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Thread: Who came up with 12 week cycles?

  1. #1
    AlphaMindz's Avatar
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    Who came up with 12 week cycles?

    Something I see so often which makes absolutely no sense to me is this business about 12 week cycles.... Ok I understand that 12 weeks is 3 months and that is a quarter of a year and we're used to breaking up time periods into popular sections in that way...

    However..... Why would I leave 6 cc's in my 3rd bottle of Test..? Why not just finish that last bottle and call it a 15 week cycle.?

    I think it came from what someone decided is the max time your HPTA should be shut down for to make a full recovery with PCT...but who knows..?

    I can tell you guys that being shut down for 12 weeks or 15 weeks is not going to make a difference to your body.. If you can recover from 12 weeker then surely you can recover from a 15 weeker..

    Final thought - let's stop leaving gear in that 3rd bottle and finish it nice and clean without leaving a half empty bottle of Test.. Plus you can eek out some more gains in that last 3 weeks so IMO it's better practice to finish the last bottle! It's also just bad juicer ethics to leave a half empty bottle of gear layin around lol

  2. #2
    David LoPan's Avatar
    David LoPan is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    IDK who came up with the 3 months but funny how that happens to be how long summer typically is for most people. I personally use the gear I have on hand but good point on using what gear you have on hand. Never like to waste things.
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  3. #3
    gb123's Avatar
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    Does anyone really stick to 12 weeks exactly though, just finish the vial/s.

    I think its more to do with 12 weeks being a good amount of time for most long esters to build up in the system to get the most out of a cycle.

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  4. #4
    AlphaMindz's Avatar
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    I just realized that if you count the time it takes for enanthate or cypionate to build up in our system then a 15 week cycle is actually only 12 weeks of being "on."

  5. #5
    AlphaMindz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gb123 View Post
    Does anyone really stick to 12 weeks exactly though, just finish the vial/s.

    I think its more to do with 12 weeks being a good amount of time for most long esters to build up in the system to get the most out of a cycle.

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    Yes. Many people do hence why I posted this thread lol.

  6. #6
    paul_ is offline New Member
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    maybe because it's the balanced choice between having a 8 week cycle which for enanthate or cypionate would be too short or 16 week cycle which may hold a higher risk/benefit ratio. therefore the 12 week might be the sweet spot. actually I will research this further it is intresting question
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  7. #7
    cousinmuscles's Avatar
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    Saturation. Documented both my cycles with cyp and enanthate and both times the strength gains started in week 5.5-6 and started tapering down in week 11-12. I am a slow metabolizer and it's obvious it takes longer for me to break down the ester or metabolize test whichever path it is it takes to the point it reaches the right receptors and the magic begins. In my first cycle I tried doing it much longer but it was a waste of time and gear.

    BUT! everyone doesn't have the same kick in time. Some get max gains between week 3-8 (for long esters!) others 4-10 et.c.

    Optimal for the HPTA would be short ester cycles. In and out, get all the gains you can until your receptors are saturated, then quickly PCT. That would be better for bloods too, less time on.

    Actually my next cycle plan is short esters with bases frontloaded. If only a set amount of growth can be had from a cycle... why not get as many growth opportunities per timeframe. Waiting for the ester to kick in, waiting for it to clear, waiting for your body to recover and bloods show same baseline... Minimize this and lessen the health impact (bloods) and you can fit in more growth per year while still taking health precautions like bloods/blood pressure.

    A vet named marcus300 here has an excellent thread with an advanced technique which gave me these ideas, I'll try and implement many elements from that myself.
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  8. #8
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Just to add another perspective here. A lot of more advanced guys who 'blast and cruise' or are on most the year do not generally run set 12 week cycles. Rotating compounds is more common. With certain times of down regulation to re-sensitize and get blood work back in range (take 6 or so weeks off 1-2 times per year). there will be phases of very high dosages, moderate dosages, and low 'cruise' dosages. during these phases different compounds are rotated in and out. example, 6 weeks on Tren ace, drop the tren add in Ment for 6 weeks, then drop Ment add in NPP for 8 weeks.. and that may coincide with 10 weeks mast, drop the mast add in 6 weeks winny.

    basically you'll go based on what your body can handle. eventually the growing stops and things really start to slow down and you can't just keep pushing. you down regulate and you take some time off. de-load. then push again. or maybe your doing a mini cut for 5 weeks. compounds are constantly being rotated in and out based on the results one is getting, goals, how the body feels, and a host of other factors.. this goes on for months and years. again, no 'set' 12 week cycles. you give your body breaks when it needs breaks, and there is no pre determined time factor for this.

    another more old school approach is 8 weeks on 6 weeks low dose 8 weeks on 6 weeks low dose.. repeat for however many years it takes to reach your goals. every 8 week blast phase may be introducing new compounds or rotating compounds in and out..

    just saying there are a lot of different approaches that are actually being taken out there then your standard 12 week cycle you see online.

    I don't think I've personally completed a planned 12 week cycle in 6 or more years.. Things are always changing and adapting for me as my body changes and adapts. I use compounds I need and decide to use and sometimes thats on the fly in the middle of my cycle (and again I don't really do set "cycles" )
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  9. #9
    RoidJuice is offline New Member
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    I personally don't have the patience to wait weeks for my cycle to kick in. I front load my cycles with an entire vial of test cyp the first week. 1.7grams of pure testosterone after the Ester has been cleaved and metabolised. Then I drop it to a gram (4cc's per week) for the remaining 19 wks.

    I've tried using suspension to front load, but not a huge fan of pinning it multiple times per day to keep the blood levels somewhat stable. I'm more comfortable pinning a large quantity over very frequent.

    I'm also a big fan of kick starting using methyltrienolone , only about 1-2mg a day for the first 3wks, and tren suspension pre-workout for the first 3 weeks while my tren enanthate takes its sweet time building to an effective blood concentration level to become effective.
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  10. #10
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    RoidJuice, imo, your going to be way better off front loading and Pinning Test Prop ALONG WITH your Test cyp. example, run your test cyp at 1000mg a week and pin Test Prop at the same time at 100-150 EOD for the first 4-5 weeks. This will get your blood levels up way quicker then simply trying to pin one large Bolus dose of Test cyp.

    you can do the same thing with Nandrolone . Run say 500mg of deca , but at the same time run 150mg EOD of NPP for the first 5 weeks.

    you can do the same thing with Masteron E and Masteron P. Same thing with Primo. or same thing with EQ. etc

    thats a much more efficient and effective way to front load from my experience. doing it with one large bolus dose of only one compound or trying to run suspensions does not work near as well.

  11. #11
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    The 12wk cycle is a good duration for a healthy male to make gains and recover through PCT. The 12wk is not set in stone but there is a lot of empirical experience based on the 12 week cycle. There are all sorts of "cycles" depending on the goals and compounds that are cycled. In the book "Faust's Gold: Inside The East German Doping Machine", it covers the different cycles run by East German athletes during the 70's. They ran low dose 1-2 week cycles with 1-2 week breaks. They timed the cycle so they can be on their break during the doping tests. Very interesting regiment. I've learned over time what my body can handle in terms of cycle duration and compound dosage. Everyone who cycles for a long time will figure this out. However, there are a LOT of young and new BB who will cycle and a 12wk cycle is a good baseline from which to gauge their gains and side effects.
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