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Thread: How much should I expect?

  1. #1

    How much should I expect?

    Alright my cycle is like this
    Week 1-5 Omnadren 250mgs/every 5 days
    Week 5-10 Sustanon 250mgs/every 5 days
    I ran out of omnadren and im on my third week right now, one week of omnadren left then to sustanon, So far I haven't gained jack shit but i know it takes a while for them to set in, imm wondering how much i should expect to gain and when will i start noticing when it kicks in?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    a building
    u definately need to up the dose, 250 of sust every 5 days is pretty much wasting it. at least go 250 mg every 3 days, maybe even 2. when an adequate dose is used the effects generally are felt within 3-4 weeks. depends on the person........

  3. #3
    would it be better now to go 2x per week?
    but then my cycle would end at like week 7

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2003
    you need more gear bro. sus should be ran every other day.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    i love it when these guys come on this board and ask how much they can expect to gain ! teachers always told me there is no such thing as a dumb question, lol ! i knew they were blatant liars ! anyways to make this not look like a flame i will make some reccomendations

    week 1 - 10: sus 500 mg/ew

    injected monday, wednesday, friday!

    gains start whenever they feel like it, sus is a blend of short to long acting esters, so the gains come w/e usually around 3 - 4 weeks !

    regards =)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Helpplz
    Alright my cycle is like this
    Week 1-5 Omnadren 250mgs/every 5 days
    Week 5-10 Sustanon 250mgs/every 5 days
    I ran out of omnadren and im on my third week right now, one week of omnadren left then to sustanon, So far I haven't gained jack shit but i know it takes a while for them to set in, imm wondering how much i should expect to gain and when will i start noticing when it kicks in?
    Stick to single ester tests next test enanthate @ 500mg for 10 weeks.

    S250/Omnadren has to be injected EOD to make use of the short acting esters. Sorry bro. There are tonnes of threads on the site that talk about S250 and why it isn't a good AS to use versus a single ester.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    On the other side of your computer
    I like Omnadren but i have not experience a single ester test such as prop of enanthate but the other bros are right you need at least 500mgs a weeks and since omnas come in amps you could do it like this 1ml every 3 days. The different esters require this type of injecting. and with a multi ester its going to take 3-6 weeks depending for the "pump" to kick in. You need more gear. good luck

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