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Thread: ..Mixing masteron and test ..

  1. #1

    ..Mixing masteron and test ..

    So i got me some test E and some drostanolone P. Ok so here is the question , If I'm looking for a dose equal to 500mg a week of test can i just cut it in half and sub the other half with masteron for a total of 250mg of test E per week and 250mg of drostanolone P per week? is there some kind of synergistic effect ?? Do i want to have more of one than the other??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by j.....ob.... View Post
    So i got me some test E and some drostanolone P. Ok so here is the question , If I'm looking for a dose equal to 500mg a week of test can i just cut it in half and sub the other half with masteron for a total of 250mg of test E per week and 250mg of drostanolone P per week? is there some kind of synergistic effect ?? Do i want to have more of one than the other??
    If you're asking if you can mix the compounds yes you can. Since theyre oil based they can easily be stacked in one syringe to split up dosing. There's no magical synergistic effect from combining gear, although the effects of stacking compounds is always more beneficial...

    So if you're looking to split up your doses to keep blood levels more constant that yes. Just divide the mg/ml by 2 or 3 or however many times you need to pin depending on your gear. So say the gear is test E 250 (250mg per 1ml) and Mast 200 (50 p and 150 E per 1ml) and you take two shots per week Wednesday and Saturday of the test & mast combined for a total of 500mg test and 400mg mast. When I preloaded the test E first 3 weeks I took an additional 250mg (1ml/cc)test on Mondays for a total of 750mg test per week.

    What's your cycle history like? Age? Stats? There's never really a perfect mix of having more or less than one substance over another, it's all dependent on how your body has reacted to any previous cycles you may have ran.

  3. #3
    Thats good info. This is kinda just hypothetical at the moment(shopping for my 2nd cycle) I'm 34 5'11" 190lbs. currently on just test E 250. just finished my first week of my first cycle. I was looking at a mix of test, tren and masteron but im not sure i wanna do tren just yet. so i was gonna mix the other two. I am still just getting started and i dont think im feeling the full blast of the test yet. my bro says when i pin on tuesday i should really feel it :\ who lnows test could do the trick on its own. I'm also gonna keep my first cycle short just 5weeks like i said its my first one and im just kinda feeling things out.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Gains factory
    Have you done more research, imo you are wasting your time shutting yourself down with 250mg of test. If you are gonna shut down your natural t levels, make it worth while. Go to 500mg, 250 twice a week. You most likely wont notice anything until the end of week three. Are you running an AI? Do you have pct? You are also wasting your time by only doing 5 weeks. Like stated above you are gonna be fully saturated at around the 2-3 week part of your cycle. So essentially you are only doing a 2-3 week cycle. Not worth it

  5. #5
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    May 2017
    Agree with clove. Job check out all of the stickies man there's a lot of excellent info in those especially on your first cycle!

    Sounds like you jumped the gun like many of us did for our first cycle so you need to educate yourself FAST if you want to get anything out of this and keep some gains while recovering your body's natural t production post cycle.

    Read this through and through.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Gains factory
    Stickies will answer all your questions

  7. #7
    I have nolvadex,clomid and hcg on deck and I'm on arimadex one every other day. I am a little scared of pct and that is why i was gonna short cycle. I would like to see/feel how I deal with it before doing a long cycle. I mean I thought I was being extra careful by keeping it short? Do you think I should run it longer? (safety > gains to me at this point) I mean I have more gear...

  8. #8
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    You aren’t doing anything “safer” by doing a short cycle. You are wasting your time. Also, how many mgs in one armidex? Imo you should only be at .25mg eod. Unless you have bloods to say otherwise.

    Bottom line is, no matter what you are shutting your natural test down all the same whether you are doing 5 or 12 weeks. Make it worth your time, you will have to do pct regardless.

  9. #9
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    May 2017
    The test E is a longer acting ester and you wont be fully saturated till around the 4th week of pinning. So with that in mind you wouldnt even really feel the effects of it until your 5th week on cycle and if you were to only do a 5 week cycle... do you see where the problem lies in this? Lol then the test E wouldnt even be cleared from your system for another 2 weeks anyways. Like clove said no matter what you're shutting down natural T production anyways and replacing with synthetic, so that is why I said a 5 week cycle is a complete waste.

    If I were you just run the 500mg Test E and 400mg Mast per week. Take adex at .25mg eod if you start to notice significant bloat and or gyno sides from the test, (reference Gearheaded's post on taking AI), run the HCG at 500iu per week (2 shots of 250iu /week), and run that for 12 weeks. Then wait 2 weeks for the test to clear out and PCT. Use the Clomid and nolvadex for your pct at 100/50/25/25 And Nolva 40/40/20/20 (1st 2nd 3rd 4th week).

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by j.....ob.... View Post
    So i got me some test E and some drostanolone P. Ok so here is the question , If I'm looking for a dose equal to 500mg a week of test can i just cut it in half and sub the other half with masteron for a total of 250mg of test E per week and 250mg of drostanolone P per week? is there some kind of synergistic effect ?? Do i want to have more of one than the other??
    Test Cyp and Mast P is my favorite cutting stack. Take the Test for 3 weeks before you start the Mast. You should be taking Mast EOD but I get lazy and mix the Test & Mast and pin it twice a week. Works great for me.

  11. #11
    Clove I'm glad you chimed in cuz I am taking way too much Arimadex . I feel ok but jesus my tabs are 1mg . I cant find it but somewhere I swear I read to take 1mg. I'm gonna lower the dose. I think I'm gonna finish the cycle as well.

    P.S. I really wanna thank you all for your help I felt like I was obsessing over this and I still made a mistake. I have some friends who use gear but they don't do any of this stuff and without this forum I would still be in the dark.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Gains factory
    Just to give you another perspective, i researched virtually every night for three months before doing my cycle. I have still had 20 questions since i started my first cycle. Do your research BEFORE you start your next cycle

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