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Thread: Tren ace subQ - extremely(!) effective for fat loss

  1. #1
    fiddlesticks's Avatar
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    Tren ace subQ - extremely(!) effective for fat loss

    Just want to have a quick discussion here about tren subq vs IM.

    I've never really noticed anything at all special about tren when I was using it IM but lately I've been trying subQ out of curiosity and the results have been nothing short of unbelievable. At least for FAT LOSS, this is working extremely well, I'm pinning only 10mg of tren ace at a time into my stubborn area (love handle area) and this fat which I could never remove before regardless of what I did is shifting.

    Clearly tren has an unbeatable localized fat loss effect, the androgen receptors in the subq fat react very very dramatically to tren... test subq didn't do anything like this at all, even at higher doses. I really don't believe there could be such a massive difference in the absorption rate, but excessive scar tissue buildup probably doesn't help IM injections. Not only was the fat loss effect very noticeable but I did notice aggression and a very overactive CNS including nightmares which definitely is how people describe the drug, these negatives were FAR outweighed by the positive for me though. The urge to add in ephedrine or caffeine is tempting since it would speed the fat loss up much more but also agitate the hell out of the CNS more.

    As a final note there is very slight pain after the injection but it's not nearly as bad as other injectables especially if you are using such a low dose of 10-20mg.

  2. #2
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    There is no localized effect period. You are likely just losing weight from other factors.
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  3. #3
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    I've never seen localized fat loss before, BUT, if it works for you keep going.

  4. #4
    fiddlesticks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    I've never seen localized fat loss before, BUT, if it works for you keep going.
    I wouldn't call it localized fat loss but more like prioritized fat loss in the sense that it comes off much more readily during a deficit than otherwise. It works extremely well for me especially around the stubborn area.

    Not to mention even at the modest dose I am using its keeping my metabolism high during a pretty strong energy deficit.
    Last edited by fiddlesticks; 03-08-2018 at 10:00 AM.

  5. #5
    fiddlesticks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    There is no localized effect period. You are likely just losing weight from other factors.
    I'm in a large energy deficit but compared to normal dieting or even using IM the fat loss around the tough areas is very appearent since normally those areas literally don't even budge until a certain point. It makes sense that a very high concentration of tren in the fat would cause some sort of effect seeing how low the natural androgen activity in fat is compared to injecting it with even 5-10mg of tren. Also, I am NOT using any stimulants right now either which are typically said to have localized fat loss effects.

    This is definitely the best way at least for me to use tren. My body is changing on a daily basis, my strength has gone up comically in just a few weeks and I've barely used 300? Mg in total, no orals, no peptides nothing fancy just 150 test enth a week and like 100 tren ace a week subq. I feel way fucking better than I have in. A while after losing a good chunk of shit weight. Fuck yes lol!

  6. #6
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    It’s in your head there is nothing to back up your claims.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    I've never seen localized fat loss before, BUT, if it works for you keep going.
    I haven't ever seen it either. But by all means,, do what works for you.
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  8. #8
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    Ive heard that argument different places before, about tren and winny, but always chalked it up to bro science. Theres no evidence based research one way or the other so i guess who knows, ive been wrong before. But im a bettin man and im not bettin on tren or any of the other major anabolics to have any localized effect.

  9. #9
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    this is a long shot. but the only way I could see even the remotest possibility of localized fat burning effects from Tren is this.. Tren is very androgenic , 5x more so then Test. We know that there are androgen receptors in fat cells and that the binding to these receptors will enhance lipolysis and fatty acid oxidation.
    This is one of the fat burning effects from Tren (as well as CNS stimulation) , but this is normally done by Tren going systemic and throughout the blood stream.
    HOWEVER there is much less blood flow to fatty tissue then a lot of other tissue. Perhaps a localized injection would speed up the process.

    having said that.. I'll continue injected Tren inter muscular in my biceps, chest, and delts

  10. #10
    fiddlesticks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    this is a long shot. but the only way I could see even the remotest possibility of localized fat burning effects from Tren is this.. Tren is very androgenic , 5x more so then Test. We know that there are androgen receptors in fat cells and that the binding to these receptors will enhance lipolysis and fatty acid oxidation.
    This is one of the fat burning effects from Tren (as well as CNS stimulation) , but this is normally done by Tren going systemic and throughout the blood stream.
    HOWEVER there is much less blood flow to fatty tissue then a lot of other tissue. Perhaps a localized injection would speed up the process.

    having said that.. I'll continue injected Tren inter muscular in my biceps, chest, and delts
    The CNS effects for me at least are literally 20 times more noticeable per mg when I inject it into fat, in my opinion this is a downside, just going nuts mentally is annoying. The only time I noticed similar mental effects of tren ace IM was at 200mg at a time, anything less and I did not notice any mental side effects at all.

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