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Thread: Question on Cycling

  1. #1
    powerlifter99 is offline New Member
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    Question on Cycling

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  2. #2
    Clove1234 is offline Associate Member
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    Wait till an expert chimes in. They will recommend cutting that cycle to 12 weeks only for the most part. Also, get blood work done. There are ways to get it done outside of your doctor.
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  3. #3
    David LoPan's Avatar
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    250 mg seems on the low side to me. I am not a powerlifter so I can just say to read this and let some of the massive guys that train for powerlifting jump in. This is a great read for your first cycle.

  4. #4
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    the reason your blood pressure is spiked and heart is having issues is likely because your estrogen is really elevated and your holding a lot of water (and fluid around the heart). you simply need to start running an AI

    26 weeks is a long time to be on cycle (if your not a blast and cruiser , then PCT and recovery is going to be difficult being on that long, and your prob not running Hcg either).

    also at week 26 your going to be fairly de-sensitized and myostatin very up-regulated. so your not going to be making any real strength gains at that point from the Test. you may be better getting off now, pct and recover for 10 weeks, and then get back on fast esters 6 weeks before your meet.
    and you may want to consider running drugs that will really help your strength for the meet, Tren , Halo, Dbol along with the Test. you'll only need about 6 weeks to increase strength NOT 26 weeks
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    powerlifter99 is offline New Member
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    Last edited by powerlifter99; 06-04-2019 at 06:20 PM.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    you may want to consider running drugs that will really help your strength for the meet, Tren, Halo, Dbol along with the Test.
    I would highly advise against running halo or tren on your first or second cycle.
    You are already having heart palpitations and high blood pressure running just test.
    The last thing you need is to take much harsher steroids now.

    Start taking an AI.
    The first cycle thread listed above is a great read and place to start.

    Run this cycle for 12 weeks. PCT. and recover.
    You can do your April meet off cycle.
    There are always other meets.

    Powerlifting is a marathon not a sprint.

  7. #7
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerlifter99 View Post

    Thanks for the response. Between the AIs, and not having bloods done yet, what would you recommend on running? Their easily obtainable and I should have them within a few days.

    I knew 26 weeks would be way to long, and to be honest the powerlifting dates screwed my original plan. It was to run for 12-16 weeks and PCT, then plan for a meet in June. The alternative would be to drop down to a TRT does for 6-8 week, and then kick it back up again. Thoughts?

    Or would jumping off now, doing a PCT and getting back on 6 weeks out be better? Would I need a more aggressive PCT to make it quicker? And should I start running the AI immediately and begin PCT a few weeks after ?

    Thanks again.
    if your committed to your training and plan on competing often and taking this shit pretty serious and running several cycles per year ,, then just get on TRT and forget the PCT route. you'll perform better in the long run , you'll take 2 steps forward and continue moving forward instead of taking steps backward (which happens with pct). BUT realize that comes at the risk and cost of possible long term and permanent HPTA shut down (8 years from now you may be able to recover good natural test levels, thats possible, but its also possible you may need to be on TRT for life).

    if you go the TRT route then what I would do now is run your AI (may even want to run some Letro) and get that estrogen and blood pressure under control. Then also drop your Test dosage down to about 150mg every 5 days. Cruise at that low dose until about 6-8 weeks from your meet (and get blood work done sometime in that span before you blast again) and then ramp everything up using compounds that are geared towards really boosting your strength and your aggression (that means androgenic compounds coupled with at least one wet compound).

    going into the meet your blood pressure and estrogen may be high during this time, but this is for a short time span .. you don't want to be that way for a long 12 week cycle . short 2 week span going into a meet is not a big deal. its chronic long term blood pressure that causes health problems , not usually short term acute blood pressure.

    if you go the PCT route . you'll need to get your estrogen levels down . its going to be very hard to recover with elevated estrogen as your pituitary will have no reason to tell you testes to produce test with high levels of estrogen present.
    as for "aggressive pct" , personally every PCT should always be the same and always be aggressive no matter what type of cycle you did.

  8. #8
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    I would highly advise against running halo or tren on your first or second cycle.
    I agree with this . I didn't catch that your only one cycle into this lifestyle brother. I saw "power lifting meet" and assumed you'd been training and running gear for awhile

    I simply went right into what works best for strength . not what may be best for you given your very little experience with AAS
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    On top of high estrogen causing high BP, remember that steroids increase RBC through erythropoiesis. The longer you run them the more RBC you have, the thicker the blood too and that contributes to high BP.

    Test is something you saturate with in regards to gains, I haven't seen anyone prove otherwise. For my part enanthate kicks in in week 5.5-6 and the gains diminish by week 12. So you have to time it with your meet and even better design a periodization block accordignly. Once the gains stop then you want to recover and let your RBCs (and many other things too) return to normal as well as give your body a break.

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    Last edited by powerlifter99; 06-04-2019 at 06:21 PM.

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    Last edited by powerlifter99; 06-04-2019 at 06:26 PM.

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