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Thread: Test Cyp only cycle for weight cut (looking to lean out) ?

  1. #1
    anthony1777 is offline New Member
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    Test Cyp only cycle for weight cut (looking to lean out) ?

    Hello everyone, here's my current situation.

    I'm 5'10, I usually sit around 190-200lbs. In the past to "shred" up, ive done some var/clen cycles, which produced some great results. I got very lean and side effects were basically non existent (sometimes headaches with clen but nothing a Advil couldn't fix if I REALLY needed it).

    My diet is relatively on point, what I mean by that is, ill be 500+ calories under maintenance for 6 days out of the week, and I'd dedicate 1 day out of the week for a cheat day. Im aware that this sets me back a little, but I dont over-do it, and it allows it me to be consistent over long periods of time. Part of the reason this works for me is that I get a crap ton of cardio in throughout the week.

    I lift 3x a week, but I also train BJJ 5-6x a week (amazing cardio that incorporates entire body).

    Unfortunately I got injured and had to have surgery on my hand so I was out of commission for a few months, so im looking to cycle before the summer again. Instead of reverting to my usual var/clen routine, a few of my buddies have been pushing for me to run a Test-C only cycle instead (500 a week for 12 weeks).

    I was hoping you guys would be able to share your opinion and provide some feedback on the type of results I'd get with Test-C only vs var/clen.

    Thank you for your time.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Var is a very weak steroid and the cycle is short. Test cyp over 12 weeks will give you a lot more gain. You will retain more water than a var/clen cycle but you will also be stronger and more muscular. It depends on what you want. If you want a lean/tight look I'd go with the var/clen. If you want a more muscular look go with the Test cyp. You also need to run an AI and PCT with the Test cycle.

  3. #3
    anthony1777 is offline New Member
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    Im aware of the other necessities to be taken with the cycle, im just looking at this more high level at the moment.

    Now, what do you mean lean/tight vs muscular, doesnt being lean make you look more muscular (sorry if what youre saying isnt clear to me) ?

  4. #4
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    When I ran a var cycle I gained 5lbs. When I ran my first Test cycle I gain 25lbs and looked hard. 25lbs made me look a lot more muscular than 5lbs. Yes, being lean brings out the muscles but it doesn't fill the sleeve of a T-shirt with your biceps.
    hollowedzeus likes this.

  5. #5
    anthony1777 is offline New Member
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    Was your diet the same? Im looking to run in a caloric deficit regardless of the steroid .

  6. #6
    shadowdragon is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    When I ran a var cycle I gained 5lbs. When I ran my first Test cycle I gain 25lbs and looked hard. 25lbs made me look a lot more muscular than 5lbs. Yes, being lean brings out the muscles but it doesn't fill the sleeve of a T-shirt with your biceps.
    If you don't mind me hijacking a little bit, how much T did you use? any tips on gaining more strength/recomping for a strength sport with weight classes vs. just strait up mass?

    I came to understand you won't gain that much weight on Test....and if you do good chance most of it won't be muscle?
    Last edited by shadowdragon; 03-27-2018 at 09:01 PM.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by anthony1777 View Post
    Was your diet the same? Im looking to run in a caloric deficit regardless of the steroid.
    I ate more when I was on the Test cycle. The Test increase the ability to recover from heavy workouts and I was just hungry from burning the extra calories. If you run a caloric deficit like in a carb cycle diet, you will lose fat and a little muscle.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by shadowdragon View Post
    If you don't mind me hijacking a little bit, how much T did you use? I ran 500mg/wk of Test E.

    any tips on gaining more strength/recomping for a strength sport with weight classes vs. just strait up mass? I found that Test/Mast combination got me strong. A Test/Mast/Tren combination allowed me to do a seated overhead barbell press of 245lbs and bench pressed 1RM of 425lbs. Remember I'm an old dude.

    I came to understand you won't gain that much weight on Test....and if you do good chance most of it won't be muscle?
    Who told you that you don't gain muscle on Test? They must've been taking bunk gear. Test is awesome at gaining weight and increasing strength. It increases protein synthesis and you will gain muscle faster. The increased nitrogen uptake into the muscles helps to volumize the muscle and increase hypertrophy. There are other benefits of Test that helps to increase lean muscle mass, decrease fat, and increase strength.

  9. #9
    shadowdragon is offline Junior Member
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    No, I meant you don't gain 20+ lbs of if you gain 20 only 5-8 or so is muscle and the rest is water/etc.....

    And the strength increase is good, but I'd like to stay at/around 220 for my powerlifting weight class

  10. #10
    Eduke93's Avatar
    Eduke93 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by anthony1777 View Post
    Hello everyone, here's my current situation.

    I'm 5'10, I usually sit around 190-200lbs. In the past to "shred" up, ive done some var/clen cycles, which produced some great results. I got very lean and side effects were basically non existent (sometimes headaches with clen but nothing a Advil couldn't fix if I REALLY needed it).

    My diet is relatively on point, what I mean by that is, ill be 500+ calories under maintenance for 6 days out of the week, and I'd dedicate 1 day out of the week for a cheat day. Im aware that this sets me back a little, but I dont over-do it, and it allows it me to be consistent over long periods of time. Part of the reason this works for me is that I get a crap ton of cardio in throughout the week.

    I lift 3x a week, but I also train BJJ 5-6x a week (amazing cardio that incorporates entire body).

    Unfortunately I got injured and had to have surgery on my hand so I was out of commission for a few months, so im looking to cycle before the summer again. Instead of reverting to my usual var/clen routine, a few of my buddies have been pushing for me to run a Test-C only cycle instead (500 a week for 12 weeks).

    I was hoping you guys would be able to share your opinion and provide some feedback on the type of results I'd get with Test-C only vs var/clen.

    Thank you for your time.
    Test cyp will help for sure, but in all honesty i dont think it warrants using cyp just to cut... Sounds like your active, i would remove the cheat day, these should be used later down the road as a "tool"... as oppose to just satisfy your taste pleasure.

    Steer away from the cyp, stay active, 500 calorie deficit is a good place to start.. play it week by week and adjust as you need.. listen to your body... no need to introduce drugs at this point.

    save the cyp for a bulk.

  11. #11
    anthony1777 is offline New Member
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    Hmm, sounds reasonable. What about running some GW-501516 ?

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by shadowdragon View Post
    No, I meant you don't gain 20+ lbs of if you gain 20 only 5-8 or so is muscle and the rest is water/etc.....

    And the strength increase is good, but I'd like to stay at/around 220 for my powerlifting weight class
    I see what you're saying. You have to remember the muscles are mostly water. Whey you PCT you're going to lose some water, which equated to size. The goal is to make sure your diet is such that you're going to keep as much size (muscle) as possible after PCT.

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