I'm 34
I do cardio. i run
I eat clean 85% of the time
I've been working out consistently never going more than 2 days without some cardio or hard work lifting.
I'm about 14% BF and going down
I weigh 196lb at 5'9" per height and weight standards i'm over my natural max, but not by a lot. 186lb is my natty max healthy body weight. basically most people that are my height and weigh as much as i do are fat.
Max bench is 225 X 2, or 205 X 4
squat 225 X 8 for 5 sets. havn't tried higher for less reps
max leg press 360 and higher/ not tested
max preacher eazy 115 X 8 then i taper off, not tested 1 Rep max.
Dead 225 not tested higher
I've done a few cycles (used to weigh 160lb at 10%BF) the last being Test E and Tren E. had to cut it short for fear i would be found out at work.
never had an issue with Blood work. always had good values. I'm doing TRT off cycle 250mg / week.
with this next blood test what should i focus on to ensure i'm healthy and ready for another cycle. i don't have a doctor who basically knows about my little lifestyle thing.
I really want to ensure my liver is good to go.
not really worried about anything but my liver and kidneys.
now with that said let's take a look at my cycle plans. what in my body is it going to get jacked up because of this cycle? i'd like a good recovery plan. i know orals are hard on the liver.
Nan Deca 500mg / week
Test E / 800mg / week
Dbol / 40mg / day
BPC 157
CJC 1295 With DAC
Adex, Prami, and HCG.
MISC. water, food! NAC 3200mg per day / Ubiquinol / Methyl B12 / tanning bed vitamin D3 / pretty much what i do anyways on a daily. oh yea. little halo oranges and fish oil!