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Thread: Cutting: Problems w/ECA & Clen Question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2003
    M I A

    Cutting: Problems w/ECA & Clen Question

    Wuz up everyone
    first off thanks for all the advice my cycle has kicked ass but...

    i recently ran into problems with my ECA stack (i am using liquid clenbutrx by VPX) ive never had any problems with the product but now am getting massive headaches( almost migraines) my questions is:

    1.) Any recommendations on any otc ECA's that anyone currently uses??

    2.) I ordered liquid clen from LR, can this have the same effect?

    Thanks in advance feel free to pm w/ any thoughts/questions

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Zagreb, Croatia
    Headaches are caused becase of smaller blood flow to the brain.Aspirin helps because it allows more blood to flow to the brain.ECA by itself shouldn't have to do anything with the headaches, but it causes high blood preasure so you shouldn't fool around, go see a doctor bra, it really shouldn't be a bother...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2003
    M I A
    thanks man

    bump anyother opinions......?

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