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Thread: Nandrolone dose

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2017

    Nandrolone dose

    Hi Guys, after reading all reply in my previous post, I have dropped plan for "deca tren test dbol" cycle, and now planning for deca and test cycle.

    Question is:
    It was almost impossible to find 200mg/ml from reputated manufacturers (I never buy it from trainer or black market). 100mg/ml is available from oreganon msd, but it's 7$ for 100mg., While I found another brand which cost 90¢ for 50mg. So I bought 48 amps.

    Now as it is 50mg/ml, should I take 150mg/3ml at once with 250mg/ml test twice a week? I am planning to run both for 12 weeks. Is it true that I have to stop deca before test? Have no experience with deca at all.

    2nd Question: Is my Nandrolone genuine?

    As all injections comes mixed with benzyl alcohol, but my deca won't, please have look and let me know.

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2017
    As far as legit, i have to let one of the others chime in. Looms good but not an expert on that.

    Not sure if this is your first cycle- if so, maybe give a bit of thought to runnin a test only run your first time. If its not your first, or you are gonna run the deca either way then,

    Compared to some, its a mild manageable combo. Its what im runnin now and probably my favorite. You will wanna keep ypur estrogen in check, and have a plan for prolactin related sides.

    I would say to run your test at least 2 wks longer than deca, and depending on cycle length, you can always run test only longer than that of you choose, after deca is stopped.

    Im not sure on your stats, or what you want to gain from the deca, so i would say make sure you know what you are going to get from it and it matches your expectations. Alot of guys start something with one intention only to find out, what the compound was designed for doesnt match their goal.

    Now your 48 amps @ 50mg, only gives you 2400mg. If you are planning on runnin deca 12 wks, i wouldnt suggest less, than you dont have enough to run 300mg/wk. So you would need another 24 amps to run 12 wks at 300/wk.

    300/wk is a fairly mild and manageable dosage, but again, it all depends on your stats, goals, and expectations.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Test alone is best for a first cycle. That deca is terribly weak you are going to have to do a lot of injections.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Just for future reference, ORGANON makes 100mg, 1ml amps that are available over the counter here so if you could get what you have, ask for that next time.

  5. #5
    With DECA I have always felt like 2mg per pound of bodyweight is a good rule of thumb
    For a 200lb man he would need at least 400mg week for best results.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    Today I have third shot of my test and deca. I took a taste test of deca, 1 drop on tounge, and it taste like just an oil will mild bitter taste, then after few seconds, taste changed to extremely mild menthol taste(no cooling, only burning like feeling), and after a min, there was no taste in my mouth except a burnt tounge(something like you feel after eating hot food). I also put a drop of olive oil to check if it also taste same, but olive oil is very loose on tounge with no taste and effects.

    So does it mean my deca is legit? I haven't found any change in body after last two shots, does it takes time?

    The only thing which make me feel suspecious is irregular shape of ampoule top and printed date and batch no on box and sticker of ampoule (I never saw any medicines with printed date and batch number. It supposed to be marked with ink separately)
    Last edited by pksc; 04-17-2018 at 02:47 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Deca takes a LONG time to show itself so do not expect anything until week 4-6, at least that is my personal experience.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2017
    Cant tell ya from taste, i dont use mine for taste tests. But like tarmyg said, you have some time before you start to really see anything, i usually start seeing some results about wk 6 or so except when i front load.
    I cant tell from your post, how much are you dosing per week?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Dannyboy51577 View Post
    Cant tell ya from taste, i dont use mine for taste tests. But like tarmyg said, you have some time before you start to really see anything, i usually start seeing some results about wk 6 or so except when i front load.
    I cant tell from your post, how much are you dosing per week?
    300mg deca, 500mg test

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  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    Night City
    Quote Originally Posted by pksc View Post
    300mg deca, 500mg test

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    With your Deca being dosed at 50mg/ml. In order for you to inject 300mg a week you are going to be injecting 6ml a week at just the Deca and I'm not sure what your Test is dosed at and how many injections for you to get your 500mg/ per week of that. That's alot of injecting/amp cutting and most don't recommend injecting more than 2 ml at a time. You have 48 amps of Deca, that's 8 weeks worth. Definitely not enough for you to run a good Deca cycle. I applaud your efforts for trying to get Pharma grade Deca, but you are going to get tired of being a pincushion and spend alot of $$$ on fresh needles. Vials of Deca run 250mg to 300 mg/ ml, some higher and comes 10ml per vial. So to equal 1ml of a vial of even UGL, you need atleast 5 amps, so you are spending $4.50, and a ton of time cutting and drawing from the amps. You can get the vials of Deca cheaper than $45.00 and only draw once.

  11. #11
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    Jun 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by fit_deskjocky View Post
    With your Deca being dosed at 50mg/ml. In order for you to inject 300mg a week you are going to be injecting 6ml a week at just the Deca and I'm not sure what your Test is dosed at and how many injections for you to get your 500mg/ per week of that. That's alot of injecting/amp cutting and most don't recommend injecting more than 2 ml at a time. You have 48 amps of Deca, that's 8 weeks worth. Definitely not enough for you to run a good Deca cycle. I applaud your efforts for trying to get Pharma grade Deca, but you are going to get tired of being a pincushion and spend alot of $$$ on fresh needles. Vials of Deca run 250mg to 300 mg/ ml, some higher and comes 10ml per vial. So to equal 1ml of a vial of even UGL, you need atleast 5 amps, so you are spending $4.50, and a ton of time cutting and drawing from the amps. You can get the vials of Deca cheaper than $45.00 and only draw once.
    I use sustanon 250(1ml/amp) along with deca. I have to inject 4 ml of gear in total twice a week. I usually use 2 syringe to push all oil in(1 for left thigh and another for right). So in total I am giving 2ml shot on each thigh twice a week, I do mix 0.5ml sustanon with 1.5ml deca. Positive side of this this is, it totally eliminate pip coz of low concentration dose. I have really very bad experience with test only cycle, I used to give sust 250 shots twice a week on first cycle, and because of high concentration pip was always on top for weeks.

    Yes, I did miscalculation and ended up with low supplies, will buy more soon.

    I am planning to run 10 weeks deca, 12 weeks test.

    For syringes, no worry. They are hell cheap here, you can get 14 syringes for 1$

    For vet and UGL, they are never an option for me. No one knows the authenticity, sources, content, lifespan and so on. Who knows what's inside the vial. It's not about bunk gears, it all about grades and standards. They are mostly contaminated and they have/do not follow medical standards. And really I can't take health/life risk for few bucks. Here, I can get fake prescription for 5-10$ to get pharma grade gears

    Btw please refer to post #6, as I have other questions to restart this thread.

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  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    your search for pharm grade gear is the way to go for quality and safety I agree but don't go making blanket statements about how all ugl's are shit because there are some very good ugl's that have the highest of quality and standards but the problem is is that you cant find them on public boards that you can find with a simple google search...there are some privet ugl's out there that are phenomenal because they love what they do and have a great base of customers to keep them busy and most of all safe...that's why they have been around about as long as the internet...just saying have an open mind...

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Please dont do deca if its your first cycle. Believe me you will gain just as much on a first cycle from test only.

    Deca is too slow, it only kicks in by 8th week. Its not a beginners compound, traces of it will stay in you system for over a year, if you are sensitive to it you will need TRT as is very supressive. IMO guys doing PCT should only do test and some oral. ** rant over **

    Nandrolone is quite a cheap powder for ugl producers, seems a waste of $$$ to me to use pharma dosed at 50mg/ml.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2017
    Hate to say it, but i think you are maybe 0 for 4 on this cycle. I dont like to tell people what to do, i firmly believe that any person has the right to put whatever they choose into their body.

    Having said that, you couldnt figure out how much gear you needed, are injecting alot of quantity and volume for no reason, running multiple compounds first cycle, are gonna run a deca cycle 10 wks which is almost a total waste of the compound and at a dosage that is low end to begin with.

    I just dont think there was enough though put into this. And it will most likely end up with you not reaching the goals you are setting. I have never heard of a taste test for deca. Maybe there is one, but i dont know of one. You said you got pharm grade deca, so why would you even be questioning the authenticity?

    Theres alot here that doesnt add up to good results, sorry

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd View Post
    your search for pharm grade gear is the way to go for quality and safety I agree but don't go making blanket statements about how all ugl's are shit because there are some very good ugl's that have the highest of quality and standards but the problem is is that you cant find them on public boards that you can find with a simple google search...there are some privet ugl's out there that are phenomenal because they love what they do and have a great base of customers to keep them busy and most of all safe...that's why they have been around about as long as the internet...just saying have an open mind...
    Hands down the weakest gear I have ever ran was pharma grade.
    Top ugl's overdose to get customers. It costs an extra nickel a vial to give that extra kick that makes people praise them.

    I was super leery ordering from one ugl in particular and their gear stomped the piss out of my pharma.

    Pharma grade is good to know exactly how much ypu are dosing for trt but on blast it is a waste imo.

    Still searching for pharma tren.

    Lol! So I agree brother

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