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Thread: itchy??

  1. #1


    Hey guys I have a similar problem,

    I took a shot of Cytahoh SUST 250mg about a week ago in the delt area. The next day I could not lift my arm hardly. I was in Pain, the area was red and warm to the touch, seemed swollen. I got a little nervouse being that it was the first time I took a shot. I bloew it off. Its been about 5 days and the swelling has gone down and redness has also gone away but the area feels alittle ichty i dont see any bumps or anything what soever. Has anyone exp this? Thanks


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    I can't explain your situation but your fine and I would not worry about it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    I think its in your mind bro. From the description of your injection from insertion time to now, it sounds like everything is in check.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    New York City
    everything is in check, just that he cries like sissy girl...nextime shoot yourself homo thug! LMAO this is my student every1

  5. #5
    HAHA thanks guys I think it is in ym head, I felt like my chest was itchy....LOL ILL post my cycle and stats one I get it from my teach VINNY CUZ...Thanks for the help guys...


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    I have no idea...but I can help's my theory on the itching.

    The itching you are feeling is because your muscles are growing. When you grow your skin has to shed to grow and by itching you scratch the dead skin cells away leaving the newly created ones. Or something to that effect. If you have ever gained lots of wait you will know what I'm talking about.

    Thought I take your mind off the injection itching and place it onto growing itching. Anytime you now's a good thing...unless it's from that hooker you piped in Tijuana!!

  7. #7
    Thanks Money Boss Hustla....Since last night i been pretty good no itching, :-D

    BTW you guys can check this thread:

    You can check the cycle vinnycuz and I will be on.

    Thanks Guys


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