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Thread: Going further on Bulking Cycle

  1. #1
    Anat is offline New Member
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    Going further on Bulking Cycle

    Need some advice from you guys

    I’ve been on past 3 cycles over two years...
    as 3 months test x 500mg a week for 12 weeks / Deca 400mg 12 weeks / Anabol First Five Weeks.

    Been taking PCT Nolva and Clomid as HCG not available here.

    Taking a break same as on time in between,

    First cycles I ran great gains and kept majority, but past last two very little gains in strength or size. Mention I gained 20kg and kept about 18 after PCT on the first two cycles combined

    Not having issue with PCT just the gains. Have been eating strictly consuming 20 egg whites a day mixed with whey plus 6 measured meals protein and carbs.... nuts etc for snacks about 600gr a day. Training 4 days a week heavy lifting.

    Going to start new cycle and a few people saying 1000 Test a week (16 weeks) / 600mg deca a week (16 weeks ) 100mg Anabol ed (6 weeks) stanazolol tabs 50mg ed for last 6 weeks of cycle.
    Arimidex 0.5 eod.

    PCT Nolva 40 / 40 / 40 / 20 / 20 (total 5 weeks.)

    Anybody got any suggestions on the above for next cycle? Should I expect to see better gains?

  2. #2
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    you may not be growing well cause your over doing your AI . if your trying to grow your better off with much less AI or no AI at all and running a SERM instead of an AI. .5mg Adex may not be the best choice for a bulk.

    may not be a bad idea to run a SERM with this cycle being your using Anadrol . Adrol does not convert to estrogen via the Aromatase enzyme, therefore an AI will do nothing to prevent Adrol's estrogenic effects, but a SERM will and it will do it at the receptor site itself only , and so you'll still be able to have elevated levels of estrogen. which is a good thing for promoting growth.

    Also your diet , maybe I'm not reading it correctly but sounds like 600 grams of protein a day ? Thats way too much. you don't want too high of protein intake when your on cycle and your trying to grow (proteins thermogenic effect is great while cutting though). The Steroids are going to help you utilize protein much more effectively and retain nitrogen much better then you would if you were natty. so when on cycle you don't want or need a lot of protein. 250g per day is probably fine . now what you do need and want a lot of while growing on cycle is a bunch of Carbs, make your carbs 600g per day. this will really help fill you out

  3. #3
    David LoPan's Avatar
    David LoPan is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    How old are you now? Profile says 36 but a member for 10 years

  4. #4
    Anat is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by David LoPan View Post
    How old are you now? Profile says 36 but a member for 10 years
    Yeah mate that’s right. 37 this year. Member for 10 years but wasted my time and a lot of years just running oral cycles.

  5. #5
    David LoPan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anat View Post
    Yeah mate that’s right. 37 this year. Member for 10 years but wasted my time and a lot of years just running oral cycles.
    Time to step it up. You are not getting any younger. What are your goals for your cycle?

  6. #6
    Anat is offline New Member
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    Very good advice, thanks! Never knew that about protein intake, will definitely cut it down and I’m going about 600g of carbs also so will keep it as t is

    For the rest of the doseages seems ok to run with?

  7. #7
    Anat is offline New Member
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    Yes tell me about it. Age is a .... I’ve been sitting on about 90kg stable for past year.. looking to bulk out to 100kg, once stabilised then focus on cutting. By bf is too high at 23% but I’m working to get it down to about 15% before starting the next cycle.

  8. #8
    Clove1234 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    you may not be growing well cause your over doing your AI . if your trying to grow your better off with much less AI or no AI at all and running a SERM instead of an AI. .5mg Adex may not be the best choice for a bulk.

    may not be a bad idea to run a SERM with this cycle being your using Anadrol . Adrol does not convert to estrogen via the Aromatase enzyme, therefore an AI will do nothing to prevent Adrol's estrogenic effects, but a SERM will and it will do it at the receptor site itself only , and so you'll still be able to have elevated levels of estrogen. which is a good thing for promoting growth.

    Also your diet , maybe I'm not reading it correctly but sounds like 600 grams of protein a day ? Thats way too much. you don't want too high of protein intake when your on cycle and your trying to grow (proteins thermogenic effect is great while cutting though). The Steroids are going to help you utilize protein much more effectively and retain nitrogen much better then you would if you were natty. so when on cycle you don't want or need a lot of protein. 250g per day is probably fine . now what you do need and want a lot of while growing on cycle is a bunch of Carbs, make your carbs 600g per day. this will really help fill you out
    Ive been wondering about this specifically, sorry to hijack the thread. I want to bulk as much as possible and haven’t experience any symptoms while on cycle thus far. I’m on .25 adex EOD, my question is can i stop taking this to try and bulk as much as possible? How quickly can i fix any symptoms of gyno if they do arise? I have the adex, clomid and nolvadex on hand
    GearHeaded likes this.

  9. #9
    charger69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clove1234 View Post
    Ive been wondering about this specifically, sorry to hijack the thread. I want to bulk as much as possible and haven’t experience any symptoms while on cycle thus far. I’m on .25 adex EOD, my question is can i stop taking this to try and bulk as much as possible? How quickly can i fix any symptoms of gyno if they do arise? I have the adex, clomid and nolvadex on hand
    Adex is to prevent gyno, once you have it you will need something stronger like letro. I know that GH will do specific cycles w/out adex, but I will always use it on cycle.

  10. #10
    Clove1234 is offline Associate Member
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    That just depends on whether or not I’m gyno prone right? It’s probably to early to tell, I’m getting mid cycle bloods next week.

  11. #11
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Adex is to prevent gyno, once you have it you will need something stronger like letro. I know that GH will do specific cycles w/out adex, but I will always use it on cycle.
    this is dependent on the compound that is being ran . example, you can take all the Arimidex in the world and it would not prevent you from getting gyno from Anadrol . you could be sensitive to progesterone and end up getting gyno from taking nandrolone even though you were taking arimidex.

    all arimidex does is prevent aromatization , it has no ability in and of itself to prevent gyno . Thats why I recommend , circumstances dependent, guys run a SERM while on cycle .

    Arimidex is also more harsh on blood lipid profiles then a lot of the steroids are. you should use as little as possible . however having said that, yes I do still use arimidex, it just all depends on the goals, the circumstance, and the compounds being used.

  12. #12
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clove1234 View Post
    Ive been wondering about this specifically, sorry to hijack the thread. I want to bulk as much as possible and haven’t experience any symptoms while on cycle thus far. I’m on .25 adex EOD, my question is can i stop taking this to try and bulk as much as possible? How quickly can i fix any symptoms of gyno if they do arise? I have the adex, clomid and nolvadex on hand
    you simply drop the arimidex all together and run a low dose of a SERM like Nolva or Ralox.. you can grow with elevated estrogen but not get gyno cause your blocking E at the receptor site itself in breast tissue

  13. #13
    Clove1234 is offline Associate Member
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    What would be a good dose of nolva to run if i chose to drop my ai to grow as much as possible. Just on test e 500mg a week, pinned 2x a week

  14. #14
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clove1234 View Post
    What would be a good dose of nolva to run if i chose to drop my ai to grow as much as possible. Just on test e 500mg a week, pinned 2x a week
    10mg a day will keep you gyno free

  15. #15
    Clove1234 is offline Associate Member
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    If i was to get symptoms of gyno, what should i up my dose to nolva to and then should i continue my ai eod?

  16. #16
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clove1234 View Post
    If i was to get symptoms of gyno, what should i up my dose to nolva to and then should i continue my ai eod?
    I'm an advocate of always having Letro on hand. IF you by chance get gyno while running a SERM on cycle (unlikely) then you'd forget the AI and go right to the Letro. after the letro protocol you'd still take the SERM and then implement the Adex in

  17. #17
    Clove1234 is offline Associate Member
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    What kind of dosage is Letro run to reverse gyno

  18. #18
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clove1234 View Post
    What kind of dosage is Letro run to reverse gyno
    thats totally person and case dependent and based on wither one wants to risk crashing E or not. 1.5-2.5 mg 3x per week is a base point.

    if my estrogen gets a bit out of hand and high, I'll simply take 1.5 mg of Letro a couple times a week for only one week and it comes right back in line. but thats just me

  19. #19
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clove1234 View Post
    If i was to get symptoms of gyno, what should i up my dose to nolva to and then should i continue my ai eod?
    If you get gyno symptoms then you should have blood work that contains a sensitive estradiol assy, and prolactin if using a 19nor, before taking any new drugs or changing your AI protocol.

  20. #20
    Jerry2020 is offline Junior Member
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    Perhaps this warrants another thread, but I have a further question about AI. I had extremely high E readings from my mid cycle bloods so I’ve switched to .5mg eod Adex and so far over the last week or two I have noticed I have noticeably better skin (less pimples/acne that was creeping in), my temper is MUCH better and I’m a lot less irritable, I’m less bloated etc. I know you say running a SERM will stop gyno by acting on the E receptor, but will it help out all the other effects of high E?

    I ask because I’m actually feeling better with more consistent energy and the above mentioned improvements since upping my AI, but I never experienced gyno even with elevated E levels so that’s not so much of a concern in this instance, but obviously if there is a better alternative than Adex to reach the same outcome I’m all ears

  21. #21
    Anat is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    you may not be growing well cause your over doing your AI . if your trying to grow your better off with much less AI or no AI at all and running a SERM instead of an AI. .5mg Adex may not be the best choice for a bulk.

    may not be a bad idea to run a SERM with this cycle being your using Anadrol . Adrol does not convert to estrogen via the Aromatase enzyme, therefore an AI will do nothing to prevent Adrol's estrogenic effects, but a SERM will and it will do it at the receptor site itself only , and so you'll still be able to have elevated levels of estrogen. which is a good thing for promoting growth.

    Also your diet , maybe I'm not reading it correctly but sounds like 600 grams of protein a day ? Thats way too much. you don't want too high of protein intake when your on cycle and your trying to grow (proteins thermogenic effect is great while cutting though). The Steroids are going to help you utilize protein much more effectively and retain nitrogen much better then you would if you were natty. so when on cycle you don't want or need a lot of protein. 250g per day is probably fine . now what you do need and want a lot of while growing on cycle is a bunch of Carbs, make your carbs 600g per day. this will really help fill you out
    Wanted to check regarding test deca Anabol and stanazolol dosage, do you have any feedback on what I posted?

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