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Thread: Sustanon questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Sustanon questions

    Currently planning my next cycle. I was going to go with Test E only, but Sustanon looks interesting.

    I'm 57ish. Mostly ran Test cycles with Mast, some peptides, orals back in the day.

    I read that Sustanon is good for TRT cuz of multiple esters. Simple pinning schedule or easier anyway.

    500mg - 16wks
    125mg - as a TRT dose for a long time if all goes well.

    Haven't purchased yet, but seems Sust 500 would be less oil, but is there more pip with higher concentrate? If I'm going to drop down and try to find a TRT dose, the less pip the better.

    Not really a blast and cruise, but something like that. Another question is I have a single Test E. Could I use that to blast at week 6 or thereabouts?

    Probably some dumb questions, but I've been out of the loops for a little bit and forgot some of the basics. Thanks for any replies.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    You should not put yourself on TRT you definitely need to be seeing a doctor for that. Sustanon has short esters in it so really not the best for TRT.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Thanks Redz.

    It was over a year ago, but I dropped down to 75mg of test and my bloods were good. I stopped for another reason, but thought I could go back to that routine after a 16wk cycle.

    With large and small esters attached, massively large in the case of the Decanoate ester, by design TRT patients can actually get by with one single injection every 2-4 weeks; at least this was the intent. Of course, this presents one slight problem if you go into the two week mark, and that is levels will fluctuate, and that's not a good thing, but for the TRT patient, it's not the end of the world. For solid TRT therapy, one injection every 10-12 days is just about perfect
    That ^ is what I was referring to.

  4. #4
    I'm on TRT also. I run Test Cyp 150mg/wk with one injection per week. If your goal is to pin once every 10-12 days then just run Test Decanoate. The half life is about 21 days to it will be in your system for a long time. The thing about sustenon is that the short esters spike blood levels quickly so the theory is that you don't have to front load in a cycle. But at 150mg/wk TRT dose the amount of short ester is not that much. Taking 150mg/wk of a long ester, over time, is more stable for the blood.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Sustanon 500 is a pretty high concentration and it has some bite to it, but its not that bad. its similar to test Prop. definitely not as smooth as test E.

    I run Test E at 250mg per week as my TRT. I'm blasting right now, so on top of that I'm running 2cc per week of the Sustanon 500 , which is 1000mg, then I'll run test prop EOD at a cc.

    I always have the Test E at 250mg in there as my TRT base. sometimes if my cycle calls for a lower dose of test I'll just double my Test E dosage to say 500.. but as you can see above my current cycle is 1500+mg of test, so I like to add other Test esters to the mix to get there.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Nation's Capital
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    Sustanon 500 is a pretty high concentration and it has some bite to it, but its not that bad. its similar to test Prop. definitely not as smooth as test E.

    I run Test E at 250mg per week as my TRT. I'm blasting right now, so on top of that I'm running 2cc per week of the Sustanon 500 , which is 1000mg, then I'll run test prop EOD at a cc.

    I always have the Test E at 250mg in there as my TRT base. sometimes if my cycle calls for a lower dose of test I'll just double my Test E dosage to say 500.. but as you can see above my current cycle is 1500+mg of test, so I like to add other Test esters to the mix to get there.
    A gram and a half of test ... that's beastly

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by GuanacoJuicer View Post
    A gram and a half of test ... that's beastly
    I've been running low dose test cycles for quite awhile. eg., 250mg test with 750 eq, 600 nandrolone . think probably last 7 or 8 cycles were lower dose test with higher dose anabolic . so I felt my body was ready to go high dose test again. just changing things up

  8. #8
    I find sust to carry too many sides. Bloat was the issue for me. If your patient,the test e will provide a better overall experience at 500mg. Anastrozol works wonders for sides.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Thanks for the replies. Learned a lot. Not going to go with Sust, but Test C.

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