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Thread: otc pct question

  1. #1

    otc pct question

    Hi im looking to do a 6 week cycle of 60mg tbol and 40mg var. I have all my on cycle liver support sorted and was just wondering is there any other good oncycle otc support you guys would recommend to take (test boosters etc) and what would be the best otc pct as i really dont want to be touching nolva or clomid for the sides. I know alot of you are goin to say run test with my cycle but dont want to just want to give this cycle a go as have heard some gd stuff about it. As for the people going to say never run to orals at one can i ask what would be the difference of running say either of my orals at 100mg compared to my 60/40 split as i never see this being asked????? Thank you in advance any help at all would be appreciated

    Age 35
    hight 6ft
    weight 178lb
    bf 14%
    lifting 12 years on/off lifting just over a year now every week 4 times a week

  2. #2
    I've run Var as an oral only cycle in the past. Not a big gainer but looked tighter and leaner. I wouldn't recommend that you run two orals as a cycle. It will be hard on the liver and will suppress your HPTA. You need the Test injections to maintain Test homeostasis. Even with an Anavar only cycle you still need to do PCT. The recommended PCT is Nolva and Clomid. If you don't want to run either one. It's going to be harder to recover from your cycle.

  3. #3
    I know it will be hard on the liver but what would be the difference someone taking say 100mg var and me doing 60mg tbol and 40mg var as it still adds up to 100mg? what would be the lowest dose of nolva i could take as i had a pe lung clot last year and i hear nolva can clot your blood? I know about the gains i just hoping to abb about 7-10 lbs of muscle mass and tighten up abit was goin to eat 500 cals ed surplus or would u recommend more or less? Sorry one more question would u recommend a mass gainer?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Mass gainers are junk. I’d advise against the cycle you proposed anavar is less harsh on the liver than tbol is. No pct is asking for trouble, there is nothing over the counter that replaces Serms.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    Mass gainers are junk. I’d advise against the cycle you proposed anavar is less harsh on the liver than tbol is. No pct is asking for trouble, there is nothing over the counter that replaces Serms.

    why is mass gainers junk was just hoping to get in the extra calories? Why would u propose against this cycle? Ive read that anavar decreases the libido and tbol increases thats y i was keeping the tbol higher than the var and like i asked scotchguard what would the lowest dose of nolva to take? Thank u in advance for your reply

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Mass gainers are mostly garbage fat and sugars there is no replacement for real food. Forget oral only cycles.

  7. #7
    If your goal is get as big as you can then take mass gainers. Like reds have said, mass gainers is a shortcut. It has a a lot of calories from fats and sugars. Food has essential nutrients that supports muscle tissue growth. If you're determined to run an oral cycle just run the Var and drop the Tbol. I've run Anavar at 100mg/ed for 4 weeks and have not noticed any drop in libido. My wife puts on her track shoes every time I come in the house because I'm going to chase her around the kitchen. LOL

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