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Thread: Short & frequent test cycle

  1. #1
    XXXXXXXXXX's Avatar
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    Short & frequent test cycle

    2 MONTHS 250mgs p/w , 2 MONTHS OFF(3 weeks pct(clomid 50,50,50*nolva40,40,40 , 1 month and a week clean)- Repeat
    Would i be able to recover without HCG and repeat.. and would tribulus have an effect 2 weeks prior PCT as a compensation for hcg, i know it doesnt have the same effect obv

    What are your thoughts ?
    My stats are 22, 6'3 250lb,around 15% training for 7 years natural
    This plan wouldnt make any crazy gains but in the long term would keep me training harder ,stronger ligaments and tendons since test levels are physiologically higher most times and would be a little bigger than my natural limit

  2. #2
    cousinmuscles's Avatar
    cousinmuscles is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Whatever ideas you have now may seem good but once you do one cycle you'll learn lots of things that will change what your perfect cycle plan looks like.

    You are a young your brain is still developing, why not spend a little more time training and studying and wait until you're around 25.

    The more cycles you do the more you damage your HPTA. Your cycle plan is not really going to give you any significant gains at 250mg per week but will shut you down just as hard. Yoyoing up and down with cycles and PCTs will be rough on your system. You aren't even allowing your HPTA to recover properly with your timing. You'll end up with minimal gains and over time your ability to produce test naturally gets screwed esp with so short in-between cycles... You'll be losing what you gain after every cycle.

  3. #3
    cousinmuscles's Avatar
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    Tribulus is not even comparable to HCG . HCG maintains testicular function. When you are shut down due to AAS the testes stop working and eventually atrophy. When you try to PCT later on they won't work as well and will need time to get back to "full production speed" so to speak. HCG keeps them working so that they don't even atrophy.

  4. #4
    Eduke93's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gjoney_b View Post
    2 MONTHS 250mgs p/w , 2 MONTHS OFF(3 weeks pct(clomid 50,50,50*nolva40,40,40 , 1 month and a week clean)- Repeat
    Would i be able to recover without HCG and repeat.. and would tribulus have an effect 2 weeks prior PCT as a compensation for hcg, i know it doesnt have the same effect obv

    What are your thoughts ?
    My stats are 22, 6'3 250lb,around 15% training for 7 years natural
    This plan wouldnt make any crazy gains but in the long term would keep me training harder ,stronger ligaments and tendons since test levels are physiologically higher most times and would be a little bigger than my natural limit
    Time on = Time off including PCT is the general rule.

    With regards to the long term keeping you training harder, short bursts of low testosterone isn't going to assist with this.. In all honesty i dont think it would make a difference at all, the consistent ups and downs you'll be putting your body through running that protocol will most likely give you more negatives than positives. You're 22, trained natty for 7 years. Do another 2 years natty then follow the first cycle thread on this forum and plan out your cycle properly.

    You look good in your pic man, another 2 years... gain a few more kilos, drop some BF.. You may not even want to go down this road..

  5. #5
    XXXXXXXXXX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cousinmuscles View Post
    Whatever ideas you have now may seem good but once you do one cycle you'll learn lots of things that will change what your perfect cycle plan looks like.

    You are a young your brain is still developing, why not spend a little more time training and studying and wait until you're around 25.

    The more cycles you do the more you damage your HPTA. Your cycle plan is not really going to give you any significant gains at 250mg per week but will shut you down just as hard. Yoyoing up and down with cycles and PCTs will be rough on your system. You aren't even allowing your HPTA to recover properly with your timing. You'll end up with minimal gains and over time your ability to produce test naturally gets screwed esp with so short in-between cycles... You'll be losing what you gain after every cycle.
    Quote Originally Posted by Eduke93 View Post
    Time on = Time off including PCT is the general rule.

    With regards to the long term keeping you training harder, short bursts of low testosterone isn't going to assist with this.. In all honesty i dont think it would make a difference at all, the consistent ups and downs you'll be putting your body through running that protocol will most likely give you more negatives than positives. You're 22, trained natty for 7 years. Do another 2 years natty then follow the first cycle thread on this forum and plan out your cycle properly.

    You look good in your pic man, another 2 years... gain a few more kilos, drop some BF.. You may not even want to go down this road..
    Thank you both, appreciate it.

  6. #6
    Lemonada8's Avatar
    Lemonada8 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Not a good idea... u need to have more time off to allow ur HPTA to fully recover from the total shutdown that happens during a cycle. If u dont, u risk permanent damage to the HPTA axis and possibility to never fully recover, esp with ur young age.

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