics of hard training and eating food, forget cycling mate. Gone are the days of just hard work.
    Some people you just can't help.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Either Ralox or Nolva will work just fine at a low dose. The difference between the two is clinically insignificant.
    Yes??? Enhanced athlete says ralox is muuch stronger at binding to gyno tissue rather than nolva. He also said, nolva is better for HPTA recovery. For me personally, nolva doesn't block my gyno even at 40mg day, and i buy it to local pharmacy. And i heard ralox does better with IGF-1 and prolactine

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    Yes??? Enhanced athlete says ralox is muuch stronger at binding to gyno tissue rather than nolva. He also said, nolva is better for HPTA recovery. For me personally, nolva doesn't block my gyno even at 40mg day, and i buy it to local pharmacy. And i heard ralox does better with IGF-1 and prolactine
    From the statement nolva does block my gyno" I have to assume is constantly worsening? Are we talking hard lumps or just puffy chest on cycle?

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  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by bizzarro View Post
    From the statement nolva does block my gyno" I have to assume is constantly worsening? Are we talking hard lumps or just puffy chest on cycle?

    Sent from my GT-I9105P using Tapatalk
    Lump gets bigger, and chest gets puffy also. I already have some irreversible gyno, but you cant notice it. Its just there. If you're very sensitive its impossible to avoid

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    Lump gets bigger, and chest gets puffy also. I already have some irreversible gyno, but you cant notice it. Its just there. If you're very sensitive its impossible to avoid
    I know I have been careless myself had high prl and going a few months without caber left me with bilateral gyno, the lumps aren't noticeable externally but it's getting worse, I've just ordered some ralo need to start treatment asap.

    I get the horrid chest puffiness too, I also tend to store fat there and that adds up to the gynoid look, I hate it.

    I'm predisposed to the point I was born with a pair of fat tits mother told me lol

    Sent from my GT-I9105P using Tapatalk

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