Hello all, I am about to start my second official cycle. My first cycle was about a year ago where I just ran some Test E. I did not do as much research as I should have done and didn’t really run a PCT after.
This time around I have performed lots of research from this board and others and was hoping to get some opinions from more experienced users on my plan.
First off, I am 6 ft 180 pounds and have worked out on and off for years. Still going to wait a few more months of grinding it out in the gym, but I would like to have a more solid plan going into this cycle.
I will be getting blood work done via privatemdlabs before, during, and after this cycle. My first question is how many of you have used privatemd and what test did you guys go with? I’m looking at the Hormone Panel for Females which can also be changed to male. It test the following (Estradiol, serum,Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH), Luteinizing Hormone (LH),Testosterone, Serum (Total Only), Complete Blood Count (CBC) and
Comprehensive Metabolic Profile (CMP). Would this be enough for my pre, during, and post cycle tests?
As for my cycle I plan on running
Week 1-12 Test E 250mg every 3.5 days
Week 1-12 HCG 250iu every 3.5 days
Week 1-4 Dbol 30 mg
Week 1-14 Arimidex .25mg every other day
For my PCT 2 weeks after my last test shot
Clomid 75/50/50/50
Nolvadex 40/20/20/20
What would be recommended for some type of liver aid? I’ve heard some say Aromasin at 12.5mg a day then others say N2Guard at 7 capsules a day.
So far that’s my plan, still doing some research and completing it. Will take all suggestions. Thank you guys 😀