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Thread: Fake Norma Hellas still contain deca?????

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    Talking Fake Norma Hellas still contain deca?????

    i've heard people say this that the fake norma hellas still contain deca in they are not fake after all you're still get deca in the vials?
    can someone explain please thks luke

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Some fakes contain either a cheaper AAS like primo containing deca or sometimes they contain a lower concentration like 100mg/ml rather than 200 mgs or they may just be a cheaper home made deca. The problem is there is no way to really know unless you get it tested and then you never really know how it was prepared. I wouldn't take gear you know is fake.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    If you know they are fakes don't buy them. If you think they are fakes don't buy them. Even if you know or have been informed they contain some AAS don't buy them. As usual Rickson speaks with sense - don't put anything into your body unless you are sure it's legit. And to be sure do shit-loads of research.

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