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Thread: Please Help: Sustanon Fallout...Winny worse?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2003

    Please Help: Sustanon Fallout...Winny worse?

    I have two shots left of my 8 week Sustanon cylce, and started to notice about a week ago that everytime I ran my fingers through my hair, that about 4 or 5 hairs would end up on my hand. I was planning on running Winny eod for 5 weeks during my cutting phase, but this hair falling out is freaking me out. I can't shave my head b/c I'm in sales and changing my appearance like that wouldn't please my boss. If I'm losing hair from the Sust., is there a good chance that the Winny would make it worse? And if I were to take the Winny, and lose more hair, how long does it take before it starts growing back? Thanks guys.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    If you're prone to hairloss...winny will make you lose more hair than S250. will never grow back. It's permanent!!

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