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Thread: Dbol/Sustanon Stack - Critiques appreciated

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

    Question Dbol/Sustanon Stack - Critiques appreciated

    Hi peeps,
    I've just started a week on Sust & Dbol, heres how i'm taking it:
    Wk 1: 2ml Sust/week + 30mg Dbol daily
    Wk 2: 2ml Sust " + 40mg Dbol "
    Wk 3: 2ml Sust " + 50mg Dbol "
    Wk 4: 2ml Sust " + 40mg Dbol "
    Wk 5: 2ml Sust " + 30mg Dbol "

    I'm pretty sure i'm not doing it right after reading several articles.

    I'm into my second week as of today and left with 6ml Sust & substantial qty of Dbol.

    Could anyone kindly give their 2 cents worth on how should i use the remaining to maximise my gains?

  2. #2
    Not sure what articles you've been reading.

    If you want to maximize your gains, get more gear. 6 cc's of Sus isn't going to get you anywhere. Some of the esters will be starting to kick in when you're finished with your supply.

    As for the d-bol, no need to pyramid it. Keep it at a constant level (30 or 40 mg's a day).

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by KeyMastur
    Some of the esters will be starting to kick in when you're finished with your supply.
    Thanks for your advise on dbol, could you elaborate on the abovementioned?

    Say if i were to get more sustanon how much more do i need and how should i stack it?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2003
    sus is a mixture of short acting esters and long acting esters. The long acting ones will take quite a bit of time to kick in, like test enanthate for example. The problem with sus, is to make the short esters worthwhile, you need to inject it every other day. So if you are injecting eod, you will run out of gear faster than you anticipated, and if you quit the gear, the long esters will not have kicked in. So, like KeyMastur said, if you plan on continuing sus, you need more gear.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Thanks, FrkyBgStok. Wouldn't have understood what those professional terms from articles hadn't you explained.

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