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Thread: Mid cycle help - not urgent - but much needed

  1. #1
    youngesq is offline New Member
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    Mar 2018

    Mid cycle help - not urgent - but much needed

    I have just completed week for of my first cycle. I have posted the details of the cycle in an earlier thread [but included here below for reference].

    I have two issues:
    • I feel that I am retaining water to I am bringing Adex into the mix to try and combat that – I need some guidance on dosing.
    • I am pretty sure there has been some testicular atrophy – and my libido is low (not that those two things are related.) To combat the atrophy – I am staring the HcG I have at the ready. The challenge -- it is “premixed” in a small bottle, and is 5,000ius in 1 ml of solution – highly concentrated.
    • I am trying to pull out 1/10 of one 1ml to get to 500; but it is next to impossible. Also the compound is sure to start to degrade now that it is has been opened. Should I take the full amount – will get things in order – or is that just a mess.
    • Also I have dropped the proviron because I have added the Adex, and I have read that the two are overkill.
    • Finally, I would love to get the “horniness” side-effect I have read so much about – but it does not seem to be my luck. I have no problem getting an erection, but the orgasm is week, and I am not producing a lot of cum. Interest is low too.
Thanks in advance for any help!!!

    *** my earlier post with edits reflecting the input received on dosing:

    I am 36, 5’7”, 160 lbs. I have worked out consistently for 8-10 years, but not “body building.” My body fat is 13%. My goal is to gain lean mass, and bring the body fat closer to 10%. I would like to see defined muscles, and cut abs. I also would not mind an increase in libido and (not lose my nuts) and an enhanced sense of general well-being would be nice.

    This is what I have planned –

    1-12 Testoviron Depot 500 (pin 250 2x per week)

    1-4 proviron 100 mg ed.

    Anastrozole – on hand, just in case. -- NOW NEED TO ADD



    3 weeks following final pin:
    Nova; Clomid [all on hand, dosage TBD – seeking input]
    Last edited by youngesq; 03-18-2018 at 09:52 AM.

  2. #2
    Couchlockd's Avatar
    Couchlockd is offline Senior Member
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    aka m.hornbuckle
    if you buy 30iu insulin syringes should have no prob.

    or just dilute it with bacteriostatic water to bring it to 5ml total. then .25 no or 25 units is 250iu of hcg .

    if your libido is low, an haven't been running an ai, that may be the issue, but I'm,not going to assume and tell you one way or the other. people get crucified here over AI discussion.

    proviron and adex will not overlap each other in effect. they are not even close to the same drug.
    Octaneforce likes this.

  3. #3
    youngesq is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by m.hornbuckle View Post
    if you buy 30iu insulin syringes should have no prob.

    or just dilute it with bacteriostatic water to bring it to 5ml total. then .25 no or 25 units is 250iu of hcg .

    if your libido is low, an haven't been running an ai, that may be the issue, but I'm,not going to assume and tell you one way or the other. people get crucified here over AI discussion.

    proviron and adex will not overlap each other in effect. they are not even close to the same drug.
    Thank you -- I was running proviron as a sub for an AI -- bringing adex, which is an AI on, i thought i should attempt to keep things simple.

    How do you dose the Adex, I have read many many recommendations? I was thinking .5 ed/ or .5 eod....

    Do you have any recommendations for the ideal dose of HcG to get the balls back and plump?

  4. #4
    Couchlockd's Avatar
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    aka m.hornbuckle
    Quote Originally Posted by youngesq View Post
    Thank you -- I was running proviron as a sub for an AI -- bringing adex, which is an AI on, i thought i should attempt to keep things simple.

    How do you dose the Adex, I have read many many recommendations? I was thinking .5 ed/ or .5 eod....

    Do you have any recommendations for the ideal dose of HcG to get the balls back and plump?
    hcg is ideal at around 250-350 iu 2x weekly.

    adex starting point is around .25mg eod to e3.5d.

    your mileage will vary with adex.

    I can't see a need for .5 mg ed or eve, eod on 500 mg of test weekly

    only way to be 100% positive is bloodwork.

  5. #5
    cousinmuscles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by youngesq View Post
    I have just completed week for of my first cycle. I have posted the details of the cycle in an earlier thread [but included here below for reference].

    I have two issues:
    • I feel that I am retaining water to I am bringing Adex into the mix to try and combat that – I need some guidance on dosing.
    • I am pretty sure there has been some testicular atrophy – and my libido is low (not that those two things are related.) To combat the atrophy – I am staring the HcG I have at the ready. The challenge -- it is “premixed” in a small bottle, and is 5,000ius in 1 ml of solution – highly concentrated.
    • I am trying to pull out 1/10 of one 1ml to get to 500; but it is next to impossible. Also the compound is sure to start to degrade now that it is has been opened. Should I take the full amount – will get things in order – or is that just a mess.
    • Also I have dropped the proviron because I have added the Adex, and I have read that the two are overkill.
    • Finally, I would love to get the “horniness” side-effect I have read so much about – but it does not seem to be my luck. I have no problem getting an erection, but the orgasm is week, and I am not producing a lot of cum. Interest is low too.
Thanks in advance for any help!!!

    *** my earlier post with edits reflecting the input received on dosing:

    I am 36, 5’7”, 160 lbs. I have worked out consistently for 8-10 years, but not “body building.” My body fat is 13%. My goal is to gain lean mass, and bring the body fat closer to 10%. I would like to see defined muscles, and cut abs. I also would not mind an increase in libido and (not lose my nuts) and an enhanced sense of general well-being would be nice.

    This is what I have planned –

    1-12 Testoviron Depot 500 (pin 250 2x per week)

    1-4 proviron 100 mg ed.

    Anastrozole – on hand, just in case. -- NOW NEED TO ADD



    3 weeks following final pin:
    Nova; Clomid [all on hand, dosage TBD – seeking input]

    You'd have been better off starting with a low dose arimidex from the start, I did that mistake myself in my first cycle only to notice just as you that sides start creeping up, on top of that I measured my BP since I have an omron machine at home only to notice that my blood pressure trickled up day by day once the testosterone kicked in... Just follow the guidelines in the sticky next time. You should do blood work (sensitive E2 test) to see where your estrogen lands at a particular test and AI dose and adjust thereafter (make sure you've been taking the AI consistently for a while first).

    To put things in perspective, testosterone converts to estrogen by aromatase enzymes. A man (normally) produces 5-10mg pure testosterone per day. That is usually enough test to keep estrogen in range. 500mg testosterone enanthate is approx 350mg pure testosterone, so if thats your weekly dose the daily is 50mg pure testosterone. What do you think that will do in terms of conversion? Consider yourself lucky you don't have a pair of tits by now

    Run the HCG from start next time too. Why let your testicles shrink only to try and get them back to size (and functional so that your PCT will actually work...) when you can maintain testicular function without interruptions?

    Regarding PCT go 2 weeks post last injection, check the stickies for dosages, use both clomid and nolva they will compete for the same receptors and have a compound effect greater than what each can produce.
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  6. #6
    charger69's Avatar
    charger69 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    You must use bac water and not the saline solution that comes with the HCG .
    The saline solution is for one time use.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by youngesq View Post
    I have just completed week for of my first cycle. I have posted the details of the cycle in an earlier thread [but included here below for reference].

    I have two issues:
    • I feel that I am retaining water to I am bringing Adex into the mix to try and combat that – I need some guidance on dosing.
    • I am pretty sure there has been some testicular atrophy – and my libido is low (not that those two things are related.) To combat the atrophy – I am staring the HcG I have at the ready. The challenge -- it is “premixed” in a small bottle, and is 5,000ius in 1 ml of solution – highly concentrated.
    • I am trying to pull out 1/10 of one 1ml to get to 500; but it is next to impossible. Also the compound is sure to start to degrade now that it is has been opened. Should I take the full amount – will get things in order – or is that just a mess.
    • Also I have dropped the proviron because I have added the Adex, and I have read that the two are overkill.
    • Finally, I would love to get the “horniness” side-effect I have read so much about – but it does not seem to be my luck. I have no problem getting an erection, but the orgasm is week, and I am not producing a lot of cum. Interest is low too.
Thanks in advance for any help!!!

    *** my earlier post with edits reflecting the input received on dosing:

    I am 36, 5’7”, 160 lbs. I have worked out consistently for 8-10 years, but not “body building.” My body fat is 13%. My goal is to gain lean mass, and bring the body fat closer to 10%. I would like to see defined muscles, and cut abs. I also would not mind an increase in libido and (not lose my nuts) and an enhanced sense of general well-being would be nice.

    This is what I have planned –

    1-12 Testoviron Depot 500 (pin 250 2x per week)

    1-4 proviron 100 mg ed.

    Anastrozole – on hand, just in case. -- NOW NEED TO ADD



    3 weeks following final pin:
    Nova; Clomid [all on hand, dosage TBD – seeking input]
    Just add an additional 1ml to the HCG and each 10 ticks on the 1cc insulin syringe will be 250iu's.

  8. #8
    youngesq is offline New Member
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    An update - and another question. The HCG has been beneficial with testicular size (normal) -- and it also seems to have help with hardening up -- or fat loss... but who knows if it is that or the test. Also the adex has seemed really help with water.

    The question: I think I am still getting benefits here -- I am wondering about the pros and cons to taking this to 16 weeks?

    Any advice is appreciated.

  9. #9
    Octaneforce's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by youngesq View Post
    An update - and another question. The HCG has been beneficial with testicular size (normal) -- and it also seems to have help with hardening up -- or fat loss... but who knows if it is that or the test. Also the adex has seemed really help with water.

    The question: I think I am still getting benefits here -- I am wondering about the pros and cons to taking this to 16 weeks?

    Any advice is appreciated.
    If you keep gaining and the sides dont creep up on you, then sure you could do 16 weeks. But thats only if its still working. No sense in putting your body through the stress for another few weeks of dismal gains. The most i ever pushed a long ester was 13.5 weeks, and by then things were definitely calming down gains wise.

  10. #10
    youngesq is offline New Member
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    I understand the difference between long/short ester -- but why would that impact the length of a cycle -- other than with a short ester you may go just a couple of weeks longer to have same effective length...?

  11. #11
    cousinmuscles's Avatar
    cousinmuscles is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by youngesq View Post
    I understand the difference between long/short ester -- but why would that impact the length of a cycle -- other than with a short ester you may go just a couple of weeks longer to have same effective length...?
    You don't gain indefinitely, your body becomes saturated to the compound. If it kicks in quicker, it will do it's magic and finish.
    Octaneforce likes this.

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