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Thread: First real cycle

  1. #1
    Abobe13 is offline New Member
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    First real cycle

    Hello how's everybody doing I'm new to this form thing so I'm not sure if I'm doing it right but I have a question, and my question is for my first real cycle I want to run test cyp 500 a week for 14 week with deca 200 and anadrol 25 to 50 mg a day for 4-6 weeks is this a good cycle to run or am I overdoing it or not doing enough I also have some Clomid for PCT. Please help I don't want to waste my money

  2. #2
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    I'm going to paste what I've said here before , because you guys just don't seem to get how this works

    the first cycle needs to be test only because you need to learn how your body responds to androgens, estrogen, and DHT. thats three things to worry about and give you possible negative sides.

    now if you throw in Deca , now you have a progesterone based compound that is capable of elevating your prolactin or give you progestone based gyno , or prolactin based deca dick. you may need a dopamine agonist like caber or prami. Thats a few more things you have to worry about controlling.

    now throw Adrol in there . Adrol converts to a very powerful form of estrogen that needs controlled (and can't be controlled with an AI). Its also a very wet compound capable of giving you a lot of bloat, water retention and high blood pressure. thats even more things you have to worry about controlling.

    do you see how many variables you now have to worry about when you have all 3 of these compounds on a first cycle ? you won't know whats causing what issue cause your not experienced with each compound individually

    stick to test only, learn to control those variables first
    ghettoboyd and Clove1234 like this.

  3. #3
    MACKATTACK's Avatar
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    Listen to Gearheaded he knows his stuff..........."keep it simple stupid" want to learn each compound, this is your health we are talking about. You have to understand if something doesn't react properly with your body first.

  4. #4
    TRTdrew's Avatar
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    Jangles1 is offline Member
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  6. #6
    Jerry2020 is offline Junior Member
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    I think even more important than the fact you shouldn’t use all those compounds is that you don’t NEED all those compounds in a first cycle.

    I’m 7 weeks into my first cycle, only 500mg Test E per week and I’m seeing huge gains, because I’ve put so much effort into my diet and training. I’m currently up 23lb and lifts and endurance have gone through the roof. Why would you need any more for a first cycle?

    Edit: for context, it’s not like I was some small skinny guy who’s all of a sudden put on 23lb, I’ve gone from 213lb to 238lb currently

  7. #7
    charger69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I'm going to paste what I've said here before , because you guys just don't seem to get how this works

    the first cycle needs to be test only because you need to learn how your body responds to androgens, estrogen, and DHT. thats three things to worry about and give you possible negative sides.

    now if you throw in Deca , now you have a progesterone based compound that is capable of elevating your prolactin or give you progestone based gyno , or prolactin based deca dick. you may need a dopamine agonist like caber or prami. Thats a few more things you have to worry about controlling.

    now throw Adrol in there . Adrol converts to a very powerful form of estrogen that needs controlled (and can't be controlled with an AI). Its also a very wet compound capable of giving you a lot of bloat, water retention and high blood pressure. thats even more things you have to worry about controlling.

    do you see how many variables you now have to worry about when you have all 3 of these compounds on a first cycle ? you won't know whats causing what issue cause your not experienced with each compound individually

    stick to test only, learn to control those variables first
    Might as well copy paste it somewhere convenient. You will be using it alot on here.

  8. #8
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Yeah his 1st real cycle but in his profile he ran Sus and Deca I guess that was make believe

  9. #9
    Clove1234 is offline Associate Member
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    Sometimes i love this forum

  10. #10
    David LoPan's Avatar
    David LoPan is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    Yeah his 1st real cycle but in his profile he ran Sus and Deca I guess that was make believe
    Do you have an AI and HCG ? Enough money for Food? Did you get your bloodwork done? If you do not have these done then yes, you are wasting your money.

    What I always copy and paste.

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