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Thread: 1st pin pip issues

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2018

    1st pin pip issues

    Hello all I was on trt for 7 weeks with cyp doing 140mg a week through a clinic. First of the year rolled around and deductible reset. For my first shot of the year they gave me my reg dose but when I went to check out they charged me $65. Well i said to hell with that I can get a bottle for that. Long story short t400 half cc in a 1" in the glute and now i have this 4 days later. Buddy says itll disperse and to wait but I need another opinion.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Destination Peaksville
    WTF...!? Looks like it's getting infected man are you sure you didn't drop the needle or rub it against something cause that looks bacterial to me. Even when I've has the worst PIP it's maybe a little red and swollen but not dark red and infected looking like that I'd go get checked out make sure your ass isn't gonna rot off and get some antibiotics asap

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Destination Peaksville
    Nevermind, upon zooming in I realize that's just bruising. Don't worry you're fine. Didn't mean to freak you out lol. Looks like your moving the needle around too much while injecting. Try jamming it in quickly, push the oil out quickly, and pulling needle out quickly. Sounds crazy but you're in and out in 20 seconds with no bruising or tissue damage as often seen in people who do it super slow....

  4. #4
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    Jan 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMindz View Post
    WTF...!? Looks like it's getting infected man are you sure you didn't drop the needle or rub it against something cause that looks bacterial to me. Even when I've has the worst PIP it's maybe a little red and swollen but not dark red and infected looking like that I'd go get checked out make sure your ass isn't gonna rot off and get some antibiotics asap
    I have some amox already laying around. I took some yesterday and today then that popped up but pain and redness is almost gone. Pocket is still definitely there.

  5. #5
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    May 2017
    Yeah that definitely looks to me like the needle was dancing around a bit once injected into the muscle. That is bruising/bleeding underneath the skin and will be painful for about a good week bro. Throw an ice pack on it every night before bed.

  6. #6
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    Jan 2018
    When it was just red i put some ice on it. I plugged in the heating pad last couple nights because i figured heat would help dispurse. So is ice better or heat?

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Gains factory
    Heating pad helps all my pip, I’ve been going straight to a hot shower after pinning. I sit with a heating pad every night for various ailments

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tacosngains View Post
    When it was just red i put some ice on it. I plugged in the heating pad last couple nights because i figured heat would help dispurse. So is ice better or heat?
    A puncture or injection site pip is most likely caused from the needle moving around a bit once injected, basically tearing the muscle fibers. However miniscule it may be, it still hurts like a bitch especially a day or two after. The inflammation is caused by the muscle trying to repair itself under the skin. Most people think that heat should be used for this however to counteract inflammation especially in muscle fibers icing works the best along with some Tylenol or ibuprofen for the pain relief. Heat is best used for bone/joint pains.

    Apply a wrapped ice pack or cool compress to the area for about 10 to 20 minutes and 10-20 minutes off. Until swelling and redness subside.

    Or drink whiskey and have sex with dead hookers. Jk... No whiskey while on aas but dead hookers is still a go.

  9. #9
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    Jan 2018
    That sucks I have a cabinet full of scotch and whiskey thats been calling my name all week and its only tues

    Edit... I just read up on drinking liquor while on cycle, sounds like a bad idea since id like to keep this liver for awhile.
    Last edited by Tacosngains; 01-16-2018 at 07:13 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Gains factory
    Not drinking is really the only thing that sucks about using aas imo. Although I’m sure there is still plenty of people that do it

  11. #11
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    Jan 2018
    Just a quick update. It was a bruise and most of the darkness is gone. Swelling has gone down alot. Still a little tender to touch though. I want to say i was i got a little to close to a nerve since ive had some small spasms back there today. Should probably be back to normal in a couple more day's.

  12. #12
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    May 2017
    Yeah I would definitely refrain from drinking while on aas, especially if taking any oral compounds. Yeah some guys I know still do it but within moderation. Some even drink a heavy dark beer at night just for the carbs and calories. Do anything you can though to maintain a healthy liver, we only have one

    I'm glad the pain and swelling has also subsided for you man!

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Big Trouble, Little China
    Was that in your delt? Go with the glute. This will piss you off but that $65 was the injection fee that your insurance did not cover. Bet they paid for the medication but not the injections service. Fucking medicine and all the government BS......stopping the rant now.

    Go with the glute. What size needle are you using?

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by David LoPan View Post
    Was that in your delt? Go with the glute. This will piss you off but that $65 was the injection fee that your insurance did not cover. Bet they paid for the medication but not the injections service. Fucking medicine and all the government BS......stopping the rant now.

    Go with the glute. What size needle are you using?
    Yeah this was his glute... unsure needle gauge but he said 1" and only .5cc of test. Maybe he used an 18g needle? Hahaha

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by ThatGuy82 View Post
    Yeah this was his glute... unsure needle gauge but he said 1" and only .5cc of test. Maybe he used an 18g needle? Hahaha
    Fuck me, use a 18 to fill the syringe then change to an 23 g 1 1/2 needle. Some go 25g but it takes to long for me.

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  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by ThatGuy82 View Post
    Yeah this was his glute... unsure needle gauge but he said 1" and only .5cc of test. Maybe he used an 18g needle? Hahaha
    I've used 18ga plenty of times. You gotta hold your finger on the hole to keep the oil from coming back

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by guitarzan View Post
    I've used 18ga plenty of times. You gotta hold your finger on the hole to keep the oil from coming back

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by David LoPan View Post
    Fuck me, use a 18 to fill the syringe then change to an 23 g 1 1/2 needle. Some go 25g but it takes to long for me.

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    Yeah I've tried smaller than 23g but I can watch gray hairs form in the mirror while injecting. Not to mention I get real shaky. 23g 1" for this guy

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by guitarzan View Post
    I've used 18ga plenty of times. You gotta hold your finger on the hole to keep the oil from coming back
    That is the size we use to give STD shots to dumb ass people that are last minute walk-ins on shift. IF they are a dick they don't get numbing stuff in it either. That is real PIP.

  20. #20
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    I had to check, I have 22g 1 1/2 and it doesn't take very long to inject it. Hell, I can even just push the needle to my glute and slowly push it in. People freak out about needles but not me. But I do like it better when my wife does it.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by David LoPan View Post
    That is the size we use to give STD shots to dumb ass people that are last minute walk-ins on shift. IF they are a dick they don't get numbing stuff in it either. That is real PIP.
    Hahaha savage af! I like it

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by ThatGuy82 View Post
    Hahaha savage af! I like it
    Rocephin burns like a mother too. Amd it is the nurses choice, bac water or Lidocaine.

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Tapatalk

  23. #23
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    Jan 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by David LoPan View Post
    Was that in your delt? Go with the glute. This will piss you off but that $65 was the injection fee that your insurance did not cover. Bet they paid for the medication but not the injections service. Fucking medicine and all the government BS......stopping the rant now.

    Go with the glute. What size needle are you using?
    It was in the glute with a 25g 1". I did it to low and i did it wrong. I moved around to much. I know I should use a 1.5 but those have to be ordered. I used delts on the last 2 and had no issues whatsoever.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    you know t400 is a high concentration mix...the pip is most likely due to the hormone itself that's causing the sure you bought it figuring more bang for the buck and you are right but it can be very uncomfortable weather your a beginner or seasoned stick to normally dosed gear like in the 200-250 range there should be little to no pip with those concentrations...good luck...

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd View Post
    you know t400 is a high concentration mix...the pip is most likely due to the hormone itself that's causing the sure you bought it figuring more bang for the buck and you are right but it can be very uncomfortable weather your a beginner or seasoned stick to normally dosed gear like in the 200-250 range there should be little to no pip with those concentrations...good luck...
    Yes i definitely noticed a huge difference in a basic test c at 200mg than the t4. This one always gives off a slight burning sensation for a couple hours after pin.

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