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Thread: My graphs on Google Sheets (Nebido, Sustanon)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2018

    Cool My graphs on Google Sheets (Nebido, Sustanon)

    For the last few days I've been making graphs and charts on Google Sheets doing stuff like combining Nebido and Sustanon on different dosing schedules. I'll post a link to the sheet for everyone when I've got it finished and I know it's all working. It looks really good so far.

    I've been making graphs comparing Sustanon with plain ol' Testosterone Enanthate , reason being that a beginner's first AAS cycle is typically either Sustanon 250mg e3d for 12 weeks, or Test E 250mg e3d for 12 weeks.

    The whole marketing strategy behind Suatanon is that the four combined esters (pro,phenyl,isocap,deca ) give you a more steady release of free testosterone (i.e. less dips and spikes).

    My graphs show that this isn't the case with Sustanon. The shorter esters don't help smoothen the release of free testosterone. In fact, to get the most stable release of free testosterone as possible, use the longest ester and inject as frequently as possible. So for example, if you inject Testosterone Undecanoate (aka Nebido) in caster oil EOD then you will have a very very very steady T level in your blood.

    The problem with the longer esters (decanoate and undecanoate) though is that it takes quite a few injections before your blood level rises to the level where you want it. For example if you inject 250mg Nebido once per week, it will take months before the concentration slowly climbs in your blood.

    So then I looked at using shorter esters simply just "kickstart" the longer esters. So for example, I made graphs for dosing schedules like this:

    Test E: 250mg e3d just for the first month
    Nebido: 250mg e7d continuously

    My graphs showed something interesting here too. Using a shorter ester to "kickstart" doesn't work either. Sustanon wasn't any help here either.

    If you want to kickstart Nebido in order to raise your blood level as quickly as possible, then the best way to do it is simply to take a triple shot on your first day, like so:

    Nebido: One shot of 750mg, then 250mg e7d

    It seems that the only good thing about the short esters is that they leave your system quicker just in case:
    (i) You need to pass a doping test
    (ii) You need to come off cycle abruptly for any reason (e.g. gyno, cholesterol).

    I'll post graphs and stuff in this thread in the next few days.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2017
    Would be nice to see a detailed chart with info all right in front of my face, lookong forward to checking it out
    Xelent likes this.

  3. #3
    kronik420's Avatar
    kronik420 is offline Anabolic Member
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    lol banned..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2017
    Ha! So much for that idea

  5. #5
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    I see your banned now but just incase your reading this don't mess around with your own protocol with nebido, do as prescribed with the booster and enjoy the ride. It does take time but once it starts to build up you will never look back and your T levels will be in the higher end IN TIME.

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