Hey Guys,
I'm new to this site as well as to steroids. A few weeks back I came upon some gear a buddy of mine had laying around. Having never used any of it before I did some research and decided to try some of the test prop. I began injecting just 50mg/day to slowly work my way into it especially as I have major blood pressure issues. Within a week I couldn't sleep my head was pounding on the pillow so hard from my pulse. I had to stop using it and tried 20mg Dbol a day by itself(which I now know people say is pointless) and the same thing. I feel literally like I'm about to stroke out on it. I am now taking 2 different blood pressure medications at their maximum dosages and it isn't close to being under control.
Any suggestions on what I may be able to take because neither of these seem like viable options for me.
Thanks for any feedback!