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Thread: High BP on cycle??

  1. #1

    High BP on cycle??

    11 weeks into a test e cycle 300mg 2x week and started d bol last week checked bp on a machine at a store last week and it was 168/83, checked with my wrist monitor and got 121/78. Today after doing deadlifts I was seeing Stars so I stopped went to another store and got 173/91 and 121/68 with my wrist monitor. I have never had a book issues before not sure what to do at this point.

  2. #2
    just checked my last blood work and my hematocrit was high @50.2% could this be the cause?

  3. #3
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    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by KCMann View Post
    just checked my last blood work and my hematocrit was high @50.2% could this be the cause?
    Part of the cause at least.. you need to donate . Plan on donating every time you can.
    It appears that you need to figure out which one is the correct BP. If your wrist one is giving wrong readings then toss it.
    There are things that you can do to lower it without meds, but you first need to determine if it is good or bad.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Part of the cause at least.. you need to donate . Plan on donating every time you can.
    It appears that you need to figure out which one is the correct BP. If your wrist one is giving wrong readings then toss it.
    There are things that you can do to lower it without meds, but you first need to determine if it is good or bad.
    Checked on another machine and got 151/91. I do feel a little dizzy but it hit me as soon as I saw the results this morning thinking it's just because I'm really freaking out. I am going to up my adex to .5mg Ed and see if that helps. Should I drop the d bol or hold off?

  5. #5
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    Apr 2015
    I feel for you. I had the same thing happen to me last cycle . I just decided to Check my bp and it was about the same. Rechecked and it kept on going higher. I would keep an eye on it .

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  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    I feel for you. I had the same thing happen to me last cycle . I just decided to Check my bp and it was about the same. Rechecked and it kept on going higher. I would keep an eye on it .

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    how did you get it down?

  7. #7
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    Apr 2015

    High BP on cycle??

    Arginine, theanine, hydration,. Lower sodium, increase potassium. Fish oil, increase magnesium. IncreAse fiber in your diet.
    I have listed a number of things. I would first start with arginine, hydration , increase fiber and fish oil (if not taking). I would not do everything at one time. I believe that I had external stress because it was so high. Off cycle I’m like 120/70. It got to the point that taking my bp raised it . LOL

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  8. #8
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    Also include spinach, broccoli, and tomatoes in your diet.

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  9. #9
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    Adex will not do anything for your i wrong here?

  10. #10
    adex would reduce water retention lowering bp am i correct? i bought a blood pressure cuff and am getting 155/80 i have decided to drop the d bol and monitor bp its not worth the risk or the stress at this point.

  11. #11
    24 hours since I took d bol and I'm down to 130/80 looks like that was the cause.

  12. #12
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    stay off the d bol.

    last thing you need right now is more water retention.

    I would wrap the cycle up and hit PCT in couple weeks. Time to let the body relax big fella

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    stay off the d bol.

    last thing you need right now is more water retention.

    I would wrap the cycle up and hit PCT in couple weeks. Time to let the body relax big fella
    I think I'm going to take that advise.

  14. #14
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    Drink more water, do more cardio.......

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by MACKATTACK1 View Post
    Drink more water, do more cardio.......
    i have upped my water intake, and am going to get some cardio in. felt tired and a little dizzy on and off today seemed to go away when i took my mind off of it so im guessing its just stress/anxiety since this kinda stuff scares the shit out of me. skipped today's injection ill see how i am tomorrow but might just end my cycle now.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by KCMann View Post
    just checked my last blood work and my hematocrit was high @50.2% could this be the cause?
    It's not uncommon to have elevated hematocrit on cycle. I either donate blood and drink a lot of water or I sit in the tub and drain blood. It looks pretty crazy to see the tub filling with blood. LOL Either way, I feel a lot better afterwards.

  17. #17
    update. checked my bp on the machine at the store again and got 184/.. so i immediately bought my own cuff and got something in the 130's, donated blood today and got 138/82. im normally in the mid to high 120's should i try the d bol again and monitor it since obviously the machine is inaccurate?

  18. #18
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    in the past.. Blasting 3g of gear including Tren and Dbol my BP will get up to 160/85 and my resting heart rate upon waking 100 bpm . NOW however running 25mg a day of Atenolol with that cycle and my BP is 120/70 or less and resting heart rate 80.

    very easy fix to just run some Atenolol when your on cycle (thanks OBs for hooking me up).

    Not only does the Atenolol help with blood pressure on cycle, it greatly increases my cardio capacity , which is a great benefit being on Tren. my steady state Cardio on Tren is generally 3.5 pace on treadmill with 5 incline. That puts my heart rate at 135 Bpm.
    Well shit, I'm on a couple grams of gear and Tren right now but with taking Atenolol, a 3.5 pace with 5 incline on the treadmill now only puts my heart rate at 110.

    I also don't get that heart beating out of your chest feeling when your on a heavy cycle and training hard and you come home and try to unwind.

    its been an awesome addition to my current cycle

  19. #19
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    High BP on cycle??

    [QUOTE=GearHeaded;7361051]in the past.. Blasting 3g of gear including Tren and Dbol my BP will get up to 160/85 and my resting heart rate upon waking 100 bpm . NOW however running 25mg a day of Atenolol with that cycle and my BP is 120/70 or less and resting heart rate 80.

    very easy fix to just run some Atenolol when your on cycle (thanks OBs for hooking me up).

    Not only does the Atenolol help with blood pressure on cycle, it greatly increases my cardio capacity , which is a great benefit being on Tren. my steady state Cardio on Tren is generally 3.5 pace on treadmill with 5 incline. That puts my heart rate at 135 Bpm.
    Well shit, I'm on a couple grams of gear and Tren right now but with taking Atenolol, a 3.5 pace with 5 incline on the treadmill now only puts my heart rate at 110.

    I also don't get that heart beating out of your chest feeling when your on a heavy cycle and training hard and you come home and try to unwind.

    its been an awesome addition to my current cycle[/

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    Last edited by charger69; 02-15-2018 at 04:25 PM.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by KCMann View Post
    just checked my last blood work and my hematocrit was high @50.2% could this be the cause?
    They can run in conjunction with one another. High RBC can cause BP issues. You may need some BP meds and a phlebotomy.

  21. #21
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    IMO it's the water retention caused by Dbol. There are ways to mitigate this side but Dbol has always increased my BP gives me nose bleeds and sh*t..

    Honestly my take on it is f*ck Dbol there are faaaaaar better compounds out there for building muscle that don't aromatize as much and don't put your bp through the rafters!

    If you're a hard gainer I get it, Dbol blows you up which is fun to watch, but it's all bullsh*t man. When you stop it you'll literally piss the gains away in 3 days lol.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMindz View Post
    IMO it's the water retention caused by Dbol. There are ways to mitigate this side but Dbol has always increased my BP gives me nose bleeds and sh*t..

    Honestly my take on it is f*ck Dbol there are faaaaaar better compounds out there for building muscle that don't aromatize as much and don't put your bp through the rafters!

    If you're a hard gainer I get it, Dbol blows you up which is fun to watch, but it's all bullsh*t man. When you stop it you'll literally piss the gains away in 3 days lol.
    There are genetic factors that go into this based on how someone responds to certain Drugs. Tren does NOT aromatize or cause you to hold water, it will dry you out, but your blood pressure will likely be very elevated. For me, if I run VAR alone with trt , my blood pressure spikes 20 points (this does not happen to most people), and its definitely not water because VAR is dry.

    Same with anti-inflammatory steroids, like prednisone , it won't make me hold water but it will raise my blood sugar and blood pressure (I don't know why or how, but drugs can just effect us all in diff ways).

    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMindz View Post
    If you're a hard gainer I get it, Dbol blows you up which is fun to watch, but it's all bullsh*t man. When you stop it you'll literally piss the gains away in 3 days lol.
    Thats why you got to run if for 10 weeks tapering down the dosage over time. this gives your body time to acclimate to the gains and hold onto them. blasting Dbol for 4 weeks then coming off is a waste, yeah you will piss the gains away.

    personally , Dbol makes me feel mentally great (its a bit of an anti-depressant). I use it (with Tren suspension) pre-workout all the time apart from whatever cycle I may be on

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