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Thread: First Cycle, insight (running while injured)

  1. #1

    Unhappy First Cycle, insight (running while injured)

    Hi all,

    I've been a lurker for about a year on many forums. Posting a intro and cycle below, note it is unorthodox in why I am running the cycle. I wanted to first state the goal of my cycle:

    Age: 25 Weight: 190 Height: 6'1 BF: 11%

    GOAL: Injured spine (herniated disks) nine year ago. Surgery 4 months ago, no success. Waiting game for 2-3 more months, then considering other options. Not considering something like a fusion or would not be running cycle. Need to rule out lack of muscle as cause for backpain, as I have ruled out almost everything else. (next procedure would possible be stem cell, then pain therapy (mental), then if all else fails, a fusion way down the line.

    I have been running 4iu of GH for the past 3 months, to see if that would assist in the healing. So far, zero noticeable impact (it is legit, pharm grade, had bloods, sides noticable)


    Week 1- 8 Test E 300 mg EW, no split
    Week 1- 8 Have aromasin on hand, not sure if I am going to use it unless sides appear, given
    what is really a low test only cycle. Will probably do 10ed or 20e3d
    Week 1- 10 GH ED 4iu
    Week 10- 12 Clomid/Nolva (both on hand, either or)
    Week 12-13/14 Clomid/Nolva (less)

    Ideally want to push to a 10 week cycle, in which case everything would be pushed back 2 weeks, all depends on the future ahead of me procedure wise.

    Note: I am aware test e cycle of 8 weeks is 'pointless', but my goal is to build a foundation past what I am currently able to do. I am able to to intensive physical therapy for two hours a day, and do upperbody (currently on back only, benches for bis and tris), legs with weight belt so no extra weight on spine, at least at the beginning. I understand many will be critical to me running when I'm unable to be physical, but I've essentially plat'd in all exercises I can do

    Please feel free to comment on what you think about the above. I tried to keep it short, I could write a ten page essay on all the procedures I've had if more info is needed.

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Bragging to someone
    I've had 4 back surgeries . if your surgeon thinks that you should do a fusion then its best to do that NOW and get it over with. otherwise your just delaying the inevitable and will deal with back issues for years to come and end up getting the fusion anyway. why not get it over with now.

    also, HGH will do nothing to heal mechanical damage in the body (i.e., if something needs surgically repaired). it will help you recover better and heal from the surgery itself though.

    you want to build a foundation past what you are able to do naturally .. ok well I will say that you are not going to be able to build a foundation at all with a screwed up back. get your back fixed , get yourself to be able to squat 315 pain free. then you'll be ready to move on to a cycle.

  4. #4
    Thanks for the response.

    So the HGH is being used as there have been medical studies (mainly in rats) to promote healing and spinal curve regeneration. I also used it to prevent rapid muscle loss as I spent months in bed.

    Regarding a fusion, if it was clear cut I need it, I would be on it asap. The issue is that other than the symptoms I have (only pain when standing, sitting, or lying on soft surfaces. Pain much worse with bad posture or leaning forward standing versus weight on the back. Nothing on the MRI shows anything to show what needs to be done, which is why it is so difficult. I've had 7 MRIs and seen 5 top surgeons. I've recently been working to prevent pain through doing the opposite of what I posted above, however as you mentioned, I don't think I am healing or that my spine is better, instead I am learning how to prevent most pain through proper standing, sitting, gymx2, etc.

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