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With your Deca being dosed at 50mg/ml. In order for you to inject 300mg a week you are going to be injecting 6ml a week at just the Deca and I'm not sure what your Test is dosed at and how many injections for you to get your 500mg/ per week of that. That's alot of injecting/amp cutting and most don't recommend injecting more than 2 ml at a time. You have 48 amps of Deca, that's 8 weeks worth. Definitely not enough for you to run a good Deca cycle. I applaud your efforts for trying to get Pharma grade Deca, but you are going to get tired of being a pincushion and spend alot of $$$ on fresh needles. Vials of Deca run 250mg to 300 mg/ ml, some higher and comes 10ml per vial. So to equal 1ml of a vial of even UGL, you need atleast 5 amps, so you are spending $4.50, and a ton of time cutting and drawing from the amps. You can get the vials of Deca cheaper than $45.00 and only draw once.