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Thread: **Cycle Help** : Test-500mg/ml Blend & Tren Ace stack

  1. #1

    **Cycle Help** : Test-500mg/ml Blend & Tren Ace stack

    Hey everyone, first and foremost I wanted to thank anyone who responds to this, any and all help is always appreciated. I am a new member here and do not wish to offend anyone. I read the rules and I hope I have the right thread for this post. I have done all the research I could on my own and have come to no real conclusion to start my cycle. I have my gear on hand and have been tryin to start for about a month just not willing without exact game plan for this cycle. PLEASE HELP!

    Age: 25
    Cycles & gear used: 5 (dbol, test prop, test ace, winny, T3, var, usual PCT AIs)
    Weight: 140
    BF%: last checked around 11-13%
    Current diet coming off clean 1200 to 1500 Cals consisting of plant protein and clean meats like fish and chic.

    Gear for this Cycle:
    Tren Ace 150mg/ml
    Test-500 500mg/ml

    Test Blend consists of 5 esters
    Cypionate 150mg
    Decanoate 150mg
    Phenylpropionate 100mg
    Propionate 75mg
    Suspension 25mg

    My thoughts: (Please make any corrections and comments)

    First and foremost I already know I have my hands full with this Test Blend. I’m expecting pain, as those are a lot of compounds in one pin. I was expecting to receive a test prop but instead got the Blend. I have no clue as to the dosage because of the ester lengths and half lives. All sources say to keep it at E3D to once a week. Sounds right but the factor of what dosage to keep blood levels and everything else stable is what I need help with. My next question is stacking with Tren, as toriginally this cycle was supposed to be Tren test stack, would this blend stack well with my Tren.

    This is my first Tren Ace cycle.
    Thinking about 75mgs ED. Although I heard EOD was fine as well. I choose ED to keep levels stable and keep sides down.

    My main issue is figuring out when to pin, as what days would work best in terms on the Blend and Tren, over using injection sites is my concern. The next is dosage of both since I’ve never ran a Blend this high or Tren.

    I was thinking about running the test and Tren for 12 weeks.

    Weeks 1-3
    Test Blend

    Weeks 3-12

    Thanks for all advice and comments guys

  2. #2
    Eod seems fine imo, 500mg per ml is going to cause pretty bad pip most likely.

    It all comes down to having enough injections sites and every day may end up being too much before old sites recover.

    Last time i did a blend at 500/ml nearly made me quit the cycle because the pip was crazy, hope you have better luck.

    Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by iflexxdaily View Post
    Current diet coming off clean 1200 to 1500 Cals consisting of plant protein and clean meats like fish and chic.
    1200 cals per day ? heck 1200 cals for me is just one meal . you don't need Tren, you need food. Tren by itself will burn through 1200 cals, your not going to be able to grow and put on muscle with that little amount of food.

    put the Tren away and save it for your 5 or 6th cycle. its NOT for new users.

    As for the test 500 blend. NOT a good choice for a first cycle . your going to get horrible PIP. plus its dosed way too high for a first cycle. you'd only need 1cc per week .

  4. #4
    Definitely agree with the pip, although I have experienced some pip in previous cycles I know I’m in for it on this one. Injection sites as I posted above was one of my main concern. Thank you for the support

    I completely agree with you and understand the draw back and concern. This would be my 6th cycle. I was concerned as well with high dosage on the Test Blend coupled with the Tren. As for the diet and intake, that was a 2 month run of clean eating to prep me for a cut. Going into this cycle my caloric intake was going to be boosted to 2500 to 3000. You are very correct on the one meal. I was maintaining a 23 hour fast with one hour of clean eating with supplements aiding in nutritients and vitamins that were missed due to one meal intake. Sorry for not making that clear In he beginning. Thank you for the input.

    With this being said, what if I ran the Test Blend alone with proper PCT AIs after cycle such as Nolv, clomid. I don’t generally get bad sides if ever after cycle so I use it just to maintain safety. Better safe than sorry.

    Would you still run that at 1cc/weekly?

  5. #5
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    sorry I was under the impression that this was your first cycle. if this is your 6th, by all means Tren ahead brother.

    whats your goal for this cycle? if you want to add on some size and muscle mass then I say Pin that test 500 at 1cc every 3rd day. and Tren at 100mg EOD.
    up your cals big time, as Tren will burn through calories. the 1000mg of test is going to cause quite a bit of aromatization, but elevated estrogen is what you want if your going to try to bulk and add some size with the Tren (if your gyno prone then just run nolva at 10mg per day). if your estrogen sensitive or prolactin sensitive then run a very 'small' dose of an AI , but do not over do it or you wont grow that well on Tren.

    if your goal is to stay dry hard and lean.. then run the Tren at a higher dose, like 500mg, and your test lower (less then 1cc per week .. which means maybe 1/4 cc injections 3 x per week)

  6. #6
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    I'm guessing the whole reason you would have purchased the test 500 was because you planned on running a super high dose of test , 1000+ per week.
    I just got done doing a blast of 1500-2000mg of test per week myself and used sustanon 500 , it definitely helped cut down in the volume of oil I had to inject

    edit- Neve mind. just seen they sent you the blend instead of prop
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 03-04-2018 at 03:53 PM.

  7. #7
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    6 cycles and you only weigh 140lbs? Im barely any taller than you and i was 165lbs before i cycled anything. What you need is FOOD!

  8. #8
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    Your stats are not in line with your cycle history unless you lost/didn't gain anything from them. My honest opinion is start eating at least twice as many calories. Start training hard and get a solid base. Ditch the AAS for the time being... you might want to get a full blood panel and see if your HPTA is still functional after using AAS before your brain has fully developed.

    Regarding the test blend, it's pointless. It will take longer for it to reach stable peak levels due to the decanoate. It will also take longer for it to clear thus making you wait even longer until PCT. You will have lower amounts of the decanoate ester circulating, which will negate the effects of PCT drugs. Until the decanoate ester clears, you will spend more time in a low test state which is certainly not good for keeping gains. Stick to one ester.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by iflexxdaily View Post
    GB: As for the diet and intake, that was a 2 month run of clean eating to prep me for a cut. Going into this cycle my caloric intake was going to be boosted to 2500 to 3000. You are very correct on the one meal. I was maintaining a 23 hour fast with one hour of clean eating with supplements aiding in nutritients and vitamins that were missed due to one meal intake.
    so you only weigh 140 pounds, yet your eating 1200 cals a day , fasting for 23 hours, and 'prepping for a cut' !!?? doesn't make sense why on earth you would be trying to lose weight when you need to gain 40 pounds.

  10. #10
    Thank for the advice, I completely agree with you and what Gearheaded has stated about raising my calorie intake for this cycle and was definitely something that was planned. Would you say 2500 to 3000 would be sufficient to maintain a hard, lean, dry look?

    I’m sorry for the confusion brother, my goal for this run is to maintain a dry, hard, lean physique as I worked hard for several months sticking to restricted diet soley to prep for this particular cycle as my goal was to be as low in BF as possible to make those muscles pop and separate more due to the Tren. So In hopes to maintain that dry look would you still run the tren EOD at 500mgs, and the Test Blend at 3x a week (let’s say Monday, thurs, Saturday ? ) at a 1/4cc?

    Also would you run the two together from the start side by side or run the test first for the first couple weeks then add in the tren or would that make no difference?

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by iflexxdaily View Post
    Thank for the advice, I completely agree with you and what Gearheaded has stated about raising my calorie intake for this cycle and was definitely something that was planned. Would you say 2500 to 3000 would be sufficient to maintain a hard, lean, dry look?

    I’m sorry for the confusion brother, my goal for this run is to maintain a dry, hard, lean physique as I worked hard for several months sticking to restricted diet soley to prep for this particular cycle as my goal was to be as low in BF as possible to make those muscles pop and separate more due to the Tren. So In hopes to maintain that dry look would you still run the tren EOD at 500mgs, and the Test Blend at 3x a week (let’s say Monday, thurs, Saturday ? ) at a 1/4cc?

    Also would you run the two together from the start side by side or run the test first for the first couple weeks then add in the tren or would that make no difference?
    IF your happy with your current size and mass , and you don't wish to put on more size and simply want to maintain a dry hard look. Then this is how I would run what you have.

    150mg of Tren EOD. . when you pin the Tren add 1/4 , or just under 1/4cc of your test 500.
    thats it.
    if you want to stay dry as you can, then I'd run a small dose of an AI with this starting in week 3 or 4. probably only .25mg of adex 3x per week.

    Personally though if I were in your shoes, I'd be wanting to add size (and yes you can stay lean in the process) and would thus run those compounds much differently then what I state above.. but hey , to each their own, we all have different goals and ways we want our physique to look.

    keep in mind that while on Tren, IF you want to keep the muscles appearing full and hard, your going to need to up your Carbs

    having said all that , I don't really see a point in running a cycle just to maintain a certain look for awhile

  12. #12
    I know I can’t name other forums or threads I came to this forum for this exact reason. Your guys advice is sensible and goal oriented not just based on random facts that’s are thrown out on random threads. I was basing my cycle and plan on advice that was given to me on another forum and had to leave because not only did the dosage seem unreal and unsafe but that advice I was getting was coming from other new posters such as myself. I respect everything you have told me and am taking it to heart. If you strongly believe that I can maintain dryness and leanness by still increasing caloric intake and increasing the amount of Gear I pin I will definitely consider changing my cycle plan as this is the exact reason I joined this forum. More importantly I want longevity when it comes to my results sticking as much and as long as possible.

    GearHeaded thank you for being so patient and informative and dealing with my questions. Have you run this type of cycle to gain mass and what did you do or what would you do considering this Test Blend?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by iflexxdaily View Post
    GearHeaded thank you for being so patient and informative and dealing with my questions. Have you run this type of cycle to gain mass and what did you do or what would you do considering this Test Blend?
    happy to help brother.

    yes of course I've ran this type of cycle . I pinned AAS for the first time at age 17, I'm now 40 and have been on gear for the last 7 years straight. I've got every cycle you can think of under my belt I've got dozens of cycles I've designed for clients under by belt as well.. this is my full time job (coaching, training, and running my gym). There are times I may be running 12 different compounds at once. but theres a rhyme and a reason to it all, things are synergistically put together to work together. SO yeah just saying that, as a Tren and Test cycle is very elementary to me (but I'm here to help guys with even the most basic of cycles)

    cycles I've used myself or designed for clients to gain mass are generally much more complicated and advanced then just running two compounds like Test and Tren. of course if your just starting off and not advanced yet, then keeping it simple with just two compounds is absolutely fine.
    For most guys to grow and 'mass' while running Tren its going to require high dosage of Test to get more aromatization and more estrogen (to help with growth) and preferably stacked with a bulking compound like Dbol or Adrol. There are a few gifted guys that can run Tren solo and grow off of it , but most need other factors. Tren however is great for cutting, show prep, and getting dry and hard.

    as for the test 500 blend. thats generally best for guys that blast and cruise and who plan on blasting with high dosages of Test , 1 gram + . Otherwise you generally don't have much use for it for a standard cycle. BUT , being thats what you got, then it can sure it can be used. Like I said, I'd simply add 1/4cc to each Tren injection you do and thats it.

    As far as diet goes and maintaining that dry lean look -- thats going to depend on your macros, food timing, your insulin sensitivity, and how well you partition nutrients. I can go over all that with you if you want to post your proposed diet in the diet section.
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 03-04-2018 at 05:32 PM.

  14. #14
    Would we be able to continue this over a private DM brotha?

  15. #15
    Agree with the others you need to definately up your calories, no point doing this much gear imo if you just want to maintain and get leaner, there are much easier, cheaper and better ways of doing that.

    Seems like a waste, you have a good opportunity to gain some serious mass on this cycle if your food and training are where they should be, but we all have different goals i suppose.

    Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk

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