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Thread: Do you take armidex first day of injection for test prop dbol cycle?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Do you take armidex first day of injection for test prop dbol cycle?

    im on day 2 now and dont feel like i should take an ai just yet should i start or hold off a bit on using it?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2017
    Hey jamal- this has been a rather contested topic the last couple wks. There is a view on both sides, and reasons for both. It is really dependant on you. What are you running and what dosages?

  3. #3
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    May 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Dannyboy51577 View Post
    Hey jamal- this has been a rather contested topic the last couple wks. There is a view on both sides, and reasons for both. It is really dependant on you. What are you running and what dosages?
    150mg prop eod and dbol 50mg taper method so I will do 50 weeks 1-4, 30mg, 6-8 and 10mg 8-10, this was recommended to me by gear headed and it sounds very nice

  4. #4
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    for guys that do not already know what their limit is as far as how high they can run their Test without needing an AI, and for guys that are going to be running Dbol, which converts to a very potent more bio available form of Estrogen. I recommend running an AI at a very moderate dose from the start of this cycle.

    ^. this may sound like its against what I've advised on other threads. BUT again it is all person and compound dependent. thats why I recommend beginning your first cycle and second cycle with test and get blood work and find out what your personal limit is.

    Jamal is starting with a high dose of test with dbol. he will need some amount of AI , I don't even need to see his blood work to know this cause I know exactly what Test Prop and Dbol do at moderate dosages.

    Just do NOT over do your AI. Start with .25mg of Adex 3x per week. if growth is your number one goal on this cycle then having E on the higher end is going to be beneficial. its just Dbol's E is very potent.
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 02-17-2018 at 04:44 PM.

  5. #5
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    have a SERM like Nolvadex on hand as well

  6. #6
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    Ok so im gonna give you my .02 from a similar sitiation. Im on wk 4 of first prop cycle at 150 eod. Now there will be differing opinions, but the thing i will stress more than anything, is you have to do what works for you. The results, effects, adjustments, aides, etc are very unique to a person and person dependent.

    Having said that, the protocol suggested in stickies and from alot of vets, here and other places, suggests starting with an ai from the beginning. The reason for this is that is the safe way to go about it. It is assumed that a majority of new guys will not follow through with necessary bloodwork, and watch how their levels move, and this is on the side of playing it safe so they dont have issues with estrogen running too high. Perfectly safe and sane and would work fine.

    Now me, im not a big fan of adding meds into any protocol until i know whether i need them. ** Big point- I am anal about bloodwork, having data, being able to see exactly what is going on when, where and why, and being able to adjust accordingly. So i did bw at 3 wks, ill do again at 6-7 wks, again at 12 wks, then again when i adjust dose. Now thats overkill for sure, but i have the mentality that i will spend money on bw before i spend on aas.
    So i didnt start an ai when i started. My E2 was good with my first set of bw, and will check again in couple wks and add in if necessary, and adjust each set of bloods.

    If you are going to keep close eye on your bw, levels, etc, I dont see a reason why you have to add an ai off the bat. Unless you start feeling a reason to add it. But if you realistically arent gonna keep up on bw going forward, then it may make sense for you to incorporate it to be on safe side. You wont notice any sort of effects in the first couple days of cycle either way.
    But both sides of the debate will agree, E that is too high or too low is not good. So if you are just gonna ride out the cycle and not get any bloods til the end or in 6 months or a year, then i would say add it in to be safe. If you are going to be responsible about watching your levels and not just going off how you feel, then if you dont experience any sort of esteogen related effects- nipple tenderness, swelling of breasts, crying at hallmark movies - you SHOULD be ok without it starting off. I say should, because believe me, everyone is different. I have no issues so far up to my levels, but a good friend started same time as me, and has E issues immediately on same dosage. Aas WILL effect you differently than the next guy taking the exact same. Be diligent and keep on top of it.

    Thats my 2 cents

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    for guys that do not already know what their limit is as far as how high they can run their Test without needing an AI, and for guys that are going to be running Dbol, which converts to a very potent more bio available form of Estrogen. I recommend running an AI at a very moderate dose from the start of this cycle.

    ^. this may sound like its against what I've advised on other threads. BUT again it is all person and compound dependent. thats why I recommend beginning your first cycle and second cycle with test and get blood work and find out what your personal limit is.

    Jamal is starting with a high dose of test with dbol. he will need some amount of AI , I don't even need to see his blood work to know this cause I know exactly what Test Prop and Dbol do at moderate dosages.

    Just do NOT over do your AI. Start with .25mg of Adex 3x per week. if growth is your number one goal on this cycle then having E on the higher end is going to be beneficial. its just Dbol's E is very potent.
    There ya go- i started typing before i saw you had dbol included. But i really would suggest listening to my advice on bw and being responsible enough to keep up on your own data. You can learn alot about yourself, how ur body responds to things, and what you need to do, or not do, by comparing your bloods over time

  8. #8
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    May 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    have a SERM like Nolvadex on hand as well
    Quote Originally Posted by Dannyboy51577 View Post
    Ok so im gonna give you my .02 from a similar sitiation. Im on wk 4 of first prop cycle at 150 eod. Now there will be differing opinions, but the thing i will stress more than anything, is you have to do what works for you. The results, effects, adjustments, aides, etc are very unique to a person and person dependent.

    Having said that, the protocol suggested in stickies and from alot of vets, here and other places, suggests starting with an ai from the beginning. The reason for this is that is the safe way to go about it. It is assumed that a majority of new guys will not follow through with necessary bloodwork, and watch how their levels move, and this is on the side of playing it safe so they dont have issues with estrogen running too high. Perfectly safe and sane and would work fine.

    Now me, im not a big fan of adding meds into any protocol until i know whether i need them. ** Big point- I am anal about bloodwork, having data, being able to see exactly what is going on when, where and why, and being able to adjust accordingly. So i did bw at 3 wks, ill do again at 6-7 wks, again at 12 wks, then again when i adjust dose. Now thats overkill for sure, but i have the mentality that i will spend money on bw before i spend on aas.
    So i didnt start an ai when i started. My E2 was good with my first set of bw, and will check again in couple wks and add in if necessary, and adjust each set of bloods.

    If you are going to keep close eye on your bw, levels, etc, I dont see a reason why you have to add an ai off the bat. Unless you start feeling a reason to add it. But if you realistically arent gonna keep up on bw going forward, then it may make sense for you to incorporate it to be on safe side. You wont notice any sort of effects in the first couple days of cycle either way.
    But both sides of the debate will agree, E that is too high or too low is not good. So if you are just gonna ride out the cycle and not get any bloods til the end or in 6 months or a year, then i would say add it in to be safe. If you are going to be responsible about watching your levels and not just going off how you feel, then if you dont experience any sort of esteogen related effects- nipple tenderness, swelling of breasts, crying at hallmark movies - you SHOULD be ok without it starting off. I say should, because believe me, everyone is different. I have no issues so far up to my levels, but a good friend started same time as me, and has E issues immediately on same dosage. Aas WILL effect you differently than the next guy taking the exact same. Be diligent and keep on top of it.

    Thats my 2 cents
    I see yeah its different for everyone. But yah dbol has a high estrogen conversion and on my first cycle of test e only I didn't have estrogen issues but I did take an ai eod and it worked well. I guess I'll just start taking ai. 25eod starting tomorrow and evaluate how it's going and I have nolva on hand too Incase what are good signs to know u shud up the ai or gyno is coming signs?
    Last edited by jamal123; 02-17-2018 at 04:57 PM.

  9. #9
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    Also Damn I'm 3 days in and alrdy feeling amazing in gym I'm excited for this cycle

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamal123 View Post
    Also Damn I'm 3 days in and alrdy feeling amazing in gym I'm excited for this cycle
    test prop and dbol kicks in mighty quick brother

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Or can I take.5 armidex every 3 days?

  12. #12
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    Nov 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by jamal123 View Post
    Or can I take.5 armidex every 3 days?
    That's higher than what you started with albeit a little. Do bloods soon and then decide.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by cousinmuscles View Post
    That's higher than what you started with albeit a little. Do bloods soon and then decide.
    Lol okok. 25eod and see what's up soon it is then haha.

  14. #14
    You're 21 and I'm assuming this is your first cycle. Take AI from day 1, it's just safer.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    You're 21 and I'm assuming this is your first cycle. Take AI from day 1, it's just safer.
    I'm not 21 lol 25atm and 2nd cycle but yeah I'm going to do. 25 eod starting today

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