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Thread: Finished deca... do i need clomid?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    Finished deca... do i need clomid?

    OK, I know just about everyone post these kind of threads but I need a few answers. Im about to run only a 5 week cycle of deca at 250 mg a week. I know its short and small, but it is my first cycle and i dont want anything to massive and strong. So is it completly necessary to run clomid after this cycle? If i dont do it what could happen? And If i do do it is 300mg (3 weeks after last shot), then 100mg (10 days later) and 50mg(14 days later) the correct amount. Appreciate it!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    You could lose most or all of your gains. I know some people dont use clomid and instead they use nolvadex, arimidex(liquidex) post cycle but never done that personally.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    I would go on the clomid

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    what a waste of deca, you going to be coming off the cycle just when it kicks in. You could get to your goals just by proper dieting and training. Why even bother with cycling gear???

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Northwest Ohio
    I ran deca for my first cycle and i did 300mg every 4 days and in 12 weeks i put on 45lbs... I highly recomend that to you. But i'd agree that what your planning on running would be a waste.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by abstrack
    what a waste of deca, you going to be coming off the cycle just when it kicks in. You could get to your goals just by proper dieting and training. Why even bother with cycling gear???
    I agree with abstrack on this one.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    everyone here says you need clomid post thearpy for deca and evedence can not disagree. I personally never used post thearpy with deca becuase most of the deca gains stays. Deca in my opinion is the best becuase as the bloat weight goes away the gains stay for ever unless you are a lousy couch potato. I just used zinc to bring back my testostrone. but this only a personal experience it may vary with people. I went up to 211 lbs with deca and test and four months later I was 201 lbs so you be the judge. I started from 192 fat.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by A Future Freak
    I ran deca for my first cycle and i did 300mg every 4 days and in 12 weeks i put on 45lbs...
    Maybe 45 pounds on Pluto!! j/k

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Wow. There's a bunch of different opinions in this thread. Inform yourself and then choose the opinions bro.

    A deca only cycle has the chance of really shutting you down. I've been there and I can say this will be a huge mistake if you're prone to "deca dick". First're not doing enough deca and you're doing it too short. Minimum 10 weeks for deca. If you're going to do deca I'd stack it with a higher amount of test (to keep your member happy)...or simply do test alone. Do some test prop...great gains and no water weight. You will have to inject ED or EOD though.

    As far as will it definitely need it if you plan on doing a deca only cycle. You should actually use it after any cycle. Also it is recommended that you do 50mg for an exta week while coming off of deca. So start 3 weeks after last injection and do it for 4 weeks. It took me 6 months to get over my deca dick.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    new york
    Better do clomid. The sooner you get your body back to normal the better. Also, 250 wk is a waste of time. Whats worse, 250 wk for 5 wks is a further waste of time. If thats the only drug your going to do(and I advise against that), I would do at least 400 for 10 wks. If you dont do the clomid, the chances of side effects are greater. Just think how your chest would look with a nice set of breasts hanging off it! AS are STRONG compounds and they shouldnt be taken lightly. I too am in the middle of a 1st cycle and I thought I'd do deca only. Three and a half weeks in, I added test enanthate500 wk. Now Im already lining up the next cycle. Do A LOT of research like I didnt. It will pay off.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2003
    not too far from you
    Quote Originally Posted by biggdude
    OK, I know just about everyone post these kind of threads but I need a few answers. Im about to run only a 5 week cycle of deca at 250 mg a week. I know its short and small, but it is my first cycle and i dont want anything to massive and strong. So is it completly necessary to run clomid after this cycle? If i dont do it what could happen? And If i do do it is 300mg (3 weeks after last shot), then 100mg (10 days later) and 50mg(14 days later) the correct amount. Appreciate it!
    I hear ya, thats what I first said, but you know what they say, " IF YOUR GONNA DO IT, YOU BETTER DO IT RIGHT."

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    The city where dreams are
    Get the clomid, its cheap.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    I'd say do clomid just to be safe, deca shuts you down hard, and it very hard on the hypathalus. however with those kinds of runs, it is likely that you even have shut down much. I'd say do it just to be safe can't hurt.
    Alittle advice, next time run your deca longer and then you wouldn't have to post a question like this.. LOL (just teasing ya bro, no flame intended).

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    You are definetely going to be shut down after five weeks of deca. This isn't even a question. You need clomid or you are going to find out how unhappy the body gets when it is not producing test. Five week cycles of Deca are not a good idea in my opinion.

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