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  1. #1
    suasponte1983 is offline Junior Member
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    Advise on cut right after Bulk

    Little background.
    Came off test+deca cycle. Now cruising on 200mg test for 2 weeks already. Want to wait another 3-4 weeks and blast with testP and tren A.
    Currently 5'10" 228lbs at 16% bf
    Want to come down as close as possible to 10%bf and around 200-205lbs.
    I've ran trenA before at 100mg eod top.
    Had no noticeable sides whatsoever.

    Thinking to do the same.
    100mg test P 100mg trenA eod
    Or 150 tren and 50 test eod.

    What would you run tu cut in 8 weeks and keep as much muscle mass as possible?


  2. #2
    MuscleScience's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by suasponte1983 View Post
    Little background.
    Came off test+deca cycle. Now cruising on 200mg test for 2 weeks already. Want to wait another 3-4 weeks and blast with testP and tren A.
    Currently 5'10" 228lbs at 16% bf
    Want to come down as close as possible to 10%bf and around 200-205lbs.
    I've ran trenA before at 100mg eod top.
    Had no noticeable sides whatsoever.

    Thinking to do the same.
    100mg test P 100mg trenA eod
    Or 150 tren and 50 test eod.

    What would you run tu cut in 8 weeks and keep as much muscle mass as possible?

    The slower you go, the more muscle you will retain from your bulk.
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  3. #3
    suasponte1983 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    The slower you go, the more muscle you will retain from your bulk.
    Makes sense. But still, I'm my case I will be in anabolic state. Which protocol would work better for my goal higher tren on 50/50?

  4. #4
    Austinc54's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by suasponte1983 View Post
    Makes sense. But still, I'm my case I will be in anabolic state. Which protocol would work better for my goal higher tren on 50/50?
    I realize you might already be set on tren acetate but I’ve ran tren e 500 a week and it blew my up o gained a lot of weight (50lbs) 157-204 tren acetate is supposed to be easier to cut with but I ate 4000-6000 calories a day and that’s because of how’s hungry it made me. For cutting I am currently taking anavar 25mg twice a day and same with Winstrol and its working great I’m still gaining weight but my body fat % went from 20 from the tren cycle to 12% and I weigh 198lbs I believe that is the best cutting stack you can take

    I also forgot to mention that I took 4 months off from the tren cycle and went back down to 183 but I’ve gained 15lbs since being on for 2 months

    Ps: you must start a month of test before doing Anavar and Winstrol and it’s a four month cycle overall. And there’s a different Ai you take for tren, anavar, and Winstrol not just aromasin

  5. #5
    suasponte1983 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Austinc54 View Post
    I realize you might already be set on tren acetate but I’ve ran tren e 500 a week and it blew my up o gained a lot of weight (50lbs) 157-204 tren acetate is supposed to be easier to cut with but I ate 4000-6000 calories a day and that’s because of how’s hungry it made me. For cutting I am currently taking anavar 25mg twice a day and same with Winstrol and its working great I’m still gaining weight but my body fat % went from 20 from the tren cycle to 12% and I weigh 198lbs I believe that is the best cutting stack you can take

    I also forgot to mention that I took 4 months off from the tren cycle and went back down to 183 but I’ve gained 15lbs since being on for 2 months

    Ps: you must start a month of test before doing Anavar and Winstrol and it’s a four month cycle overall. And there’s a different Ai you take for tren, anavar, and Winstrol not just aromasin
    I don't like stazonol. Dries my joints and can't lift as heavy anymore. I tried Var before with very little resaults.
    Yes I get hungry on tren specially crave carbs. But can't bulk on it no matter if I'm over my tdee. I'm not prolactin sencetive. Never used DA for any nor 19

    Just trying to figure out what would be the most efficient way.
    I've trained 100/100 tren/test before and I know how it worked.
    I guess I just need to try 150/50 test.
    I was told 50mg test eod would be too low...

  6. #6
    Couchlockd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Austinc54 View Post
    I realize you might already be set on tren acetate but I’ve ran tren e 500 a week and it blew my up o gained a lot of weight (50lbs) 157-204 tren acetate is supposed to be easier to cut with but I ate 4000-6000 calories a day and that’s because of how’s hungry it made me. For cutting I am currently taking anavar 25mg twice a day and same with Winstrol and its working great I’m still gaining weight but my body fat % went from 20 from the tren cycle to 12% and I weigh 198lbs I believe that is the best cutting stack you can take

    I also forgot to mention that I took 4 months off from the tren cycle and went back down to 183 but I’ve gained 15lbs since being on for 2 months

    Ps: you must start a month of test before doing Anavar and Winstrol and it’s a four month cycle overall. And there’s a different Ai you take for tren, anavar, and Winstrol not just aromasin
    When it comes to anavar and Winstrol there is no way I needed because they are DHT compounds and will not aromatize when it comes to Trenbolone yes you need caber but you don't take caber just because you're taking Winstrol or anavar with testosterone you just run your AI as you would based on blood work and just an FYI caber is not an aromatase inhibitor it's for prolactin control and progestin

  7. #7
    Iron Frenchie's Avatar
    Iron Frenchie is offline Junior Member
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    You may want to wait more then 3-4 weeks to blast again. You need to let the receptors desensitize. Otherwise it will be a waste of gear.

  8. #8
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    The best cut cycle I've done is 350mg/wk Test + 300mg/wk Tren + 400mg/wk Masteron + carb rotation diet. You'll lost a lot of fat in 8 weeks. I can go from 12% to 7% in 8 weeks. I do lose some muscle because of the caloric deficit.

  9. #9
    RoxRunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    The best cut cycle I've done is 350mg/wk Test + 300mg/wk Tren + 400mg/wk Masteron + carb rotation diet. You'll lost a lot of fat in 8 weeks. I can go from 12% to 7% in 8 weeks. I do lose some muscle because of the caloric deficit.
    Almost a 50% bf reduction in 8 weeks? That is awesome!

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