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Thread: Need advice/opinion on my cycle

  1. #1

    Need advice/opinion on my cycle

    Greetings.... I am starting my next cycle in 2 days.

    I would like to opionions/advise about my cycle.
    My bio.....

    42 yo, former athlete, 239 lbs, bf is high 25%, 25 years in the gym.

    This is my second cycle. First was all Cypionate.

    Im going to pin Cypionate 2 x's a week, 1CC of 200 mg.

    Im also taking 60mg of Anavar per week.

    Supplements - protein, arginine, beta alamine, fish oil, vitamine C, multi vitamin, tumeric, lysine

    Liver protection - 2400 mg NAC

    PCT - Nolvedex/Clomid. HCG is set as well

    I weight train 5 days a week, cardio 3 to 4 and steam room 2 times a week.

    Last edited by parkrangerlovell; 02-17-2018 at 09:45 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Destination Peaksville
    Do your thing bro my only thought is since your bf is pretty high you run a much higher risk of sides from the Test aromatizing into Estrogen. A lot of people are going to tell you that you should get your bf down before even starting your cycle which, in fact, would be a smart move. Now since I know with fairly high certainty that you're going to run this cycle regardless because you know the Test will help you burn bf and who are we kidding, we don't wanna do sh*t the long way lol, so my only suggestion is run an AI (although there can be benefits of not running one) I feel that in your case with the high bf you're better off with some Adex maybe .5mg eod which will keep Estrogen at bay and keep bloating down. Bigger guys tend to bloat a lot more than leaner guys precisely due to the extra adipose tissue stored in the fat...

    Oh and ditch the protein powder and buy some extra pounds of chicken lol

  3. #3
    Lol yea im doing the cycle, just wanted input and thoughts.

    Appreciate the info.....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    You’ll probably want an ai at that bodyfat.

    You should run your hcg during cycle not PCT.

    How long are you running the cycle?

    Assuming anavar at 60mg per DAY not week? Either way I think it’s probably a waste at your current fat levels but then you haven’t mentioned a goal.

  5. #5
    My cycle is 12 weeks.

    Yes the Var is 60mg per day week 3 -8

    My goal was to loose BF and tone up

    The only thing that turns me off about the AI, is the high blood lipids.

    Im gping to Cancun in May. Will habe last Pin days before I leave. I do security so i want to look good as well

  6. #6
    Click image for larger version. 

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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    The anavar is no substitute for a caloric deficit and cardio. For me I’d save the var until I was much much leaner and I wouldn’t run it for less than 8 weeks in any event.

    As for an AI I’d be more worried about the potential high aromatisation than shorter term potential lipid issues. Unless you have lipid issues anyway? 0.25mg eod would be a good starting point IMHO

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Use exemestane it has a minimal effect on lipids if any at all.

  9. #9
    Fellas... where can I get these products in a shoet time? I mean, I want to start tommorrow. If i could have the products in a few days and start the AI week 2, would that work?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    You should have planned everything in advance. You can get those ancillaries from online pharmacies but you will have to find one with reviews from people you know else it's a gamble. A few days would be quick for an online shop.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by parkrangerlovell View Post
    The only thing that turns me off about the AI, is the high blood lipids.

    the testosterone is going to have far more impact on your lipids than the AI.

  12. #12

    My source is sending me Aromasin on Thursday. I am going to pin Tuesday, then again Friday. I will begin the AI on Thursday at 25mg per day.

    I want to change my cycle slightly. Cyp week 1 to 12. Var week 3 to 10. Running 3 cc's per week instead of 2.


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    It wouldn't hurt to wait a little and start when it's all there even if you won't die from it

    Looks good 600mg test per week. I personally use 12,5 mg exemestane per day on that dose split in two,AM and PM. You should do blood work to see what dosage puts you within range. As mentioned your higher bodyfat means more estrogen receptors so it's worth getting that in check. I personally feel it works better with frequent dosing. I get a little more acne if I try EOD or worse, I can do fine with ED dosing but like to keep things super stable and take it twice per day . Here's a thread on exemestane hard to crash your estrogen with that but you don't want it too low either.

    For your next cycle I'd recommend pharma grade AI and PCT stuff. Don't want to get unlucky with those when it's too late.

    Post up your diet in the nutrition section and your goals you can get more help that way.
    Last edited by cousinmuscles; 02-18-2018 at 03:44 PM.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    If your going to run the cycle then run an ai. If your food intake is dialed in your lipids should be ok

  15. #15
    Copy..... thanks again for the advice

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