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Thread: Winny and Dbol Tabs

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    ATL, ga

    Winny and Dbol Tabs

    Ok I have a few questions....Are these winny tabs any good and should I take all 50mg at once in the morning. Or should I spread the dosages out to two or three times a day? I also have these dbol tabs. Are you suppose to chew the dbol and winny tabs or just swallow them? Thanks

    WINSTROL (Denkall Stanzolic)
    10mg/tab, 200 tabs

    DBOL (BD Thai Pinks)
    5mg/tab, 1000 tab bottle

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Split the dosages up during the day for both. And No u don't have to chew them.
    Your not running these two together at the same time are u?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    ATL, ga
    Quote Originally Posted by MBaraso
    Split the dosages up during the day for both. And No u don't have to chew them.
    Your not running these two together at the same time are u?
    No no no...different cycles man! I am not trying to kill my organs! Are those winny tabs any good? Can someone PM and tell where I can get some 50mg winny tabs please!?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Dustin4489
    Can someone PM and tell where I can get some 50mg winny tabs please!?
    Maybe I'm cranky this morning from not getting enough sleep...but this pisses me off!

    Why would someone risk their ass by giving you a source!? You already PM'd me asking for one...and did I respond? No!! Take the fucking hint!!

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