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Thread: 3rd Cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    Night City

    3rd Cycle

    I'm thinking ahead to my third cycle as I wrap up my 2nd.

    Had a very what I assume to be successful 1st cycle, Test-E, 500/wk for 12 weeks. Went from 205lbs to 225lbs, lost 8 and maintained 12. Went back to MMA/BJJ training over the summer and lost an additional 5, leaving me at 212. Second Cycle has been 8 wk of Test Prop at 450/wk. I went with the short cycle to get it in before some traveling I would have coming up otherwise I would've gone with the 12wk, Test-E cycle again. I'm up 12lbs from the 2nd and out 3 pair of jeans from ripping the ass out of them.

    Assuming a smooth PCT, any suggestions and dosages on adding a compound for the 3rd cycle, was thinking a Nandrolone, Deca or NPP? I know they say grow into your dose, I'd like to grow into some Deca or NPP. I know with either, I'll need Dostinex/ Caber to manage prolactin in addition to an AI.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    what are your goals, you want to keep adding size ? if so stacking a nandrolone for your third cycle is a logical next step. Deca for longer runs NPP for shorter ones

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    Night City
    Yes that is one of my goals as well as add strength on some of my key lifts. What dosing would you recommend for a good start?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by fit_deskjocky View Post
    Yes that is one of my goals as well as add strength on some of my key lifts. What dosing would you recommend for a good start?
    If your going to go Deca then I'd go 400mg of test and 600mg Deca for 12 weeks

    Keep in mind that the whole idea that you need to keep your test dose higher then deca to keep 'deca dick' from happening is total BS . deca does not cause deca dick , Prolactin does, and Prolactin with elevated estrogen from running a higher dose of test can make it even worse.

    Personally at 400mg of test and 600+ mg of Deca or npp I can get by with no Caber or Prami and very minimal AI use.. however if I switched it and ran 800mg of test with 600mg of Deca, then I'd have problems and would need to be very on top of my AI and have Caber on hand.

    if you want to run a shorter cycle ,, then test Prop 100mg EOD , NPP 150mg EOD for 8 weeks.

    a more advanced technique is front loading deca with Npp
    NPP weeks 1-6
    deca weeks 1-12
    test weeks 1-14

    if you don't blast and cruise and you do PCT and are concerned with HPTA shut down , then I'd go with the 8 week blast of NPP .. that will be easiest to recover from

  5. #5
    I've found NPP to be such a "smooth" cycle. Short cycle, little sides, good gains. I'm not trying to get huge but just fill out some areas for better symmetry. I run 300mg/wk NPP for 8 weeks along with 300mg/wk of Test. .25mg/eod of Adex, .5mg/wk of caber, 500iu/wk HCG. You should run a strong PCT with Nolva/Clomid.

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