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Thread: Deca dick?

  1. #1
    Eduke93's Avatar
    Eduke93 is offline Senior Member
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    Deca dick?

    Sup guys

    Currently running 100mg tren a EOD, 100mg NPP EOD and 150mg Test E EOD.

    Can get hard, but it drops after 5 mins and its super hard to finish.

    Just started caber, hopefully this will help. Do you think its worth upping the test?


  2. #2
    Join Date
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    That happens when the prolactin level's a little high. Prolactin's the stuff that makes you lose your erection after climax. You're fighting post climax prolactin levels while you're trying to get ready. You need to run caber from the start of your cycle. Upping the Test doesn't control prolactin.
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  3. #3
    Eduke93's Avatar
    Eduke93 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    That happens when the prolactin level's a little high. Prolactin's the stuff that makes you lose your erection after climax. You're fighting post climax prolactin levels while you're trying to get ready. You need to run caber from the start of your cycle. Upping the Test doesn't control prolactin.

    Thanks mate, reason i didn't take it from the beginning is i have ran high doses of both tren /deca without issues, but seems thats not the case this time round!

  4. #4
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    I ran Test and just about every compound for almost 10 years before I ran a Tren cycle. My first 2 cycles went really well. Then on my 3rd cycle I noticed that I'm losing my hair and I experienced anorgasmia. I love Tren but I'm afraid of the sides because it seem unpredictable.

  5. #5
    Eduke93's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    I ran Test and just about every compound for almost 10 years before I ran a Tren cycle. My first 2 cycles went really well. Then on my 3rd cycle I noticed that I'm losing my hair and I experienced anorgasmia. I love Tren but I'm afraid of the sides because it seem unpredictable.
    Shit man, how did you get past the anorgasmia? In all honesty after this Tren run I’m going to stay clear from it for a while!!

  6. #6
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    I had to just wait and not cycle anything for almost 9 months. It took a while for my body to recover. I wouldn't medicate you way out of anorgasmia. Just adding more "stuff" into your body may not be the solution. I chose to just let my body rest and recover. Your body is an AMAZING organism. It has AMAZING recuperative powers. Give it time, give it good food and rest, and you will recover.
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  7. #7
    AlphaMindz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eduke93 View Post
    Sup guys

    Currently running 100mg tren a EOD, 100mg NPP EOD and 150mg Test E EOD.

    Can get hard, but it drops after 5 mins and its super hard to finish.

    Just started caber, hopefully this will help. Do you think its worth upping the test?

    Are you running an AI?

  8. #8
    AlphaMindz's Avatar
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    I've personally never had to run caber or prami or any of that weird shit lol. It's not good to put these weird ass drugs into your body IMO. Less is more and with Adex I can keep estrogen in check which keeps my prolactin in check too. That's what I would suggest cause my dick works great with zero complaints and I'm running 450mg/wk Tren .

  9. #9
    Obs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eduke93 View Post
    Sup guys

    Currently running 100mg tren a EOD, 100mg NPP EOD and 150mg Test E EOD.

    Can get hard, but it drops after 5 mins and its super hard to finish.

    Just started caber, hopefully this will help. Do you think its worth upping the test?

    Test is fine. I run caber for a couple weeks and drop it when I get issues. Issues seem to subside for me and stay that way. Too much talk of caber causing depression and odd mental states for me to stay on it for an extended duration.

    Feller on another board was swearing it made him make out with dudes... But he is Austrailian and also talked about bringing chicks home to cuddle...

    I am kinda scared of too much caber. Kinda leery of Australians now too.

  10. #10
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    I dont know about it being the caber that caused him to make out with dudes, but ill keep a lookput for aussies on caber either way.

    I am using prami at a very low dose with my deca . Have a close friend that had severe issues with depression on caber while running tren . After seeing that first hand, i figure i would take my chances with the prami sides, and been lucky so far, cross my fingers
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  11. #11
    David LoPan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eduke93 View Post
    Shit man, how did you get past the anorgasmia? In all honesty after this Tren run I’m going to stay clear from it for a while!!
    When it happens to me I just try to get her off as much as I can. I also can't take Cialis when it happens due to it makes it worse. I can say that after a few times the girl wants to work harder to get you off. Then I drop my dose some and run Prami for a few days and it helps along with no porn, pics and a few days of no sex while the Primi hits. I also cut down on any stimulants like ECA or other RX meds.
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  12. #12
    shaunjohn242002's Avatar
    shaunjohn242002 is offline Associate Member
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    If I’m correct test is at 450? I would look at estrogen levels jacking up the prolactin. Blood work or it’s all one big guess bro.

  13. #13
    Eduke93's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMindz View Post
    I've personally never had to run caber or prami or any of that weird shit lol. It's not good to put these weird ass drugs into your body IMO. Less is more and with Adex I can keep estrogen in check which keeps my prolactin in check too. That's what I would suggest cause my dick works great with zero complaints and I'm running 450mg/wk Tren.
    Yeah man i am running .25 Adex EOD, nips are fine although when i squeeze them i do lactate slightly, feeling a tad better after using a bit of caber will run for a while and see how it goes. my frank and beans seems to be going strong again lol

    Its weird though because ive ran tren as high as 800mg per week and have been fine.. but this time it has hit me, maybe because im running npp and tren together.

  14. #14
    Eduke93's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    Test is fine. I run caber for a couple weeks and drop it when I get issues. Issues seem to subside for me and stay that way. Too much talk of caber causing depression and odd mental states for me to stay on it for an extended duration.

    Feller on another board was swearing it made him make out with dudes... But he is Austrailian and also talked about bringing chicks home to cuddle...

    I am kinda scared of too much caber. Kinda leery of Australians now too.
    lol.. this guy is clearly making up excuses and blaming caber for his fantasies! Am running caber now, feel a bit better, and it hasn't given me any gay fantasies... will keep it up for a couple of weeks and see how it goes otherwise ill get some blood, but prolactin is a little high for sure as im lactating slightly.

  15. #15
    clarky. is offline MONITOR
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    Defo sounds like prolactin, blood work of course. Remember prolactin follows E2, so keep E2 under control and you sould be ok.
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  16. #16
    shaunjohn242002's Avatar
    shaunjohn242002 is offline Associate Member
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    Glad you’re feeling better, definitely get estrogen checked out too

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