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Thread: My first cycle

  1. #1
    aestheticdream is offline New Member
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    My first cycle

    28 yo

    Been training for about 3 years now .. and gains are really slowing down .. thought about sarms and other useless stuff .. but in the end everything that's worth it is going to suppress you anyways ..
    been researching for a year now and finally have an idea of what to run and etc ..

    12 weeks 350mg of test E ew pinned E4D (200mg each 4 days makes 350 ew) Arimidex 0.5 mg eod ..

    HCG last 2 weeks and 2 more weeks while the esters are clearing (4 weeks total)

    PCT Nolva 40/40/40/20 and Clomid 50/50/50/25

    My training now is low reps (6-10) high volume 4 days/week

    While on: will be training 5 days/week each body part twice/week .. question is should I stick to the same volume at higher reps? should I aim for the pump to grow muscle too? (I always work out till I feel the pump but should I do while on to actually gain muscle out of it? high reps low volume) I've heard that getting a pump while on will grow muscle while naturally you can't .. if wondering where I heard these, mostly from rich piana .. and read places that your muscles grow on cycle but your joints and tendons are still the same that's why you shouldn't increase the weight a lot even if you're capable and focus on higher reps.
    anything wrong here I would be glad if someone can correct it

    Nutrition 200p from chicken breast, milk and eggs
    Healthy carbs and healthy fats
    Goal lean bulking (will be dieting and losing more fat 8 weeks prior to cycle)

    Will start cycle in May, till then I will be carrying on with my daily research and adjustments.

    Thank you, and if there's any mistakes I would be glad if you can help .. looking for advice from vets

  2. #2
    clarky. is offline MONITOR
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    Welcome to the forum.

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    David LoPan's Avatar
    David LoPan is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Welcome to the forum. I would suggest you read this.

  4. #4
    almostgone's Avatar
    almostgone is offline AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by aestheticdream View Post
    28 yo

    Been training for about 3 years now .. and gains are really slowing down .. thought about sarms and other useless stuff .. but in the end everything that's worth it is going to suppress you anyways ..
    been researching for a year now and finally have an idea of what to run and etc ..

    12 weeks 350mg of test E ew pinned E4D (200mg each 4 days makes 350 ew) Arimidex 0.5 mg eod ..

    HCG last 2 weeks and 2 more weeks while the esters are clearing (4 weeks total)

    PCT Nolva 40/40/40/20 and Clomid 50/50/50/25

    My training now is low reps (6-10) high volume 4 days/week

    While on: will be training 5 days/week each body part twice/week .. question is should I stick to the same volume at higher reps? should I aim for the pump to grow muscle too? (I always work out till I feel the pump but should I do while on to actually gain muscle out of it? high reps low volume) I've heard that getting a pump while on will grow muscle while naturally you can't .. if wondering where I heard these, mostly from rich piana .. and read places that your muscles grow on cycle but your joints and tendons are still the same that's why you shouldn't increase the weight a lot even if you're capable and focus on higher reps.
    anything wrong here I would be glad if someone can correct it

    Nutrition 200p from chicken breast, milk and eggs
    Healthy carbs and healthy fats
    Goal lean bulking (will be dieting and losing more fat 8 weeks prior to cycle)

    Will start cycle in May, till then I will be carrying on with my daily research and adjustments.

    Thank you, and if there's any mistakes I would be glad if you can help .. looking for advice from vets
    I've asked for your thread to be moved to Q&A for more input. However, @ 350mg of test enanthate per week, you may not require anywhere near that much a.i., maybe .25mg EOD, but I doubt .5mg EOD. You'll need a sensitive E2 assay to determine how much a.i. you need.
    I would run the HCG all the way up to ~ a week past your last injection.
    Training style varies from person to person and lifting experience. I'm more of an HIT guy, but some people grow off higher volume. You'll have to decide that based on how you respond.
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  5. #5
    Medic 1's Avatar
    Medic 1 is offline Junior Member
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    350mg a week is low if you’re going to shut it down shut it down for at least 500mg a week just my opinion. I am on 500 e a week right now and I am not using any arim at all and no problems I have something to stop estro if I need to but I don’t ever seem to have problems. I have seen since it been several years since I have been on here guys are saying to run HCG the whole time I am not sYing they are wrong but coming from a medical background and just my opinion again I run it after I just don’t see the need to confuse my system while on. Good luck sir with your cycle.

  6. #6
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  8. #8
    almostgone's Avatar
    almostgone is offline AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Medic 1 View Post
    350mg a week is low if you’re going to shut it down shut it down for at least 500mg a week just my opinion. I am on 500 e a week right now and I am not using any arim at all and no problems I have something to stop estro if I need to but I don’t ever seem to have problems. I have seen since it been several years since I have been on here guys are saying to run HCG the whole time I am not sYing they are wrong but coming from a medical background and just my opinion again I run it after I just don’t see the need to confuse my system while on. Good luck sir with your cycle.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  9. #9
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    What type of medical background? Confuse?

    Quote Originally Posted by Medic 1 View Post
    350mg a week is low if you’re going to shut it down shut it down for at least 500mg a week just my opinion. I am on 500 e a week right now and I am not using any arim at all and no problems I have something to stop estro if I need to but I don’t ever seem to have problems. I have seen since it been several years since I have been on here guys are saying to run HCG the whole time I am not sYing they are wrong but coming from a medical background and just my opinion again I run it after I just don’t see the need to confuse my system while on. Good luck sir with your cycle.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

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    Great place to start researching !

  10. #10
    Clove1234 is offline Associate Member
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    Welcome sir, recommend looking at the stickies

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