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Thread: What would you guys recommend?

  1. #1

    What would you guys recommend?

    I just wanted to see what would anyone recommend on what to take I have been working out 2x a day fasted cardio in the morning and lifting at night. Last year I was 34% Body Fat and now I am 21% Body Fat my diet and my training is on point. What would you guys recommend me taking so that I am able to lean out? Here are my transformation pictures I know being 21% body fat is high.

    Body fat: 21%
    Current : 243
    Height : 6,0
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	6A48F9CD-DFD7-4B43-AA54-06D703F8C171.jpg 
Views:	125 
Size:	111.1 KB 
ID:	171788  

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Nation's Capital
    Good job dropping BF from 34 to 21 percent.

    I would not recommend taking any steroids as your body fat is still too high and that increases the chances of getting side effects. Keep the focus on your nutrition and stay consistent with your cardio and lifting to lean out.

    Right now what you need is patience. What you are doing is working so just stick with it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    How old are you? If you can go from 34% to 21% bf than you can definitely shave off another few points to get ready for a cycle. However since your a beginner you will see gains very fast in the first year or so. So i would take advantage of that before adding drugs to the equation. Your doing really good as far as we can tell from the pics so just keep it up!

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Octaneforce View Post
    How old are you? If you can go from 34% to 21% bf than you can definitely shave off another few points to get ready for a cycle. However since your a beginner you will see gains very fast in the first year or so. So i would take advantage of that before adding drugs to the equation. Your doing really good as far as we can tell from the pics so just keep it up!
    I’m 26 years old

  5. #5
    Congrats bud. How long did it take u to drop the bf to whatvits at now?

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Tzan View Post
    Congrats bud. How long did it take u to drop the bf to whatvits at now?
    Thank you it took me about 1 year of eating right and doing intense cardio I just started focusing on macros this year I hope to be down to 13% BF by the end of this year.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Bragging to someone
    you don't need to run a cycle of steroids at this point.. however you can start implementing in some drugs that will help with lipolysis. yohimbe, HGH-Frag, Clenbuterol etc.. those things with the right protocol can enhance and speed up your fat loss

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Destination Peaksville
    First of all great job so far man you're f*ckin killin it! You've made some great progress and should be proud of your accomplishment. I recently added T3 to my regimen and it's melting the fat off my abs lol. And in all honesty my diet has been slipping a little lately but I'm leaner, so clearly it works very well. Start a low dose and maybe add clen with it (I personally don't like the jitters) but the combo is very effective. And add Yohimbe hcl when you do your fasted cardio to help metabolize more fat. I agree that you don't need gear yet..It'll be well worth the weight if you can get your bf down to an ideal starting point to run first cycle which IMO is about 15-16%..Good luck bro and keep it goin !

  9. #9
    I would keep going naturally .
    Clen,t's and other compounds can wait man.
    Keep your macros as well micros on point. Especially iodine.
    perhaps take a thyroid support multi to assist with that.
    Omega 3s,everything. The body works full effect when it has less to worry about.
    Eat clean.
    What kind of cardio do you do?
    Once your bf is lowering some more,add HIIT such as sprints .
    Good job on the progress.

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