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Thread: near to d-bol, equipoise and susta250

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2002

    Cool near to d-bol, equipoise and susta250

    Hi there:
    As i mentioned, I´m near to a cycle with this compuonds: d-bol, equipoise and susta250.

    The cycle will look like:
    Week D-bol/day Equipoise/w Sustanon250/w
    1 20mg 500mg 500mg
    2 20mg 400mg 250mg
    3 20mg 400mg 250mg
    4 20mg 400mg 250mg
    5 - 400mg 250mg
    6 - 400mg 250mg
    7 - 400mg 250mg
    8 - 400mg 250mg
    9 - 400mg 250mg
    10 - 400mg 250mg

    Obviously Clomid at the end and also novaldex on hand (no arimidex or liquidex because couldn´t find them). I´m 156lb and 1.73 meters, also 10%b/f. I have been training 4 years.

    I know many forums, but the one I most trust and believe is this one AR!I need you people with some questions I have:
    -What do you think about the cycle?
    -Is ok if I do workouts 4 times a week, and cardio also 4?
    -I have clear that I have to eat a right amount of proteins, but guide me with carbos and fats please........

    Thanx for the help you all can provide me, see you latter:

    David Romero

  2. #2
    Why did you choose to "frontload" with 500 mg's of Sus and then drop it down to 250 ?? Why not just keep it at 500 the entire time. (If you're going to frontload, use at least 750 mg's).

    Same thing with your EQ - you're only dropping it 100 mg a week. Keep that at 400 the entire time.

    You can see if you'll get anything out of 20 mg of d-bol a day. Might want to up those to at least 30 to start off with, if not more.

    * these are just my opinions

    (I once ran a similar cycle with d-bol at 40 mg's, EQ at 400, and test e @ 400 - I should have (and will next time) up the test)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    agreed, keep at 500 mgs the hwole time, bump d-bol to 30 mg imho and keep EQ constant

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002

    Thanx bros.....

    Very good advices brothers, the bussines with susta is that I only could get 11..... so, I´m trying to get some more, but have been so hard, same with d-bol, only could get 50.....

    Any more suggestions?

    Thanx again.

    David Romero

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    yeah... just wait till you get all your gear and do it right... if not... nothing might happen.. def keep EQ/ SUST at same levels and bump up dbols 30-40mg

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    oh yeah... how about running PROV least... again... might aswell do it right and I dont think you need any cardio at all....

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2002


    Hope to get more d-bols....... also gonna buy prov......
    but, do u think i´ll have problems with gyno at this doses....

    this´ll be my first cycle....., wanting some mass... lol


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    there is always that chance.. better to be safe....and the PROV will help with the dbol water retention too.... definitely no cardio bro if you want to gain mass

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2002

    no cardio!

    No cardio at all.....
    I talked about it cause maybe get some fat, so wanna keep that controled.....

    what do u think?

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