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Thread: How does this look?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2018

    How does this look?

    1-12 wk testo C 125mg (0.5 ml) E4D

    1-8wk Mix (Trenbolone Base 25 mg/ml, Testosterone Base 50 mg/ml, Stanozolol Base 25 mg/ml) 0.5 ml pre-workout

    2-6wk T3 1 ED

    12-14wk Test P 100mg EOD

    anastrazole 0.5mg E2D

    5-14 wk HCG 500EU E7D

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Also... I have anavar but this is my first cycle. I've been on TRT for a while. My levels are 130ish ng/dl normally. Would you add the anavar or run test only and the pre workout mix to get started?

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Luttrj View Post
    Also... I have anavar but this is my first cycle. I've been on TRT for a while. My levels are 130ish ng/dl normally. Would you add the anavar or run test only and the pre workout mix to get started?
    If this is your first cycle I wouldnt mess with Tren base. Just up your test c to 500-750mg and watch your estrogen. Maybe start adex at 0.5mg with every shot.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Yes sir, 1st cycle.
    What about the anavar?

  5. #5
    What's your goals and stats?

  6. #6
    Follow the cycle plan from this post and you'll be golden.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Destination Peaksville
    Wtf bro... That's a weird cycle you're making this far more complicated than it needs to be. That "cut blend" is a waste of time I would just sell it to some tool at the gym. Buy more Test, preferably Test E (3 bottles) and do 2 shots a week for 15 weeks. Eat clean, train hard, and grow b*tch! lol

    I'm assuming since you wanna run T3 you're bf is quite high. I'm not opposed to T3, even for a noob cause the sh*t works really well...for me it does anyway. Get your bf down to at least 15-16% before running gear. If you take 50mcg T3 ed and do 20-30 mins of cardio ed and eat clean you'll drop bf very f*ckin quickly. You can be running your first cycle in no time.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMindz View Post
    Wtf bro... That's a weird cycle you're making this far more complicated than it needs to be. That "cut blend" is a waste of time I would just sell it to some tool at the gym. Buy more Test, preferably Test E (3 bottles) and do 2 shots a week for 15 weeks. Eat clean, train hard, and grow b*tch! lol

    I'm assuming since you wanna run T3 you're bf is quite high. I'm not opposed to T3, even for a noob cause the sh*t works really well...for me it does anyway. Get your bf down to at least 15-16% before running gear. If you take 50mcg T3 ed and do 20-30 mins of cardio ed and eat clean you'll drop bf very f*ckin quickly. You can be running your first cycle in no time.
    Thanks man. I appreciate your positive info. I run cyp only because I have it for TRT. I run 130ish ng/dl naturally. I can get eth or prop but cyp is just what I have.

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