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Thread: Another 'no side effect cycle' thread

  1. #1
    kafsh is offline New Member
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    Cool Another 'no side effect cycle' thread

    I'm 195cm 100kg, been lifting since I was a kid off and on, about 6 months straight now since my minor surgery. I do have a quite decent physique with a strong foundation. I'm a vegetarian and I know what to eat.

    I'm a bit of a supplement junkie though. I've never really done any REAL steroids but I do HRT with DHEA, pregnenolone, topical progesterone* and some regular supps like tribulus, citrulline, choline, creatine.

    I've also been doing 2iu pharm-grade HGH ED for about 3 months before bed and I'm quite fond of the minimal results. Raised my IGF-1 from 120 to 280.

    I want to get more vascular, have more strength and muscle mass, but not too much. I really have to stay away from any possible side affects (like hair loss, acne or libido) and it's just not very appropriate for me to become too big since I get to have a lot of speeches for my current company.

    So after doing some research online and talking to my dealer I've reached a small hypothetical thought on how I could reach my goals.

    20-30mg Anavar ED
    Slin (I know this is to be used with A LOT of care)

    Cycle duration 4 to 6 weeks

    And for the PCT.. here comes the kicker.. Nothing!

    I believe since I'm already on HRT + HGH and that the Anavar is on such a low dose, I won't have to use any nolva. Again, this is just a small thought and I would appreciate if you have any inputs on this. I could use Maca if I feel some libido loss but again I believe the HGH would account for that. Would I maybe need something to protect my liver?

    I also realize that the Anavar might not give me the results I want right away and that I even might have to do another cycle. But this is what I believe would slowly push me towards my goals with the least side effects. Money is not a problem by the way.

    Any thoughts? I'm open for any suggestions.

    * I realize prog might sound like madness to some of you but if you do some research you'll be surprised on how effective it is in lowering estrogen.
    Last edited by kafsh; 02-14-2018 at 12:56 PM. Reason: I'm on HRT, not TRT

  2. #2
    David LoPan's Avatar
    David LoPan is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I am lost on what your question is here. If you want to get more vascular then that is your diet, to get stronger that is working out harder, and muscle mass will come with hard work and diet.

    You say you have not done real steroids but you are on TRT? HGH takes a long time to work but your IGF-1 has increased so it is working. What is your TRT protocol? Can you post your blook work?

    Are you asking about doing an Anavar only cycle?

  3. #3
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    That is far too low of an anavar dose unless you are female? Which might make sense if you are using progesterone.....

  4. #4
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by kafsh View Post
    And for the PCT.. here comes the kicker.. Nothing!

    I believe since I'm already on TRT + HGH and that the Anavar is on such a low dose, I won't have to use any nolva. Again, this is just a small thought and I would appreciate if you have any inputs on this. I could use Maca if I feel some libido loss but again I believe the HGH would account for that. .
    of course you do NOT need to do a PCT. your on TRT, there is nothing to recover. its not because your VAR dose is low or of HGH that you do need PCT, its because your body is not producing test and the test is coming from a needle that you don't need PCT.

    also HGH does nothing for sex drive. again, your on TRT. your test levels should be optomized. you should have no libido issues wither on this cycle or off cycle.

    20mg of VAR for 4 weeks will do nothing.

    you'd be better off and make more gains by simply doubling your TRT dose of test for 8-12 weeks.

  5. #5
    kafsh is offline New Member
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    I'm a male.

    Topical progesterone is proven to effectively lower estrogen, search about it. I even had to take less since my estrogen was waay too low.

  6. #6
    kafsh is offline New Member
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    Thanks for your input!

    The reason I wanted to experiment with a lower dose is to not having to deal with any side-effects. I guess I could bump it up to 40mg, or to have a 30mg 6 week try first. I'm still a bit worried about acne and hair loss though

  7. #7
    kafsh is offline New Member
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    I'm a nutritionist, been seriously lifting heavy for a couple of years now and I don't like the slow progress, adding on an average 2,5kg of weight per month on my deadlifts isn't enough, I want more, I'm greedy.

    TRT is just a couple of oral pro-hormones, they don't really do the trick.

    Yes I'm asking about an Anavar only cycle or any other thoughts on a cycle that would deliver any results with minimum side effects?

  8. #8
    hollowedzeus is offline Productive Member
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    Youre running something like methyl test indefinetly? Mate.... youre doing some damage. Pct off that shit or get proper trt from a doctor

  9. #9
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    he is not on trt he just thinks he is re-read his first post....

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    of course you do NOT need to do a PCT. your on TRT, there is nothing to recover. its not because your VAR dose is low or of HGH that you do need PCT, its because your body is not producing test and the test is coming from a needle that you don't need PCT.

    also HGH does nothing for sex drive. again, your on TRT. your test levels should be optomized. you should have no libido issues wither on this cycle or off cycle.

    20mg of VAR for 4 weeks will do nothing.

    you'd be better off and make more gains by simply doubling your TRT dose of test for 8-12 weeks.
    He is not on TRT.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by kafsh View Post
    I'm a bit of a supplement junkie though. I've never really done any REAL steroids but I do TRT with DHEA, pregnenolone, topical progesterone* and some regular supps like tribulus, citrulline, choline, creatine.
    I've never heard of anyone being on TRT with supplements instead of Testosterone. Did you do blood work before you started your TRT? I'd be curious to see your blood work before/after TRT.

    I've also been doing 2iu pharm-grade HGH ED for about 3 months before bed and I'm quite fond of the minimal results. Raised my IGF-1 from 120 to 280.
    Isn't HGH amazing stuff? This is my 8th year on HGH. I'm never getting off.

    I want to get more vascular, have more strength and muscle mass, but not too much. I really have to stay away from any possible side affects (like hair loss, acne or libido) and it's just not very appropriate for me to become too big since I get to have a lot of speeches for my current company.
    You should know that ANY Testosterone in your system, both natural and exogenous levels of Test, will have DHT conversion which can cause hair loss. It's genetic and if you're one of the unlucky ones go kick your dad right in the shin.

    So after doing some research online and talking to my dealer I've reached a small hypothetical thought on how I could reach my goals.

    20-30mg Anavar ED If you want results you need to be at 50mg/ed+ of var. I run 100mg/ed for 4 weeks. Not a big gainer but gives you a lean/tight look.
    Slin (I know this is to be used with A LOT of care) Insulin is used with diet to gain size. You can get HUGE on insulin. Insulin also promotes the distended gut. I don't think you want slin in your cycle.

    Cycle duration 4 to 6 weeks

    And for the PCT.. here comes the kicker.. Nothing!

    I believe since I'm already on TRT + HGH and that the Anavar is on such a low dose, I won't have to use any nolva. Again, this is just a small thought and I would appreciate if you have any inputs on this. I could use Maca if I feel some libido loss but again I believe the HGH would account for that. Would I maybe need something to protect my liver?
    Take NAC for liver support. It's cheap and you can buy it in bulk over the internet.

    I also realize that the Anavar might not give me the results I want right away and that I even might have to do another cycle. But this is what I believe would slowly push me towards my goals with the least side effects. Money is not a problem by the way.

    Any thoughts? I'm open for any suggestions.
    If you're really on TRT you don't need PCT. I would run Var @ 50mg/ed or 60mg/ed for 4 weeks and see if you're still making gains. If you're still making gains run it for 2 more weeks. As for vascularity, it comes with low body fat. You need to tune in your diet and drop as much body fat as possible. I am MUCH more vascular at 7% than I am at 14%.

  12. #12
    kafsh is offline New Member
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    I truly love HGH, people keep telling me I should get off it or at least cycle it because of possible organ growth. I would love to keep doing it till the day I die.

    You're right I'm not on a TRT, I'm on HRT, the only thing promoting more testosterone is the Tribulus and a bit of the pregnenolone that converts to T. I did some blood work a while ago and the natural T wasn't anything to brag about. Pregnenolone, DHEA were skyrocketing and estrogen was super low.

    So I'm not really on any real Testosterone replacement . Do you think I would have to add PCT if I do a cycle of 40mg on 6 weeks? Could Tribulus and Maca be enough? I feel like I'm trying to bargain with my own health lol

    I think you're right about the slin, in my naive mind I pictured that it would boost muscle growth somewhat but I forgot that it will add a lot volume and possibly a lot of extra body fat too that would have to be burnt away.

    Thanks for the advice Scotchgard!

  13. #13
    CALLMEOCT's Avatar
    CALLMEOCT is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kafsh View Post
    I truly love HGH, people keep telling me I should get off it or at least cycle it because of possible organ growth. I would love to keep doing it till the day I die.

    You're right I'm not on a TRT, I'm on HRT, the only thing promoting more testosterone is the Tribulus and a bit of the pregnenolone that converts to T. I did some blood work a while ago and the natural T wasn't anything to brag about. Pregnenolone, DHEA were skyrocketing and estrogen was super low.

    So I'm not really on any real Testosterone replacement . Do you think I would have to add PCT if I do a cycle of 40mg on 6 weeks? Could Tribulus and Maca be enough? I feel like I'm trying to bargain with my own health lol

    I think you're right about the slin, in my naive mind I pictured that it would boost muscle growth somewhat but I forgot that it will add a lot volume and possibly a lot of extra body fat too that would have to be burnt away.

    Thanks for the advice Scotchgard!

    I'd seriously reconsider what you're doing. PCT off what you're taking, get some bloodworks done...

    Visit a doctor after that and let him know about that, maybe you dont even need TRT..

  14. #14
    David LoPan's Avatar
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    You need to get your full blood work done and make sure they check your A1C since you have been doing HGH. There is no such thing as a natural test booster. You are almost 6 ft 4 and weigh 220 pounds. You do not need HGH at 31 yeas old and that weight. If you want to step off the curb and grow then start really hitting the gym hard, eat better than your are now and look at doing a beginners cycle. Forget the Anavar .

    When I hear people say, nutritionist, I think of naturopathy "doctors". Which leads me to this video.

  15. #15
    AlphaMindz's Avatar
    AlphaMindz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Strange case indeed. Not sure why your doctor is giving you 4 hormones to increase 1 and decrease another. Just seems inefficient to me.

    You're concerned about hairloss, does male pattern baldness run in your family? Best way to know if you're susceptible to it is your maternal grandfather....If he has a full head of hair then you're gtg.

    If hair loss was an issue outside of genetic predisposition I'd be balder than my girlfriend's cooch lol.

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