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Thread: The Whole Truth About DNP!!!

  1. #1
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    The Whole Truth About DNP!!!

    (This is an educational thread and is posted for that purpose to educate yourself on DNP. *admin*)

    There has been a whole lot of misinformation about DNP. I'm a researcher and a scientist, and I wrote a comprehensive work (commissioned and purchased by Admin) on this chemical to guide our site, the bb'er community, and to clear up a multitude of web parroted misunderstandings. Here is that work:

    The-Whole-Truth-About-DNP <--- Click here
    Master Pai Mei of the White Lotus Clan

    My motto: SAFETY & RESPECT (for drugs and others).


    Difference between Drugs & Poisons

    Half-lives explained

    DNP like Chemotherapy, can be a useful poison, but both are still POISONS


  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by magic32 View Post
    There has been a whole lot of misinformation about DNP. I'm a researcher and a scientist, and I wrote a comprehensive work (commissioned and purchased by Admin) on this chemical to guide our site, the bb'er community, and to clear up a multitude of web parroted misunderstandings. Here is that work:
    I wondered why I have been talking people out of using dnp...

  3. #3
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    After trying DNP and watching many bodybuilders use it over the years I don't think it as any place in bodybuilding use. Fast fat loss isn't welcomed anyway and if people have to come down to use a posion to aid fat loss its a sad state. When I used it there wasn't much information around but over the years its become readily available and if someone needs to use something as deadly/harmful like this I think they need to have a good look at their diets, training and mind set because the fat loss benefits what can be accomplished with DNP can also be attained without it by using safer aids with less risks coupled with a very strong mind set.

    I do understand the attraction and I also understanding some people will just be blind to the dangers and justify using it by adding their own beliefs. But the dangers need to be took on board seriously like all other dangerous compounds in this sport what some feel fit to use because of the thinking this will get them were they want faster and quicker. Sometimes we only learn when its to late and I have also fallen into this category many times but if you are concerned about your health and longevity you should rethink when using dangerous compounds like DNP.

    Excellent read Magic and I've missed you

  4. #4
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    A very good article on DNP, covers all the bases, explains the dangers, explains the mechanisms, explains "proper" usage and dosage and what to expect.

    DNP is super controversial because it can prove deadly on overdose. I've used DNP before, and IMO, the biggest danger to the typical user will be to accidentally double dose, forget you took your dosage this morning and take a 2nd dose... So if you do try this stuff, keep your capsules in a pill organizer so that you know you took your dose already.

    I would never recommend DNP to someone, if they are going to try it, it will be completely on their will and not me. I know that plenty of people will try it. Just look at how many people on the boards go against normal advice! Kids wanting to cycle, others wanting to try crazy dosages or compound mixes... These forums are hardly the place to think about "purely rational thinking."

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by magic32 View Post
    There has been a whole lot of misinformation about DNP. I'm a researcher and a scientist, and I wrote a comprehensive work (commissioned and purchased by Admin) on this chemical to guide our site, the bb'er community, and to clear up a multitude of web parroted misunderstandings. Here is that work:
    Great article! Hopefully, people that use or think about using DNP will read this first.

  6. #6
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    its interesting , the two most dangerous drugs in bodybuilding go very well stacked together , DNP with Insulin

    DNP makes you more insulin sensitive , BUT it also stops your body from producing insulin (I'll explain below), so its a catch 22 really. But if you take insulin with DNP then you get the best of both worlds. You get to burn body fat, utilize a shit ton of carbs without being able to put on more body fat, and build muscle .

    If exogenous insulin and high amounts of carbs make you fat, then just add DNP. If DNP makes you flat and have high blood sugars cause your body is no longer able to produce insulin from it , then just add insulin. If your worried about losing muscle on a cut with DNP, just add insulin. With insulin present you'll still be able to uptake glucose, amino acids, and other nutrients into muscle cells (that anabolism) , its just that your cell will no longer be able to use that glucose as energy , but you still get the anabolic effect . Running DNP without insulin and you won''t get that effect.
    so to a certain degree they are synergistic together.

    DNP essentially turns you temporarily into a type 1 diabetic (not able to produce insulin from the pancreas). thats why adding insulin is beneficial when using it. I'll explain

    Insulin is released by pancreatic beta cells in response to elevated ATP/ADP ratios . Briefly, when your blood sugar levels rise, your ATP/ADP levels become elevated, inhibiting ATP sensitive potassium ion channels (KATP), altering the membrane potential of the pancreatic cells and causing insulin release. The main thing here is that insulin will not be released unless ATP levels within the cells increase. DNP interferes with the protein complex ATP synthase, which allows for the synthesis of ATP from ADP . Since DNP interferes with a key step in ATP production, obviously ATP levels never elevate within any cell, including pancreatic beta cells. Hence , the feedback system through the KATP channels (at least in regards to insulin release), is disabled, and you effectively make yourself a diabetic while on DNP.

    The primary action of insulin in the body is to drive glucose into muscle and liver cells (stored as glycogen) which is converted into ATP. Since DNP reduces ATP production significantly*, it again interferes with insulin production by preventing a significant amount of the glucose that is pushed into cells by insulin from ever being used as energy (at least by the cell). So , what is happening to all of this energy that is being expended through the electron transport chain to turn ADP and Pi into ATP? It’s thrown off as heat, and lots of it . thats the main side effect of DNP, as well as the cause of death if you over dose (over heating from the inside)

    *DNP is an uncoupling agent. Stopping ATP is what its designed to do. Fat oxidation becomes the bodies source of energy, and why DNP burns body fat so well
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 12-24-2017 at 07:21 PM.

  7. #7
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    also just to note , a DNP and INSULIN stack can be used quite well for 4 week mini cuts and also used as a 'bridge' between cycles.

    ^ might sound 'new' to some of you guys, but has been practiced in pro body building since the 90s

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    also just to note , a DNP and INSULIN stack can be used quite well for 4 week mini cuts and also used as a 'bridge' between cycles.

    ^ might sound 'new' to some of you guys, but has been practiced in pro body building since the 90s
    Well it's full of pro BBers here who can't make any more gains no matter what so I guess we have all ordered that stuff now...

    Edit: sound like a smartass here and apologize for that
    Last edited by cousinmuscles; 12-25-2017 at 03:59 PM.

  9. #9
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    Great write-up magic! My own experience with DNP made me never want to touch that stuff ever again and I think I had everything available to make the best possible "cycle" of DNP.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    also just to note , a DNP and INSULIN stack can be used quite well for 4 week mini cuts and also used as a 'bridge' between cycles.

    ^ might sound 'new' to some of you guys, but has been practiced in pro body building since the 90s
    No one here is pro and doubt anyone would be, even so slin and dnp is a death cocktail and shouldn't even be talked about in a positive way due to the high level of newbs here who think the answer is taking "anything" will make them big and freaky, we have a hard time trying to promote healthy aas use.

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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    No one here is pro and doubt anyone would be, even so slin and dnp is a death cocktail and shouldn't even be talked about in a positive way due to the high level of newbs here who think the answer is taking "anything" will make them big and freaky, we have a hard time trying to promote healthy aas use.
    I'm not recommending DNP/Slin use to anyone!!! , not even pros. I'm simply enlightening the masses as to what is done and the science behind it and why.

    as for "death cocktail': the reason guys run insulin with their DNP cycles is because that is a "healthier" option then running DNP solo.
    if you've ever went hyper-glycemic then you know how shitty that feels and how unhealthy it is to run high blood sugar 24/7.
    adding insulin to the protocol is an option that helps you keep blood sugar in control and keep you from going hyperglycemic and dying (going into ketoacidosis possibly).

    everyone wants to assume what the pros do (or those in the 'know') are highly dangerous . but its not always the case. theres a rhyme and reason to whats being done. and again, adding insulin to a DNP cycle is for synergy and for safety and better health.
    its not to be reckless and brew a "death cocktail" . when you take DNP you become a type 1 diabetic and unable to produce your own insulin naturally. so taking exogenous Slin is necessary , if you want to stay within healthy blood sugar levels

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    if you've ever went hyper-glycemic then you know how shitty that feels and how unhealthy it is to run high blood sugar 24/7.
    BUT going hypo-glycemic can be down right deadly....

    99.9% of people should stay away from DNP and insulin.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    BUT going hypo-glycemic can be down right deadly....
    but easily cured. some medical conditions require sophisticated antidotes, hypoglycemia simply requires Carbs (easily accessable)
    hyper-glycemia on the other hand requires medical attention or drugs

    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    99.9% of people should stay away from DNP and insulin.
    absolutely agree.
    personally I don't think anyone 'needs' to use DNP, period. however for those that choose to use it , I believe adding insulin to the protocol is the right choice

  14. #14
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    The information you have in your head is vast and deep. What do you think about the existence of a paradox regarding the outcome of enabling others, or, does enabling the most people to make the most well-informed decisions present a potential conflict? On the one hand, the forthrightness and zeal to help, and on the other, the knowledge that knowledge itself can harm to the degree that this site is shut down? Perhaps there exists a line?
    Your fan,

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quester View Post
    The information you have in your head is vast and deep. What do you think about the existence of a paradox regarding the outcome of enabling others, or, does enabling the most people to make the most well-informed decisions present a potential conflict? On the one hand, the forthrightness and zeal to help, and on the other, the knowledge that knowledge itself can harm to the degree that this site is shut down? Perhaps there exists a line?
    Your fan,
    My favorite philosopher. Hope finals went good brother.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quester View Post
    The information you have in your head is vast and deep. What do you think about the existence of a paradox regarding the outcome of enabling others, or, does enabling the most people to make the most well-informed decisions present a potential conflict? On the one hand, the forthrightness and zeal to help, and on the other, the knowledge that knowledge itself can harm to the degree that this site is shut down? Perhaps there exists a line?
    Your fan,
    I think that knowledge allows people to make better decisions. A decision made in ignorance often times leads to a bad outcome.
    The more knowledge one has the more he is able to make an informed decision.

    the OP wrote an article on DNP that is posted on this site. I simply added a small bit of useful information that would hopefully help someone make a more knowledgeable and informed decision. my intention is not to enable or encourage anyone, especially in regards to DNP use. BUT I believe the information should be out there for everyone to learn from if they so choose (not be stuck in some body building gurus head only)

    A DNP user should know that when taking DNP he is making himself a type 1 diabetic and shutting down endogenous insulin production. Sharing this knowledge and the science behind it and why exogenous insulin use would be beneficial to the DNP user is only going to help him be more successful.
    Of course I could just say "don't do DNP idiot, plenty of ways to get lean without it", but he's going to do it anyways. So he might as well be well informed.

  17. #17
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    I know that DNP can mess with a lot of drugs most take, like an SSRI. I have tried it one time for a bit but I did not see the reward vs the risk. I personally just kept to the low dosage and never went up. I still have some in my drawer but I am sure it will end in the trash at some point.I held on to them due to the fact that I might be going to the North Sea and butt ass cold weather. It did not happen. I would advice people to stay away from this compound at this ppint.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I'm not recommending DNP/Slin use to anyone!!! , not even pros. I'm simply enlightening the masses as to what is done and the science behind it and why.

    as for "death cocktail': the reason guys run insulin with their DNP cycles is because that is a "healthier" option then running DNP solo.
    if you've ever went hyper-glycemic then you know how shitty that feels and how unhealthy it is to run high blood sugar 24/7.
    adding insulin to the protocol is an option that helps you keep blood sugar in control and keep you from going hyperglycemic and dying (going into ketoacidosis possibly).

    everyone wants to assume what the pros do (or those in the 'know') are highly dangerous . but its not always the case. theres a rhyme and reason to whats being done. and again, adding insulin to a DNP cycle is for synergy and for safety and better health.
    its not to be reckless and brew a "death cocktail" . when you take DNP you become a type 1 diabetic and unable to produce your own insulin naturally. so taking exogenous Slin is necessary , if you want to stay within healthy blood sugar levels
    The idea is not to use a poison in the first place when there are far better safer option available let alone add another hormone what can seriously harm you to counter some of the minor side effects of DNP. Also there are no one here anyway stating this is what some pro's use will make some of the newbs here try it, when the idea of the thread is not to use DNP because its a poison let alone add another dangerous compound to it. I'm not one of those guys who say they going to use it anyway lets tell them how to use it, I am more in the camp of trying to stop them in the first place but each to their own.

  19. #19
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    This is an excellent write-up, though I would argue that for most people a low dose 3-4 week cycle (much like you also stated) is pretty damn safe provided you stay on top of your water and mineral intake. I am currently in Pharmacy School and focused on Biology during my undergrad; I spent a LOT of time with my professors during office hours discussing DNP and even admitting to one of them that I have taken it a few times. I find it amusing that this forum talks about DNP like it is the devil, yet many of us are shooting up 2-3CCs of androgens on a weekly basis.

    For those interested in taking DNP, seriously follow the OP's instructions and keep the dose low. Honestly I have done cycles from 250mg/ed all the way up to ultra-moron levels of 1g (just to experience it first hand....).............250mg during the cold months is so much easier to manage than any other dosage, and will easily get you the results you are looking for.

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  21. #21
    wow, and i thought that stimulants were bad

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZakkWilde View Post
    wow, and i thought that stimulants were bad
    The main difference is that with most stims, you have to go full retard on dosing to kill yourself, and that med staff can usually save you if you get in fast enough. With DNP, the dosage difference between accelerated loss and dead is fairly tight, and if you overdo it, about all the hospital staff can do is send in the clergy while your organs finish cooking.

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Gallowmere View Post
    all the hospital staff can do is send in the clergy while your organs finish cooking.
    pretty horrific stuff

  24. #24
    wow,great to know

  25. #25
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    Long story short, just eat clean and keep up with your training and cardio

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quester View Post
    The information you have in your head is vast and deep. What do you think about the existence of a paradox regarding the outcome of enabling others, or, does enabling the most people to make the most well-informed decisions present a potential conflict? On the one hand, the forthrightness and zeal to help, and on the other, the knowledge that knowledge itself can harm to the degree that this site is shut down? Perhaps there exists a line?
    Your fan,
    I realize this is an old thread, but I want to touch on this point.
    The people here are already going to use whatever they are asking about. Having a more experienced individual mitigates some of the risk that would have otherwise been ignored.
    Helping 99% of the people that would have done it anyways outweighs the 1% what would have chosen to abstain
    That being said, this given information should still be corroborated/verified and not just taken blindly

  27. #27
    Just watch tiger fitness's video on it.The man said you burn from the inside.Fack that shit.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by usernamewastaken View Post
    Just watch tiger fitness's video on it.The man said you burn from the inside.Fack that shit.

    Yea that's literally just bullshit he is spouting because it will attract the masses and thus give him "credibility" and make him look like some kind of hero, this is totally not reality at all.

    In order for DNP to make your temperature around 105-107, the potentially lethal temp, you would need to take such a ridiculous amount that your metabolism would be over 10 times the normal rate, probably more. Assuming people using DNP can do math at say ... a 6th grade level, it's quite easy to understand, the very first research done on DNP indicates a 1 degree F increase in temperature results in a 120% in metabolism, if we know 100mg roughly boosts BMR by 11%ish then it's quite clear how insanely high the dose would need to be to reach 105, even if the dose were to "accumulate". Obviously the people initially exposed to DNP in those factories were getting it all over themselves and could easily achieve those lethal amounts.

    The reality is taking a rational dose of DNP under reasonable weather conditions is less dangerous and much less uncomfortable than using clen. This drug could seriously be an incredible thing for society but unfortunately it's name has been tainted for whatever reason. Any drug that accelerates BMR does it by INCREASING BODY HEAT PRODUCTION!
    Last edited by fiddlesticks; 06-21-2018 at 05:06 PM.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by fiddlesticks View Post
    Yea that's literally just bullshit he is spouting because it will attract the masses and thus give him "credibility" and make him look like some kind of hero, this is totally not reality at all.

    In order for DNP to make your temperature around 105-107, the potentially lethal temp, you would need to take such a ridiculous amount that your metabolism would be over 10 times the normal rate, probably more. Assuming people using DNP can do math at say ... a 6th grade level, it's quite easy to understand, the very first research done on DNP indicates a 1 degree F increase in temperature results in a 120% in metabolism, if we know 100mg roughly boosts BMR by 11%ish then it's quite clear how insanely high the dose would need to be to reach 105, even if the dose were to "accumulate". Obviously the people initially exposed to DNP in those factories were getting it all over themselves and could easily achieve those lethal amounts.

    The reality is taking a rational dose of DNP under reasonable weather conditions is less dangerous and much less uncomfortable than using clen. This drug could seriously be an incredible thing for society but unfortunately it's name has been tainted for whatever reason. Any drug that accelerates BMR does it by INCREASING BODY HEAT PRODUCTION!

    Any reference for the Increase in body temperature in regards to dnp and the same for the 100 boosting metabolism by that number? Interesting stuff!

  30. #30
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    I like how this is posted yet newbies still type up arguments for "safe usage". Well, they haven't diet yet (if they even practice what they preach) so they are still able to argue for it...

  31. #31
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    Great stuff. Thanks for the info.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by fiddlesticks View Post
    Yea that's literally just bullshit he is spouting because it will attract the masses and thus give him "credibility" and make him look like some kind of hero, this is totally not reality at all.

    In order for DNP to make your temperature around 105-107, the potentially lethal temp, you would need to take such a ridiculous amount that your metabolism would be over 10 times the normal rate, probably more. Assuming people using DNP can do math at say ... a 6th grade level, it's quite easy to understand, the very first research done on DNP indicates a 1 degree F increase in temperature results in a 120% in metabolism, if we know 100mg roughly boosts BMR by 11%ish then it's quite clear how insanely high the dose would need to be to reach 105, even if the dose were to "accumulate". Obviously the people initially exposed to DNP in those factories were getting it all over themselves and could easily achieve those lethal amounts.

    The reality is taking a rational dose of DNP under reasonable weather conditions is less dangerous and much less uncomfortable than using clen. This drug could seriously be an incredible thing for society but unfortunately it's name has been tainted for whatever reason. Any drug that accelerates BMR does it by INCREASING BODY HEAT PRODUCTION!
    I disagree,

    I was on a low dose of DNP and ended up in the hospital. Overnight I had a temperature hovering around 104 and required drugs to cool me down. Ontop of that, my heartrate was 135 and my respiratory rate was almost 40 (double whats considered "healthy). Don't talk the chemical down, especially if you don't have personal experience using it.

    The whole broscience about DNP being safer in colder less humid climates is also a whole load of nonsense. Where I live 9 months of the year there is snow and NEGATIVE FORTY DEGREES is normal. Any further up north I may as well be living with the polar bears.

    There is zero reason for anyone to ever use this pesticide. The reality is whenever you adjust the vitals and metabolism of any cellular organism there are always consequences.

    Finally, DNP is not a drug, its a chemical/pesticide.
    Last edited by Windex; 06-22-2018 at 11:29 AM.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by tarmyg View Post

    Any reference for the Increase in body temperature in regards to dnp and the same for the 100 boosting metabolism by that number? Interesting stuff!
    the very first papers published on the substance quote that and it also mentions dinitrocresol, should be easy to find. the only problem with this is that naturally you're able to temporarily increase your BMR by over 40 times during very intense exercise so it complicates it a bit.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by cousinmuscles View Post
    I like how this is posted yet newbies still type up arguments for "safe usage". Well, they haven't diet yet (if they even practice what they preach) so they are still able to argue for it...
    So if I post someone died of drinking too much water would that persuade you that water is deadly?

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Windex View Post
    I disagree,

    I was on a low dose of DNP and ended up in the hospital. Overnight I had a temperature hovering around 104 and required drugs to cool me down. Ontop of that, my heartrate was 135 and my respiratory rate was almost 40 (double whats considered "healthy). Don't talk the chemical down, especially if you don't have personal experience using it.

    The whole broscience about DNP being safer in colder less humid climates is also a whole load of nonsense. Where I live 9 months of the year there is snow and NEGATIVE FORTY DEGREES is normal. Any further up north I may as well be living with the polar bears.

    There is zero reason for anyone to ever use this pesticide. The reality is whenever you adjust the vitals and metabolism of any cellular organism there are always consequences.

    Finally, DNP is not a drug, its a chemical/pesticide.
    Literally every single drug and supplement are chemicals, that argument really shows the lack of understanding most people have lol.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Windex View Post
    I disagree,

    I was on a low dose of DNP and ended up in the hospital. Overnight I had a temperature hovering around 104 and required drugs to cool me down. Ontop of that, my heartrate was 135 and my respiratory rate was almost 40 (double whats considered "healthy). Don't talk the chemical down, especially if you don't have personal experience using it.

    The whole broscience about DNP being safer in colder less humid climates is also a whole load of nonsense. Where I live 9 months of the year there is snow and NEGATIVE FORTY DEGREES is normal. Any further up north I may as well be living with the polar bears.

    There is zero reason for anyone to ever use this pesticide. The reality is whenever you adjust the vitals and metabolism of any cellular organism there are always consequences.

    Finally, DNP is not a drug, its a chemical/pesticide.
    im sorry you had that experience but,.. DNP did not cause that, a BPM of 135 is extremely high.. were you taking other drugs?

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by fiddlesticks View Post
    im sorry you had that experience but,.. DNP did not cause that, a BPM of 135 is extremely high.. were you taking other drugs?
    Actually it did. I wasn't taking anything else and multiple tests showed DNP was the cause of all of my symptoms. Even Poison Control was partnered with the doctors for treating me. I'm confident between the Poison Control Board, Doctor, Toxicologist, and Internal Medicine Specialist, they know a bit more about DNP then you.

    the difference between chemical and drug is that chemical is any specific chemical element or chemical compound while drug is (pharmacology) a substance used to treat an illness, relieve a symptom, or treatment of disease.

    Have you ever taken DNP? If not, you have no business talking about it.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Windex View Post
    Actually it did. I wasn't taking anything else and multiple tests showed DNP was the cause of all of my symptoms. Even Poison Control was partnered with the doctors for treating me. I'm confident between the Poison Control Board, Doctor, Toxicologist, and Internal Medicine Specialist, they know a bit more about DNP then you.

    the difference between chemical and drug is that chemical is any specific chemical element or chemical compound while drug is (pharmacology) a substance used to treat an illness, relieve a symptom, or treatment of disease.

    Have you ever taken DNP? If not, you have no business talking about it.
    Me and numerous other people I associate with use it very frequently. Unless you have some sort of heart problem your body will have no issue at all dissipating the heat from low doses of dnp... If someone tells you 200mg of DNP will make your heartrate 135 I'm sorry they have no idea what they are saying, doesn't matter what "certification they have.

  39. #39
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    In all honestly, this drug should not even be a thought. Just diet and train your ass off and results will come. I understand how some may want to try it and from what I see, everyone with a brain that has knows the dangers behind it, hence why they state it’s risk vs reward is not worth it.
    Whoever compared DNP to clen is silly but I don’t really hear any horror stories at all from people using clen.
    Personally people should avoid this and go about safer methods to lose weight.

  40. #40
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    Fidd , I don’t understand why you are praising this’s not something anyone should take lightly or at all.
    You compare drinking water to taking dnp is a huge stretch.
    Water is actually something you NEED and has to be consumed all day every day for your body to function.
    DNP is something you take to alter your body to burn fat at an abnormal rate and is and can be deadly.
    If you need to drop body fat so fast for something, then maybe your diet needs to be seriously thought through first because for anyone to have to take it often obviously isn’t doing something right in the nutrition department.

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