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Thread: Blood work. help. choosing important tests for cycle plan

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    movin' to the country

    Blood work. help. choosing important tests for cycle plan

    I'm 34
    I do cardio. i run
    I eat clean 85% of the time
    I've been working out consistently never going more than 2 days without some cardio or hard work lifting.
    I'm about 14% BF and going down
    I weigh 196lb at 5'9" per height and weight standards i'm over my natural max, but not by a lot. 186lb is my natty max healthy body weight. basically most people that are my height and weigh as much as i do are fat.
    Max bench is 225 X 2, or 205 X 4
    squat 225 X 8 for 5 sets. havn't tried higher for less reps
    max leg press 360 and higher/ not tested
    max preacher eazy 115 X 8 then i taper off, not tested 1 Rep max.
    Dead 225 not tested higher

    I've done a few cycles (used to weigh 160lb at 10%BF) the last being Test E and Tren E. had to cut it short for fear i would be found out at work.

    never had an issue with Blood work. always had good values. I'm doing TRT off cycle 250mg / week.

    with this next blood test what should i focus on to ensure i'm healthy and ready for another cycle. i don't have a doctor who basically knows about my little lifestyle thing.

    I really want to ensure my liver is good to go.
    not really worried about anything but my liver and kidneys.

    now with that said let's take a look at my cycle plans. what in my body is it going to get jacked up because of this cycle? i'd like a good recovery plan. i know orals are hard on the liver.

    Nan Deca 500mg / week
    Test E / 800mg / week
    Dbol / 40mg / day

    BPC 157
    GHRP 2
    CJC 1295 With DAC


    Adex, Prami, and HCG.

    MISC. water, food! NAC 3200mg per day / Ubiquinol / Methyl B12 / tanning bed vitamin D3 / pretty much what i do anyways on a daily. oh yea. little halo oranges and fish oil!
    Last edited by Too-$mall; 12-30-2017 at 11:41 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    movin' to the country

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    self prescribed trt? 250mg/week is a lot for trt...

    how long you plan on running it? dbol for the whole cycle? goals?

  4. #4
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    movin' to the country
    yea self prescribed.

    hmm not sure, until i start getting worried that my uniforms are getting too small? probably 12 weeks.

    it's been a long long time since i touched orals. not sure how to use dbol on this cycle. goals are more muscle everwhere gear headed recommended it with all the stuff i have going on in my life. see my journal. his comments are there.

    basically, i have to manage my BF very carefully and i have to keep up the cardio in order to stay below 19% BF, which according to standards, i have to abide by, i'm at right now. my profile pic is me at 18% BF. I'm not calorie restricting myself. i have a tough enough time off cycle absorbing and breaking down everything i eat.

    one thing is for sure. i'm running some peptides ASAP. my shoulders not top notch at the moment, but i'm working with it. TB 500 worked wonders. i hear BPC 157 is more appropriate for what i have going on.

    isn't dbol typically used as a ramp into the gear. then used again near the end?
    Last edited by Too-$mall; 01-01-2018 at 07:25 PM.

  5. #5
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    you just need to get a basic CBC and liver kidney function test. make sure liver enzymes aren't super elevated, creatinine levels are in range, HDL/LDL are in range, as well as RBC, hemoglobin, and hematocrit.
    if those things are all in range then your good to go for your next cycle

    if you got the extra $ you can always add in hormone testing, thyroid , total and free test, e2 , just to see where your at with your TRT protocol

    I would add in TUDCA for liver support, maybe some alpha lipoic acid as well

    also being your running GH releasing peptides it would be good for you to monitor your blood sugar. glucose meter can be picked up at Walmart for 10 bucks

  6. #6
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    you should use the 'taper' method for the Dbol . Start high and then taper the dosage down over the cycle. This will help you to keep the Dbol gains and allow your body to acclimate to the weight , rather then just pissing the gains away (like guys do when they only run it 4 weeks)

    Week 1-4 - 50mg per day
    week 5-7 - 30mg per day
    week 8-10 - 20mg per day

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    movin' to the country
    Thanks brother,

    got a glucose monitor already. will do all of that!

    as far as monitoring my glucose, am i looking for out of normal range highs? i already don't eat tons of carbs because they get me fat pretty easy. the carbs that i do eat are always the slow type. when i do eat junk it's after a workout in order to spike insulin and force nutes into my muscles. this not recommended on GH releasing peps? when i do this i will eat a bean burrito from taco bell, or a small bowl of lucky charms. that's really it. the worst i'll go is a handful of tater tots every once in awhile. it's mostly lentils, quinoa, oats, (rolled, or steel cut) and vegetables. come to think of it. i barely eat carbs at all. on a typical day i probably hover around 200g and mostly staying well under that.
    Last edited by Too-$mall; 01-01-2018 at 08:29 PM.

  8. #8
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    your looking for possible elevated fasted blood glucose levels (especially with the CJC w/ Dac). if your fasted level gets up into the 100s then you may want to look into running a GDA (glucose disposal agent) along with your peptides.

    consuming Carbs while on GH Peptides is just fine , just don't consume them 45 mins before or 45 after an injection (carbs will impede an HGH pulse from the pituitary)

    and on a side note, when your on cycle your body will utilize carbs a lot more efficiently , especially the Dbol . it will go towards muscle glycogen rather then fat (i.e., nutrient partitioning)

  9. #9
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    I'm new to GDA's that an OTC item? looks like OTC stuff.

    we talking glucosamine metformin (something like that,) or is OTC adequate? can i use cinnamon?
    Last edited by Too-$mall; 01-01-2018 at 08:46 PM.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Too-$mall View Post
    I'm new to GDA's that an OTC item? looks like OTC stuff.

    we talking glucosamine metformin (something like that,) or is OTC adequate? can i use cinnamon?
    metformin is a prescription drug GDA (works good, easy and cheap to get) . there are OTC ones as well that are all natural. Enhanced Athlete slin pills for example (contain cinnamon , berberine, chromium etc.)
    they'll help promote insulin sensitivity and thus lower blood sugar (where as GH Peptides will cause a bit of insulin resistence)

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    movin' to the country
    dope. 'ppreciate it!

    this has been saved in my favorites and is now in my journal. just need to drop the greenbacks.

    shoppin list. fudge. that's a lot. time to make a checklist. (done) woo hoo! getting excited but god daaaang.

    this is total

    more test E and U (raw)
    filter tops
    more 10mg vials for HCG
    Enhanced Athlete slin pills (GDA equivalents)
    blood work
    BPC 157
    GHRP 2
    GHRH 1295 with DAC

    These are the now

    TEST - E
    10MG VIALS (for HCG)
    BPC 157
    GHRP 2
    GHRH 1295 W DAC

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