Got a freind making a run for some quality vet deca 300 ...10 ml bottle. anyone use this? Just wondering if it is good stuff. I have been reading the boards for a while, but dont see much on the QV deca...thanks!
Got a freind making a run for some quality vet deca 300 ...10 ml bottle. anyone use this? Just wondering if it is good stuff. I have been reading the boards for a while, but dont see much on the QV deca...thanks!
when you get your stuff check the steroid pics section, and compare it to those.
make sure you check things such as label, markings, and especially holograms....
if all this checks out, then you have good stuff there.
peace I4L
i have done a search on the board for QV and Deca, shoulda done that before i posted my dumb question....seems to be a popular one!
My bud has done the deca, but not from QV so thats why I was in a unique situation: I have been workin out since 14, did a anavar/anadrol stack in 87-88 and did real well with 1997, I was 230 lbs, lookin good then BANG: motorcycle accident...lost my leg...went from 230 to 151 in 2 about a crash diet...fell into a bad funk out of that...depressed, drinking, all that shit....finally gettin my act together...workin out again, lookin and feelin better and been working out again for about a year...lookin to thicken up a bit and put on some bro has done a couple cycles in the last year and he is lookin good. hence my acquisition of the QV deca...thanks for the info!
hey bro, thats why we're here. to help.
sorry to hear of your accident, but it sounds like you have your act together. this is good news.
if you need anything else, feel free to drop me a pm, or post it here.
peace I4L
thanks bro, starting to get it together...dont necessarily want to be the worlds best built cripple a limb does wierd things to your psyche...if people are going to stare at me when I am out (and I DONT like to go out) then I would like it to be for a different 38, weigh 200 (without leg) and would like to get back to pre-accident 230 or so...there are actually a lot of amputee's around new jersey...they are all old and decrepit...thats not for me...what do you all think of dan duchaines underground steroid book 2? I just found it and ordered it for 10 bucks...I know he used to be THE source for gear info...I had book 1 back in the '80s when I did my first cycle...helped a lot. even my wife is interested in checking out the gear for her own benefit...Ive enlosed a pic so y'all dont think I am some douche...later.........trailboss
Originally Posted by iron4life79
...DUDE....congrats on your will and desire to get back into the game..therewas this one dude in my old gym yrs ago in wheel chair. he was one of the faithful lifters and i'd see him out at some clubs too!! my point--im not sure if i could be as strong as you or him be able to start lifting again with out peeps looking and shit...anyways..welcome to this board...and stay around. i'm sure your motivation will be a big help here....![]()
You're one tough mo fo man!!!!!!!!
My good buddy just finished an unorthidox QV deca 300 cycle, and had amazing results! I haven't heard of any fakw QV deca 300 yet...but you should know the obvious visual things to look for now, right?
that deserves a lot of credit... i'm an amature road racer and a vet motocross racer- so the possibility always lingers as to where i may be hurt bad enough to stop my training. loosing a limb isnt somthing i could fathem, let alone loosing one and having the character to get back in the gym... if loosing a leg doesnt stop you- nothing will...inspiring to say the least!!
proud of you bro. good luck and let us know how you are doin from time to time.
Originally Posted by zx7racing
i did lose my leg in a bike accident matter of fact...was doin about 120mph on my KLR650...lost control, flew into a couple tore the leg off, one smashed my pelvis (still held together with titanium thingamajig) and smashed my helmet too...lucky to be alive, depending how you look at it...doing ok an IT instructor (computers) and most of my students never figure it out...i show them the prosthesis and they freak out!! one problem is that my left deltoid got smashed in the the its been pins and needles ever since and there is very little nerve enervation so it never came back to "normal" and looks a little hopin the deca and some deltoid specific concentration will bring it back...i put on about 10 pounds in last 6 glad muscles have memory cus I sure keep ya posted....
every heard the motto "adapt and over come"? or was it you that said that...
check the pics section !
Originally Posted by zx7racing
LOL with me it was more like "MOMMY!!! WHAT AM I GONNA FU***** DO NOW!!! WAAAAAA WAAAAA
something like that least inside...outside i was pretty stoic....the Marines ( I did 2 tours with em) taught me FIDO (F*** It Drive On!!!)
and thats pretty much what I did....thanks for the words though...
You think I'll need nolva or clomid with the deca? Im not plannin on stacking it with anything...first cycle in over 10 yrs....10ml bottle, 300 mg, figuring on 8 wks...couple weeks in there ill do 2 ml....not plannin on getting freaky freaky enough as it thanks
Deca Is A Great Steroid And I Currently Run 300 Wk And Am Seeing Results Coupled With 500 Wk Enanthate. Qv Seems To Be Whats Around, And It Works. Vet Gear Seems Less Likely To Be Fake. Although Ive Seen Fake Qv Stuff Posted On This Site So Do Your Research. Lots Of Luck And Do The Clomid After Your Cycle.
i'm not experienced enough to give you the kind of advice you are looking for... although, one thing you can gather from reading any of these threads is that PCT (post cycle therapy) is vital to the success of your cycle... some people favor HCG, clomid, and ive even read some people concentrate more on their diet and use creatine... or all of the above... anyhow, i too am planning on running a cycle later this year, early next- and i'm begining my cycle planning with PCT.
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