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Thread: Blood Pressure Problems on Dbol and Test Prop

  1. #1

    Blood Pressure Problems on Dbol and Test Prop

    Hey Guys,

    I'm new to this site as well as to steroids. A few weeks back I came upon some gear a buddy of mine had laying around. Having never used any of it before I did some research and decided to try some of the test prop. I began injecting just 50mg/day to slowly work my way into it especially as I have major blood pressure issues. Within a week I couldn't sleep my head was pounding on the pillow so hard from my pulse. I had to stop using it and tried 20mg Dbol a day by itself(which I now know people say is pointless) and the same thing. I feel literally like I'm about to stroke out on it. I am now taking 2 different blood pressure medications at their maximum dosages and it isn't close to being under control.

    Any suggestions on what I may be able to take because neither of these seem like viable options for me.

    Thanks for any feedback!

  2. #2
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    Well... Stop.

    Get bp meds that work and get yourself in check before you think about doing it again.

    Optiin two: Risk heart attack and stroke for what exactly?

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Titan0784 View Post
    Hey Guys,

    I'm new to this site as well as to steroids. A few weeks back I came upon some gear a buddy of mine had laying around. Having never used any of it before I did some research and decided to try some of the test prop. I began injecting just 50mg/day to slowly work my way into it especially as I have major blood pressure issues. Within a week I couldn't sleep my head was pounding on the pillow so hard from my pulse. I had to stop using it and tried 20mg Dbol a day by itself(which I now know people say is pointless) and the same thing. I feel literally like I'm about to stroke out on it. I am now taking 2 different blood pressure medications at their maximum dosages and it isn't close to being under control.

    Any suggestions on what I may be able to take because neither of these seem like viable options for me.

    Thanks for any feedback!
    STOP NOW. Your health is the MOST important thing.

    Your 33. What is your current stats? BF, Hight, and Weight. I see you had issues with Test P. You should not run Dbol without testosterone anyway. What you have done is also suppress natural testosterone production and I am bet you have not run an AI (Aromatase Inhibitors) or HCG. I have taken this directly from the profile of this drug, "Dianabol can have a pronounced negative effect on cholesterol. This includes HDL cholesterol suppression and increases in LDL cholesterol, and the total changes can be significant." I am not sure how long you have taken this but I would suggest that you look into doing PCT.

    Welcome to the site. Stick around. Hit up the Diet and Nutrition section and other parts of the site. There are a lot of very helpful member here that can you.

  4. #4
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    #1: Don't inject ED, because it could lead to continuous spike in your blood; better 100mg/EOD of test prop than 50mg/ED IMHO.

    #2: High Estrogens could easily lead to high BP.... are you control Estrogens with an AI ?

    #3: Throw DBOL in the toilet. It's strong as very harsh.

    Try this solutions and please... inform by yourself before start to inject gear into your body ! Friends advices could be very dangerous without an underlying knowledge how hormones behave in your body and how it reacts to them.

    Read this MUST:

    Health and knowledge come first !

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slacker78 View Post
    #1: Don't inject ED, because it could lead to continuous spike in your blood; better 100mg/EOD of test prop than 50mg Ed !
    Injecting ED keeps your serum levels stable so you do not have spikes. This is just the opposite of what you state.
    Taking ED keeps the levels consistant which lowers the sides that you have.
    A good example is tren. I went from 2x /wk to ED and I could not believe the difference. I go ED even with long esthers for the same reason.

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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Titan0784 View Post
    Hey Guys,

    I'm new to this site as well as to steroids. A few weeks back I came upon some gear a buddy of mine had laying around. Having never used any of it before I did some research and decided to try some of the test prop. I began injecting just 50mg/day to slowly work my way into it especially as I have major blood pressure issues. Within a week I couldn't sleep my head was pounding on the pillow so hard from my pulse. I had to stop using it and tried 20mg Dbol a day by itself(which I now know people say is pointless) and the same thing. I feel literally like I'm about to stroke out on it. I am now taking 2 different blood pressure medications at their maximum dosages and it isn't close to being under control.

    Any suggestions on what I may be able to take because neither of these seem like viable options for me.

    Thanks for any feedback!
    This is why we usually ask for stats when making recommendations for cycles. I would probably say that you are greater than 15% bf, which would cause me to recommend not cycling. There are many things that go on in your body when cycling. Cholesteral and BP are two of the most overlooked sides.

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  7. #7
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    test prop and d-bol for a first cycle . really. just because your friend had it "laying around". do some research before you start injecting shit into your body that your friend just had laying around.

    to help get your blood pressure down quickly . take an herbal diuretic, do not eat any carbohydrates for a week, and do a few glycogen depleting workouts (that means cardio on a spin bike HIIT style rather then LISS walking on a treadmill).
    you'll shed a bunch of excess water and BP will come down significantly .

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Injecting ED keeps your serum levels stable so you do not have spikes. This is just the opposite of what you state.
    Although the principle is correct, for my experience i had high BP injecting test PROP ( happened just with Prop ) ED; when i switched to EOD, without changing others variables except double up the amount per shot, i felt better and it lowered. I supposed different matters, among which that maybe i metabolized the ester very slowly and so, even raising dosage per shot, letting more time passing among the shots, gave my body a better way and longer time-window to adjust to gear.

  9. #9
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    L-arginine, cialis, and atenolol keep me in check on tren. Might look into them but with you already being on two max dosage bp meds you have an underlying issue you need to address before its too late.
    Btw I am just fixing to add cialis myself for my future cycles and down time.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    L-arginine, cialis, and atenolol keep me in check on tren. Might look into them but with you already being on two max dosage bp meds you have an underlying issue you need to address before its too late.
    Btw I am just fixing to add cialis myself for my future cycles and down time.
    This is a serious question... Does anyone have issues taking cialis? I am afraid to take it because my TRT is bad enough enhancing my sex drive. I cannot imagine enhancing it any more.

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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    This is a serious question... Does anyone have issues taking cialis? I am afraid to take it because my TRT is bad enough enhancing my sex drive. I cannot imagine enhancing it any more.
    give it a try. If I'm having a weekend out with the wifey (and maybe one of her friends), I'll take 200mg test prop, 10-20mg of cialis, and shoot some Melanotan , and I'll stay hard the whole weekend and go multiple rounds without skipping a beat.

  12. #12
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    I take Cialis 5mg ED in my TRT. Be sure, not more sex drive, but a great beast inside !

    No issues still now, all perfect.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    give it a try. If I'm having a weekend out with the wifey (and maybe one of her friends), I'll take 200mg test prop, 10-20mg of cialis, and shoot some Melanotan , and I'll stay hard the whole weekend and go multiple rounds without skipping a beat.
    200 test prop? Holy crap. Same thing goes for melanotan. Afraid to take it for the increase in libido. I would like to take it for the tanning aspect. I am sick of the messy tanning applications.

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  14. #14
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    GearHeaded, i suppose that you do some sporadic surplus of Test for special events

    It could be interesting, being in TRT you can occasionally allow this luxury

    But tell me... your estrogens level don't raise up a bit in that moment, affecting your libido ? Do you take any AI, maybe as protection ?

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slacker78 View Post
    GearHeaded, i suppose that you do some sporadic surplus of Test for special events

    It could be interesting, being in TRT you can occasionally allow this luxury

    But tell me... your estrogens level don't raise up a bit in that moment, affecting your libido ? Do you take any AI, maybe as protection ?
    yes I'm on TRT. and I will occasionally blast some test prop for certain reasons like I stated above , or lets say I'm feeling a little down or blah and weak in the gym. I'll pin some prop 100-200mg eod for a week or so and get to feeling better.
    being on Test year round allows me this ability.

    I'm NOT estrogen sensitive, so I can get by doing this. I will take aromasin on my TRT (just 2x per week is all), but if I blast some Test Prop then I will take some Letro if need be. I've done so many cycles I'm very familiar with how my body reacts to high estrogen, I start getting anxious, not able to sleep, claustrophobic a bit . and the Letro will fix me right up.

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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    200 test prop? Holy crap. Same thing goes for melanotan. Afraid to take it for the increase in libido. I would like to take it for the tanning aspect. I am sick of the messy tanning applications.
    Melanotan works great and gives an awesome tan. but one side effect is random hard as hell boners

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    yes I'm on TRT. and I will occasionally blast some test prop for certain reasons like I stated above , or lets say I'm feeling a little down or blah and weak in the gym. I'll pin some prop 100-200mg eod for a week or so and get to feeling better.
    being on Test year round allows me this ability.

    I'm NOT estrogen sensitive, so I can get by doing this. I will take aromasin on my TRT (just 2x per week is all), but if I blast some Test Prop then I will take some Letro if need be. I've done so many cycles I'm very familiar with how my body reacts to high estrogen, I start getting anxious, not able to sleep, claustrophobic a bit . and the Letro will fix me right up.
    Same reactions to high estrogens, now i know well how my body reacts to high estrogens. Anxiety, vertigo, panic attack sometimes and high BP. I feel well when they start to going high. So you take Aromasin for your TRT ( dosages ? ).
    As far as i know Letro is the more powerful one and i wonder how do you take it if Test prop is just an "emergency" low dosages...

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slacker78 View Post
    Same reactions to high estrogens, now i know well how my body reacts to high estrogens. Anxiety, vertigo, panic attack sometimes and high BP. I feel well when they start to going high. So you take Aromasin for your TRT ( dosages ? ).
    As far as i know Letro is the more powerful one and i wonder how do you take it if Test prop is just an "emergency" low dosages...
    I've taken both Aromasin and Arimidex over the lat 7 years I've been on TRT. both work fine. I've heard that Arimidex is a little bit more harsh on lipid profile.
    But, I always have Letro on hand. thats my 'go to' if my estrogen gets out of control (sometimes I'm lazy and forget to take Aromasin while I'm blasting things like Ment and Dbol , when this happens Letro fixes me right up and those negative sides go away in a week or so) . I dose Letro at 2mg a couple times a week until high estrogen sides go away . then I jump back on Adex or Aromasin , and try to remember to take that EOD when blasting estrogenic compounds

    IF I'm massing and I'm running something like Tren (which really works well with high estrogen for growth) with ment and Dbol (both highly estrogenic) , then I'll purposely let my estrogen get up there to the high range. I'll deal with the high estrogen sides for awhile, until I can't take it anymore, then I go right to the Letro (rather then upping the aromasin).

    Letro is a great tool to have around for anyone that does a lot of cycles with wet compounds

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I've taken both Aromasin and Arimidex over the lat 7 years I've been on TRT. both work fine. I've heard that Arimidex is a little bit more harsh on lipid profile.
    But, I always have Letro on hand. thats my 'go to' if my estrogen gets out of control (sometimes I'm lazy and forget to take Aromasin while I'm blasting things like Ment and Dbol , when this happens Letro fixes me right up and those negative sides go away in a week or so) . I dose Letro at 2mg a couple times a week until high estrogen sides go away . then I jump back on Adex or Aromasin , and try to remember to take that EOD when blasting estrogenic compounds

    IF I'm massing and I'm running something like Tren (which really works well with high estrogen for growth) with ment and Dbol (both highly estrogenic) , then I'll purposely let my estrogen get up there to the high range. I'll deal with the high estrogen sides for awhile, until I can't take it anymore, then I go right to the Letro (rather then upping the aromasin).

    Letro is a great tool to have around for anyone that does a lot of cycles with wet compounds
    Ah ok, so you use Letro when you go down hard to restore quicker your estrogens balance. Letro action is actually quicker than other AIs, but it's extremely powerful. But if i understand well, you don't use it in TRT and when you do occasionally Test Prop shots...

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slacker78 View Post
    Ah ok, so you use Letro when you go down hard to restore quicker your estrogens balance. Letro action is actually quicker than other AIs, but it's extremely powerful. But if i understand well, you don't use it in TRT and when you do occasionally Test Prop shots...
    yep . Letro hits hard and fast , and if you dose it too high too often you can easily crash your estrogen in a very short time.

    I don't use it for TRT. if I blast highly estrogenic compounds , like a bunch of Test Prop, or Ment, then I will use it then. or again if I feel all those nasty high estrogen sides coming on while on cycle I'll use it then as well.

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