This is sort of a counterpart to another thread I started recently, where I requested feedback on a diet plan for an anavar-only cycle. I know it'll depend largely on how I feel during the cycle, but I'm just wondering if anyone thinks that I'll be able to push myself harder/longer while on the gear.
This is the program I've been using for a while:
Monday (workout A)-
Squat- 3 sets, 8-10 reps
Bench- 3 sets, 8-10 reps
Seated row- 3 sets, 8-10 reps
Triceps cable pushdown- 1 set, 10-12 reps
Wednesday (workout B)-
Deadlift- 3 sets, 6-8 reps
Lat pulldown- 3 sets, 8-10 reps
Seated overhead press- 3 sets, 8-10 reps
Cable curl- 1 set, 10-12 reps
(repeat of workout A)
(following Monday repeats workout B, and so on with the ABA - BAB pattern)
I know that short, intense workouts with basic movements are generally best for natural lifters, but do you guys think I can increase the load somehow to get better, faster gains while running anavar (which I've heard boosts your strength and energy)?