Hey guys I’m 22 years old been training again for about 3 months I had a long break but I still have a lot of size behind me and I’m also back on a 7 meal diet for 375grams protein and 175g carbs per day so 2gram protein per pound and 1g carb per pound being 80kg I’m 175pound, I started a 1mil injection on Monday but I feel it’s not enough cause of how quick sus works on the body, but it was suggested I take some sus so I said okay I’ll give it a try. I have tried heaps of steroids before but really never decided to make it a lifestyle choice were I style and do pcts I have taken tren deca masteron test sus but I just used to take them 2 a week and that’s all I new.
So I’m here to ask some questions I’m not here to become some massive bloke I’m still young and I just want to inject 2 times a week 3 if that, I eat well and genetically i grow really good seeing as my brother trains I train my dad was pretty well
Known in the industry that’s how I started. I want to know how I should be taking this sus 250 I’ll cycle it for one cycle and if people suggest I should just take test instead of sus or sus and test together I really like masteron In a low dose too
I also had my first injection Monday 1 mill by Tuesday I had a enormous boost of power like enormous and I heard the brand I have is a well known good brand.